What PC games are you playing?

Took a notion to start playing FTL again (standard, advanced stuff disabled and on easy), and actually managed to pick uo my first victory - rather happy about that, only had 2 ships so was using the second one - engi.

Thats really been it, got bored of diablo 3 but hopped on the ptr and might have a whirl at a season or two when they go live
Payday 2 has been getting pretty much all my time at the minute, it's just SO much fun with a group of friends :D

+1 Incredible game, it's just a brilliant concept for a co-op experience

I think what keeps you coming back the most is that on the harder difficulties it can be really a good challenge and very satisfying when you manage to pull it off
Dragon age origins.

Are there similar "newer" games in the same vein? Obviously I can go back to Baldurs Gate, Planesxape and Icewind but was wondering if there was anything newer?
Dragon age origins.

Are there similar "newer" games in the same vein? Obviously I can go back to Baldurs Gate, Planesxape and Icewind but was wondering if there was anything newer?

When you say 'in the same vein' do you mean combat-wise, or in another way?....Mass Effect and KOTOR are similar games by Bioware in terms of structure and narrative, but have totally different themes, and different combat.

As for something new with similar mechanics, Divinity Original Sin is the closest you will get, though it isn't anywhere near as deep. It is a very good game though....DA:O is the perfect mix of tactical gameplay and cinematic presentation imo. I would love for these newer RPGs that seem to be coming out(Divinity, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity etc) to learn from it, but unfortunately they seem to be going backwards
When you say 'in the same vein' do you mean combat-wise, or in another way?....Mass Effect and KOTOR are similar games by Bioware in terms of structure and narrative, but have totally different themes, and different combat.

As for something new with similar mechanics, Divinity Original Sin is the closest you will get, though it isn't anywhere near as deep. It is a very good game though....DA:O is the perfect mix of tactical gameplay and cinematic presentation imo. I would love for these newer RPGs that seem to be coming out(Divinity, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity etc) to learn from it, but unfortunately they seem to be going backwards

Similar in terms of gameplay really.

As I say BG, ID, PT are the older and similar ones but something a bit newer too, a good story is important but the gameplay equally so.
It's divinity for you then. Really good game. Much more lighthearted than DA, and a bit simplistic in comparison, but it plays like an updated BG. the combat is completely turnbased though, more like fallout. It is definitely what you are looking for.
Started Mafia II a few days ago and really liking it although it I'd like a retexture or a HD dlc or just something.

My rig is running everyting maxed at @ 120fps (like butter)

Underrated imo, amazing game and atmosphere, wish there was a few more side missions though.
What mods have you installed on top of lost alpha?

So far, I've used three mods. Go to the SOC forum, and then navigate to Lost Alpha / S.L.A.M. Pack. Then, click on the link directly below 'Some Things Are Worth Fighting For'. I'm currently using the fourth, fifth and sixth files; I haven't yet needed to use any bug fixes. Don't use the first file, as it's meant for the first release only of LA.

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