What PC games are you playing?

Wow... I can't play that many games concurrently and enjoy them all; think I'd lose track of what's going on in each one

Normally I have 1 big story-heavy or very time consuming game on the go, plus whatever various online games when friends are online to play them with and a few little Indie titles

Currently that's Skyrim, Injustice:Gods Among Us and Fez with a little Hearthstone :)
I have a problem where I play about 8 at once. So-

Halo 2
Saints Row 2
Crysis 2
Crysis 3
Mafia II
Enslaved Odyssey to the West
Last of Us
Alice: Madness returns...
I can sort of understand playing multiple games at once (I sometimes have 2 on the go so I don't get burned out on either), but playing 2 games from the same series? You crazy fool.

As for what I'm playing atm, currently going through Rogue Legacy.
Still have a bit of a gaming funk going on.. but I picked up Diablo 3 + RoS pretty cheap so maybe that'll lift me out of it

Running a regular character to unlock stuff and get used to the gameplay before I start messing about with hardcore
Not Finished:

Metro: Last Light
Bioshock 1 (Been long overdue to complete the whole series)
Hitman Absolution
The Witcher Enhanced Edition
Dragon Age: Origins
Divine Divinity

Working on 100% Achievements

Tomb Raider
Far Cry 3
Metro 2033
Portal 2
Dirt 3

So quite a few at the moment, trying to get series completed such as Divinity, Dragon Age & Witcher as they're long over due and the next games look amazing.
I really need to finish Metro Last Light, but I just don't feel compelled by it (even though I'm very close to the end).

I'm back into BF4 with a vengeance, and will be playing Splinter Cell Blacklist Co-op with a friend.
I really need to finish Metro Last Light, but I just don't feel compelled by it (even though I'm very close to the end).

I'm back into BF4 with a vengeance, and will be playing Splinter Cell Blacklist Co-op with a friend.

Thoroughly enjoying Last Light, think the atmosphere has me captivated the most to keep on playing, think I'm coming close to the end!

Splinter Cell is on my Summer sale shopping list. :)
Thoroughly enjoying Last Light, think the atmosphere has me captivated the most to keep on playing, think I'm coming close to the end!

Splinter Cell is on my Summer sale shopping list. :)

Last Light, the atmosphere is great and obviously it looks amazing. Having looked at the mission list, I'm only about 3-4 away from completion. I'll probably finish it tomorrow, but the story hasn't got me and at this point it feels like a chore. Early and mid game was great fun.

Heartily recommend Splinter Cell Blacklist, single player has amazing gameplay and a solid story (albeit one which ends very abruptly; my only complaint :confused:). Can't wait to play the co-op, loads of missions!
Hmm, well;

  • World of Warcraft - Very casually, mainly leveling alts slowly and running dungeons for Legendary weapons (currently have one).
  • Football Manager
  • Battlefield 4 - I've just picked this up on my PC (own it on PlayStation 4) so looking forward to having a good session.
  • GTA V - PlayStation 3 (awaiting the PC / PlayStation 4 version).
I've been having another go at burnout paradise now that I've found out how to unlock the DLC cars. Its great fun for a quick mess around with a friend or two :)

Will be trying the paradise island mod next

link to unlock DLC cars: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=31052482&postcount=38
(normally i'd be against this sort of thing, but seeing that its physically impossible to buy them in the UK any more i doubt anyone would mind)
I've been having another go at burnout paradise now that I've found out how to unlock the DLC cars. Its great fun for a quick mess around with a friend or two :)

Will be trying the paradise island mod next

link to unlock DLC cars: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=31052482&postcount=38
(normally i'd be against this sort of thing, but seeing that its physically impossible to buy them in the UK any more i doubt anyone would mind)

Thanks I managed to get burnout paradise for free.
I've been having another go at burnout paradise now that I've found out how to unlock the DLC cars. Its great fun for a quick mess around with a friend or two :)

Will be trying the paradise island mod next

link to unlock DLC cars: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=31052482&postcount=38
(normally i'd be against this sort of thing, but seeing that its physically impossible to buy them in the UK any more i doubt anyone would mind)

ty, don't play it much but may as well get them :)
WoW still though a little bored of it at the mo - WoD cant come soon enough

D3 RoS but again bored of it as its now just endlessly farming rifts and getting no upgrades...

So Ive gone back to SWTOR the past week to try and get my Sith to 50 and finish the class story but Im finding the class underpowered compared to others - doesnt help that my gear sucks - and Im finding the game frustrating as a non subbed "preffered" account.

Stopped playing POE as my toons always get stuck around lvl 45-50 and cant kill stuff to make progresss

Stopped playing Heartstone as it just got repetitive and Im not prepared to spend money on card packs or play enough to collect all the cards - Ill stick to watching TB playing his gimmick decks which I find more fun than playing the game myself.
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