Never alone.
On PC there isn't much faff to be fair. Just don't play on the steamdeck, yet..
Different weapon types do affect enemies differently. Half the 'fun' is the weapons and finding the particular one(s) that suit your play style, but yeah there. are. so. many...Ive just started Borderlands. Never played any of them before. I'm enjoying it and i'm frustrated with it in equal measure really.
There seems to be far too many weapons i never know what to pickup and what to leave, or what to use against which enemy. do i just need to figure this out? or have i missed something?
i got to a bit where there is this roid rage psycho. There are rockets, and a rocket launcher, which kind of suggests thats the way to go. i insta-died a few times, then managed to get a few rockets in and it seemed to be working. died a few more times, and i persisted with the rockets. Then the next time i died, the midgets are back, get back the roid rage, and he has full life again, WTF? i now have no rockets left either. If this game gets much harder, i cant see me sticking with it to be honest