What PC games are you playing?

Thats interesting, i really tired to like Wolfenstein but just can't. Can't even complete it, did the story parts where you are an errand boy in the hide out house not annoy the hell out of you?

Was thinking the same RE Crysis but can't find the original CD, haven't got round to checking price on steam.

The errand boy was a little meh i must admit, but the ones that opened up the plot zones a little was ok.

To be honest any game that takes me from a WW2 Beach Invasion to a OTT Nazi moon base`s is bound to score high
2 hours of Saints Row The Third (was sitting in my library so I gave it a go).

Pretty lolzy, the sing-along with Pierce in the car was brilliant :D
Still playing Divinity: OS, but I've spent the entire weekend on Oolite by way of an introduction to the Elite games which, despite being there "back in the day", I have never played.

Suitably impressed, I'll hopefully get Elite: Dangerous at some point next year.
Playing Brutal Legend

Tried it about 6 months ago, but found the keyboard + mouse controls a pain. Now set myself up with X360 controllers, so have given it another go.

It's pretty good fun. The opening hour is just brilliant. A bit less riotous once it goes a bit open-world, and te RTS elements are creeping in, but it's still pretty cool. I'm enjoying it.
I have recently finished Far Cry 3. Aside from the (IMO) frankly poor ending, I really really enjoyed the open (generally non-linear) nature of the game, the gritty storyline and the fact that even on my modest machine it looked bloody brilliant! :D

I have recently started playing through Hotline Miami again after getting stuck some time ago. Really enjoying it still; the soundtrack is great and the top down, simplistic but gory gameplay really adds to the character of it. When you die there's 0 loading and you're straight back in the action. Brilliant stuff.

I also bought South Park: The Stick Of Truth last night from Amazon (Steam key, only £8.74 atm), and oh my. I'm only about 2 hours into it, but I can tell already it's going to be something special :D it has all the charm of the TV show with the graphics, humour and absurdness chucked in. Plus the fact it has a decent RPG element really makes it a lot of fun. Can't wait to properly get my teeth into this over the coming weeks!
Oh dear, I made the mistake of having a go of Skyrim again with a tonne of graphics mods to stress test my new GPU. 10 hours later... :rolleyes: :D

Solstheim is quite cool.
Having a cool down from CS:GO for this week while my friend who usually joins me for competitive matches is without internet.

Playing a good mix of Far Cry 3 and GTA IV and SpinTires at the moment.
I've started playing Bioshock. Never played any of them but bought the trilogy in a Steam sale so this should keep me busy for a while.

The first game is the best by far. I couldn't get on with the 2nd one. 3 was good fun. Would you kindly enjoy yourself! :)
Currently spreading my time between Grid Autosport, Sniper Elite 3, Elite Dangerous & Shadow of Mordor.

Still to start Farcry 4, Wolfenstein & several others. Just don't have the time to sink 3 to 4 hours every night into gaming like I used to. Damn life gets in the way!
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Was recommended a play through of the Burial at Sea DLC for Bioshock Infinite. Just completed episode 1. Enjoyed it. Reminded me how much I loved the original game.
Picked up Deadlight for £2, seems canny so far. Really struggling to find anything that truly challenges the mind at the minute. Looking forward to GTA release on PC in January(Hopefully!).
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Liked it at the start, then went off it a bit but loving it now that I've got some decent gear. Great action and carnage.
Purchased NFS Most Wanted (2012) for £3.


- clip a car or edge of wall and the entire race is lost
- every crash you get to watch 15 second crash cut scene amids a frantic race
- feels like you need a perfect race to win, AI doesn't get spiked/cop chased/AI takedown'd
- each race requires around 20 attempts
- wins appear completely random, not down to you learning the track or taking the right shortcuts
- your vehicle dictates everyone's speed so don't get too excited about finding an atom

- only two (very poor) view modes, floaty third person VS too low to see road
- graphics don't seem optimized, high HBAO brings my 4GB card to its knees
- 'store purchase only' cars are everywhere and it's an immediate deflated gamer experience when you find one
- irritating delays everywhere; launching game, restart race, crashes, start new race, race end, car jacking, skip scene leads to another scene... at least it quits fast
- lacking the most memorable/unique component in the original Most Wanted (a story)
- poor choice of name setting unnecessary expectation and research difficulty

- graphics are decent
- multiplayer works but rather than humans driving around in the map (The Crew style) you need to join sessions
- controls are great and seem a little more refined but changes so much per vehicle
- finding drivable exotic cars tucked away feels fantastic
- winning a race feels that much better
- mastering a track feels really good, it's just a shame they force you to replay

Initially it felt fun but that the cons would get old fast. It's actually really good solid fun and just needs to be given a chance (at least until you've driven the McLaren)
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