What PC games are you playing?

Killing floor - Got it yesterday for £8ish with all the DLC (Apart from the NEON stuff)
Pay day 2 - Started this again with some friends :) Its hella fun with the DLC
Wildstar - Still unsure on this one
Still BF4

picked up playing Ultima Online again on the official servers (Europa for anyone who plays :D )

Assetto Corsa. wanted to play some more racing games and couldn't be arsed to keep the sub to iracing :p so this it pretty damn decent to be fair! and you can add tracks/cars... and NOT have to pay $15 bucks a pop for it hehe :D
Still playin some Diablo 3, with a little Grid Autosport.

Just purchased Divinity: Original Sin tho which looks like it has the potential to make the summer disappear.
Dead Island riptide, seems better than the original & if you have played the original you can transfer your player level (but not weapons) to this game
Heroes of the Storm. Got an alpha invite few days ago! Buzzing.

Don't Starve here and there.

Cracked a 500 man prison in Prison Architect recently too, from scratch 30k too.
I'm going to complete it this time!!

I've rediscovered how awesome TF2 is. Haven't played it in a couple of years so I've missed loads of the new stuff that's been added. Currently addicted to the co-op missions. :)
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