What PC games are you playing?

Just completed the campaign on company of heroes 2 decent but not amazing I would give it a 7/10

not sure what to start now either the batman games or wolf among us.
Have you checked out Lost Alpha?

Yes! I was waiting for it for years, played it with the newest patch and was kind of disappointed. :( I got to the doctor in the swamps where a cut scene played, crashes every time after that. tried everything, gave up and uninstalled. Just waiting for them to hopefully polish it up (or someone else) but i've been checking the LA ModDB page frequently and there's talk of a new patch but i've not seen anything of it yet.
Yes! I was waiting for it for years, played it with the newest patch and was kind of disappointed. :( I got to the doctor in the swamps where a cut scene played, crashes every time after that. tried everything, gave up and uninstalled. Just waiting for them to hopefully polish it up (or someone else) but i've been checking the LA ModDB page frequently and there's talk of a new patch but i've not seen anything of it yet.

I had the same issue. Was due to the xvid codec issues. Fixed that with the codec they had provided in 3rd parties folder. Try it if you fancy a go. :)
Right now, Skyrim.
Getting back into it since I kind of let it collect dust.

Picked it up with all the DLC over the steam sale though.

Also Defense Grid.
I'm currently replaying: F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point.

After this I'll try to get round to the 30+ games that I've never even downloaded...:o:(
I'm working my way through age of mythology extended edition. Also playing the forest a bit. I did start metro 2033 but don't have much time at the min to finish it.

Only on chapter 4 but I'm really enjoying it and I'm shocked how well it runs. Was considering upgrading my old GTX460 this month but it's more than happy at 1080P with customised graphics.
Damn, wish you had told me this about 2 months ago haha, uninstalled it ages ago but I plan on playing it again after they fix more stuff.

lolz. Tbh I only came across it recently. I had given up on the game due to the PDA crashes I was having, quite annoying that. Then got back into it for a while before having the codec crash and the Greben mission issue, where I couldnt talk to Greben. There is also a texture,issues etc patch on the GSC forums. That fixed the Greben mission for me. But waiting for the official release of the patch from Dezowave now. As the patch will not recognise previous saved games I thought I might as well wait for the new patch and start again.
Currently pleasantly surprised by Titanfall having bought it a few weeks back via Hola/Origin for 12quid.
I'm currently hopping between Tropico 4, Football manager 13, CS:GO and Morrowind (with the graphics pack).

Really starting to like CS:GO - Working out how much easier it is to actually play a game
Some friends got civ 5 in steam sale so we had a session yesterday (6 hours) - never really played multiplayer so it was a nice change.
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