What PC games are you playing?

Decided to play Singularity again, four years since last played.

An overlooked gem IMO, one of the best campaigns I have played.

Has a 'proper' health system for an FPS, non of that 'regen' nonsense.

Only a couple of hours in an the moment but enjoying it immensely, especially the time distortion do-hickey hand thingy that can age/renew an object/life form.
just started Sniper elite 3, im playing it on sniper elite difficulty... love all the creeping around :D

finished the game today, now to go back through it for missed collectables and steam acheivments :)
got a great testi shot earlier tonight :D

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Eldritch and A Wizards Lizard. Both are fantastic, Wizards Lizard really brings back the memories of playing Spooky Castle/Kid Mystic as a kid due to their similar gameplay & styles.
Sins of a solar empire.
Took me a lot of effort to get into it for some reason, but after a while I love it.
Seriously great game.
still playing asheron's call. moved to a more populated server and made a few friends :D

forgotten how massive the world is and how much there is to do !
started playing Borderlands 2 due to the 2K sale on steam and some funds in my steam wallet i figured why not.

Seems fun altho im always aware that ill be missing out on so much playing the game now when there isnt a really active co op community
Just completed Bioshock Infinite + DLCS, I read up a summary of the story and I get it but damn do I now need a lie down.. :D
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