What PC games are you playing?

Bought Divinity Original Sin. Great game if you fancy and up to date old school RPG like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. Looks really nice too on ultra settings.
I found the combat a bit boring but not clunky (I'm only a few hours in). I think it's supposed to be good once you've increased your skills in swordmanship.

But hey, it's an RPG :)
Gave Witcher 1 an hour or two of my time, but the combat system is utterly awful. How do people play, or enjoy combat like that? :confused: Clunky doesn't even come close.

I'll think I will do what most seem to do with this series and jump straight to the second game.

I played the second game and loved it - then I tried the first one and gave up. I came back to it a few months later and enjoyed it a bit more once I got used to the combat. However there is no reason you can't play the second game before the first, it shouldn't spoil it in any way.
Completed medal of honour warfighter not as bad as some people said it was I give it a 6/10

Going to play Conquest wars this weekend I just have a bug to play it again ;) shame it doesn't work on win 8.1 going to have to setup a dual boot to do it ;)
Picked up Metal Slug 3 in the Steam sales.

Gamers of a certain age will realise that the prime objective of an arcade game was to give you a few minutes of entertainment for your 10p and then kill you in as many unfair ways as possible.

Metal Slug 3 on Steam is an emulated version of the arcade original and it certainly enjoys killing you in as many unfair ways as possible. Still it's a great game and definitely has that "just one more go" factor.

The front end is nicely presented and that and the game work flawlessly with an Xbox 360 controller. It even supports Steam achievements, leaderboards and two player online co op.

Overall I'd score it a good 8/10.

Although it can get frustrating when you die during a boss fight and have to try and survive with just a pistol until you get a decent power up.

More companies should look into doing arcade classics like this.

R-Type please.
Been playing hotline miami , had a game of papers please just to see what its like, but just been tryin to get through H.miami
State Of Decay.

Pay Day 2, got most of the DLCs for it.. One thing I find annoying is this. When you buy a mod for your weapon then remove it. It says that it will be in the inventory...Its not because you have to rebuy the mod :confused:
Fallout new Vegas yet again.. I must have over 300 hours on it over the years. I just love very thing about it. It is so complex with so many different outcomes. Also, though I have played it so much, I still have never played Lonesome Road or Old World Blues, so I have them to do which will be new!
Fallout new Vegas yet again.. I must have over 300 hours on it over the years. I just love very thing about it. It is so complex with so many different outcomes. Also, though I have played it so much, I still have never played Lonesome Road or Old World Blues, so I have them to do which will be new!

About to do the same - just need to re-download it and mod it up. Undecided whether to start a new playthrough or continue my old one.
Age of Empires II HD (inc. Forgotten Expansion), absolutely love it to bits. Currently playing through all the scenarios, I'd forgotten how hard some of them are and now they're even harder due to the reduced population cap in the campaigns! 'Into China' really has me stuck atm!
Trying to finish Metro 2033

Its bloody hard or just suck probably a bit of both considering this is my first FPS in yonks
I'm going back through gta 4, I've managed to get SLI working so maxed out, still can't believe how good this game is, can't wait for GTA 5!!!
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