What PC games are you playing?

Still on Fallout New Vegas. Still finding new ways to do quests that I had never known before despite doing them many times. Even the very smallest side quest has multiple ways to play and complete it. It really is quite extraordinary!
Age of Empires II HD (inc. Forgotten Expansion), absolutely love it to bits. Currently playing through all the scenarios, I'd forgotten how hard some of them are and now they're even harder due to the reduced population cap in the campaigns! 'Into China' really has me stuck atm!

any one know if the multi player works and is busy? i miss the days of playing the no hd version
FEAR: Extraction point (About half way through - it's more gory, but less scary than FEAR)
FTL (Superb. Still not finished it on normal difficulty after around 30 attempts. I've 100% success on easy mode, though: 1 attempt, one completion)
Dust: an Elysian tale (only just started. Looks gorgeous)
Going to do the same, any suggestions on which mods to go for?

This thread made me stick it back on my machine

All i've put on it are one of the texture packs, a weather mod and project nevada.

I've not actually started a game yet though so might go for another one or two

Edit - Also just bought the Forest to try
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225 hours in New Vegas now according to steam!...and I have just done an unmarked quest for two hours that I had never seen before! An RPG has never done quests as intricate and we'll developed than this game before imo. There is still tons of content that I know I haven't done as well.

I have also just done the bulk of the quest mod that gets you renovating the Lucky 38 and running it as a proper casino. It is really well done and quite deep. Next I am going to get through the main quest and the other do the DLC and a few more quest mods.
Bought titanfall last week. Really enjoying it as an alternative to Counterstrike GO which has been my goto online FPS for the last couple of years. Will keep me going until the last of us is out on PS4. The multiplayer on that is wicked and I haven't been able to play it since my ps3 YLOD'd.
Half Life 2: Episodes One and Two. Still very enjoyable apart from the final scenario with the Magnusson devices. Mega :mad: :mad: rage time. Worth it to see the Advisors in action again though.
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