What PC games are you playing?

I picked up chivalry medieval warfare in the Halloween sale and have been having a bit of fun running around with a massive pole axe hacking people to pieces. I imagine it will be short lived fun but for £5 who cares.

Me too. I am chuckling like a little girl when I am playing it, great fun... (not that I'm any good though)
Picked up Rollers of the Realm last night.

Interesting idea, and fun/frustrating if you like pinball. Don't bother shelling out 5000g for a hired hand yet, at least not until someone can put up descriptions, you don't know what they do until you buy them. I got the monk, and he sucks.
On the last chapter of Wolfenstein The New Order and that is a decent game but slightly spoilt with the buggy ID Tech engine with very poor textures in some areas and fps drops.
Just started Grid 2 which is alright although I'm not very good at it.

Just finished Deadlight which was pretty good but frustrating at times.

Aiming to finish Far Cry 3 and Limbo soon.
X-Com with the Long War Mod, now on the beta 14 version. It just goes on and on and on and they keep adding stuff AND I CAN'T STOP.

help :)
Tony hawks pro skater HD and Tiger Woods 2008,
i figured id waste some time on these while i wait for Farcry 4 to become cheaper and less buggy :)
Did Far Cry 3 again with ziggy's mod, great fun picking off enemies with the explosive arrows :D

Currently alternating between Dirt 3, XCOM, finishing up Hitman Absolution challenges and thinking about starting Dragon Age : Origins. Must finish the backlog someday...
It takes a serious amount of effort for a game to impress me if it doesn't feed the graphics whore monster lurking within me.


Road Redemption is SO MUCH FUN!!
I started Unreal the other day, using the high res texture mod that isnt actually very high res! lol :p

Great game, even after 16 years it shows why class is timeless. But it makes me sad at the same time.

Sad for everything we have lost in modern games. Sad that the linear hand holding formula has become so prevalent.

I love the fact that in Unreal you just have to go exploring and figure out what to do.

When did spoon feeding gamers become necessary and normal?
Totally agree BuffetSlayer, Unreal was the first game I bought for the pc and I have also played through recently. Such an underrated single player experience. .just something about old fps, currently playing through Quake II after completing the original Quake + mission packs :). Next on my list is the Doom trilogy, I only completed the ps1 version back in the day (first fps I ever played) and I think I owe it to the fps gods to play through the original pc versions.

I started Unreal the other day, using the high res texture mod that isnt actually very high res! lol :p

Great game, even after 16 years it shows why class is timeless. But it makes me sad at the same time.

Sad for everything we have lost in modern games. Sad that the linear hand holding formula has become so prevalent.

I love the fact that in Unreal you just have to go exploring and figure out what to do.

When did spoon feeding gamers become necessary and normal?
Totally agree BuffetSlayer, Unreal was the first game I bought for the pc and I have also played through recently. Such an underrated single player experience. .just something about old fps, currently playing through Quake II after completing the original Quake + mission packs :). Next on my list is the Doom trilogy, I only completed the ps1 version back in the day (first fps I ever played) and I think I owe it to the fps gods to play through the original pc versions.

Yeah I think I will end up doing the same. I bought the ID mega pack in a steam sale a few years back. I used to have the CD originals of Quake + mission packs, but lost them :(

Comes to something when I have a brand new CoD game on my account and I choose to play a 16 year old game instead!! lol.

Been watching some speed runs of Quake recently. Got a hankering for some blocky brown medieval goodness now :D

Question: Can you find the secret dopefish in Quake without help?

I can! :p
Guys can you remember playing Assault mode in the first Unreal Tournament? I would pay anything to get that mode back with updated graphics and that bunker level where you have to storm the beach front...good times.
When did spoon feeding gamers become necessary and normal?

When it became a mainstream source of profit for companies. Wider reach, lowest common denominator. Back in the day, only dedicated gamer nerds really played, and they didn't need hand-holding. Now that anyone can game, and most people are stupid, you get what we have now.
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