What PC games are you playing?

Currently speedrunning through Guacamelee! on hard mode to get that last achievement, it's a really fun game although I can't imagine playing without a controller with the amount of button mashing involved :D

Also been playing some Unturned with friends, it's kind of a mix between Minecraft & DayZ, quite fun so far although it needs some optimisation (~35FPS with completely maxed settings on system in sig, better with 100% render distance instead of 150%), and balancing, I can already 1hit zombies with the sledgehammer I found at the start.
Just started Watch_Dogs, it is looking like a good game but the performance bugs are ridiculous! V-Sync is broken totally so this is about the third game in my 150+ game library that I can't use it on. I don't know why but developers are getting worse than ever before for making games actually work.
Free to play Warface. Stuck on the dammed skilled mission where you gotta take out the choppa with rockets that spawn in different places all the time. So frustrating!
Well, now I'm currently playing League of Legends....

Lost a game to 5 Gold V's, and my team had 1 Gold V, rest silvers. Riot trolling again...

will start Watchdogs soon, when I find the time this week
Playing the Witcher 2 pretty much exclusively at the moment. I've got out of the habit of playing just one game - it seems to work much better. Don't keep forgetting the mechanics for a start!
Been playing a bit of Dragon Commander. Kinda strange mix different kinds of games rolled into one (risk/RPG/RTS/Dragon-sim). Also been playing some Saints Row 4 after getting it during the sale.

Also I installed the Long War mod for xcom a couple of days ago. It's a cracking mod and completely changes the game. It's not simply a case of increasing the amount of weapons and soldier classes (which would be good as it is) but makes it far more challenging in terms of strategy. You have to build multiple squads because injuries last ages and soldiers get tired as well.

Resources are far more scarce and things take far longer to build/research so every decision counts. The battles are far tougher. I made the mistake of trying it on classic difficulty first and was just annihilated. Even on Normal, I've gone from a player who would count himself unlucky if a soldier was gravely wounded in a battle to one who considers himself pretty lucky to return to base with half the squad.

There's a lot I haven't got to yet, I've only just about reached the spot where sectoids can no longer one-shot me but it's really drawn me back in even if I spend most of my time screaming at the screen.

After this, I intend to have a go at Wolfenstein once it downloads and maybe try and polish off some unplayed in the library.
Playing Dirt 3 as I never completed it from ages ago, thoroughly enjoying it, love a good rally racer.

Also, chasing the achievements for my xbox profile, need that 100k gamerscore! :p
The Long War is brilliant, anyone with XCom should give it a go. It's also got a Not-so-long-war option which gives the new classes and other changes without drawing the game out quite so much.
Whenever I played on my PS3 I always seemed to stick to one particular game, but now I've playing on PC, I've got loads of games on the go. Currently I'm playing

Grid Autosport,
Payday 2,
Dota 2,
COD: Ghosts
Borderlands 2,
Bioshock: Infinite

I really need to take some time off work to get some of these finished and out of the way :D When I can start some of the others I'm yet to start ;)
Got back into Fallout: New Vegas again, hoping to complete the DLC this time instead of stopping and playing other games. This game still amazes me.
Got back into Fallout: New Vegas again, hoping to complete the DLC this time instead of stopping and playing other games. This game still amazes me.

It is amazing. I am 65 hours in and just about to go through Honest Hearts. Still have all of the other DLCs as well, and recently started the incredibly well made mod 'For The Enclave'. I completed the main story a while back and used a mod that lets you continue after it, so I am just wandering around getting stuff done.

The game is so intricate I find something new every few steps even though I have played it many times before.
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It is amazing. I am 65 hours in and just about to go through Honest Hearts. Still have all of the other DLCs as well, and recently started the incredibly well mad mod 'For The Enclave'. I completed the main story a while back and used a mod that lets you continue after it, so I am just wandering around getting stuff done.

The game is so intricate I find something new every few steps even though I have played it many times before.

Love this game but have the corrupted Save game bug every now and again which is annoying especially if i forgot to save for a while

So been playing Fallout 3 which is still awesome (bugged as well) :)
Just Finished:
a wolf among us (all season one) LOVED IT!
Injustice: Gods among us
wolfenstein new order (loved it)

Walking Dead Season one
Grid Autosport
Duke Nukem:Forever
Fallout 3 : started new game

Halfway through but can't be bothered to finish
- Watchdogs
- MotoGP14 (crap)
- Thief (new one)
Started Mafia II a few days ago and really liking it although it I'd like a retexture or a HD dlc or just something.

My rig is running everyting maxed at @ 120fps (like butter)
WoW and Draenor beta (laggy and very buggy still)

McPixel (almost finished)

Arkham Origins (very similar to the other games but something about it is causing me to only play it in very short amounts - maybe just bored of it having played both of the other games - its also buggy - re-spawning snipers gah!)

Played some Superfrog with my nephew - its ok but only for a few minutes at a time - guess Im just over platformers.
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