What Restaurant did you eat at last night?

6 Jan 2003
Had the 7 course taster menu at Helen Darroze at the Connaught on Saturday evening. It's one of the last 2 Michelin star restaurants in London that we had yet to dine at, so we thought that our wedding anniversary would be the perfect time to visit.

The menu selection is interesting and quite fun. You get a small wooden board with 13 (I think) marbles sitting in little holes, and on each marble is written the main ingredient for each dish on the menu. Alongside this, you have a small menu which gives you a bit more info on each dish on offer. If you go with either the 5 or 7 courses, you have to remove enough marbles from the board to leave just the 5 or 7 that you want. If you go for the full 9 courses, you just leave all the marbles on the board as they are. We went with 7 courses, but unlike most taster menus, we were able to choose different choices for each course.

I won't go through each course that we had, this review would be far too long, but what I will say, and it will cover every course that we had, is that each course was cooked perfectly, presented immaculately, and contained some lovely fresh flavours and textures. It wasn't quite perfect though;
- For the menu choices that we had both chosen, there was a clear difference in portion size between us. It's not something that we've noticed in other restaurants, but it was very evident here.
- The sweetbread was quite large, and although it was beautiful, the whole dish was exceptionally rich and a real struggle to finish.
- The chocolate dessert was lovely and rich, but really quite dry. An accompanying sauce or something similar to add some moisture to it, would have helped.

A few small niggles, but they didn't come close to spoiling a lovely dining experience.

Service was very good, right from the initial reservation through to our time dining.
We thoroughly enjoyed it, and were completely and utterly stuffed at the end of the meal.

I like the idea of taking photos of each course, some of the photos in this thread are great, but I always bottle it thinking other diners will shake their head disapprovingly at me :(.
Man of Honour
1 Nov 2007
Christchurch UK
Booked in at 2 starred Marcus at the Berkeley for the Tasting Menu with the missus Friday. Couldn't fault the service and presentation of the food but I felt a little let down. I love rare beef but some of the dishes went too far on the raw side for me. Scallop tartar, not for me though tasted lovely. Pigeon was still alive on my plate (we hate fois gras to swapped to this). Cod was way too undone and though was very flaky, was almost grey and 'mushy' in texture, almost like sushi. Beef was perfect (missus well cooked beef in photo)

Wine pairing was perfect.

Total time 2hrs to get through it, bill £340 with service charge (they reduced bill slightly as missus was unwell and stopped at the beef which was a nice touch)

Sorry about the tacky photos... we have no shame and someone has to take them :D









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24 Dec 2002
Barton upon Humber
not got any photos yet but im looking through the thread and getting me in the mood as i am booked into Restaurant Gordon Ramsay for the menu prestige on Thursday for Dinner (Tea as i know it) followed by Dinner by Heston for the set lunch on Friday.

still looking for a meal before leaving saturday but were planning on Flat Iron as a simple but nice pre train ride lunch.

i have never been a wine drinker but plan to ask for a couple of nice glasses to compliment the meal at RGR to see if it can impress me.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
Sat and had lunch in Sat Bains kitchen today at his place in Nottingham. He only does 2 tables for lunch and both are chefs table. I chose the chef's one smack in the kitchen, the other is a bit more off the kitchen and there were 4 of us (my tab :() and it was really good to watch them prepping and to have access to all the chefs and to get to try lots of other stuff they were prepping too. Well worth it if you want to get inside the kitchens. I've done a few chefs tables, including the Marcus one above but liked this one more I think. Bill hurt mind.

To add one of my guests was heavily pregnant (2 weeks to go) and I had mentioned this. They took note and prepped a couple of dishes bespoke to her and added cooking time to another to ensure it was baby safe.
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6 Jan 2003
Another visit to Pitt Cue Co. last night :). I shared a pork jowl, bone marrow mash, and slaw. The jowl was beautiful; a layer of meat and then a layer of fat on top which just melted in the mouth. Fantastic!
8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Gemelli's in Newport (the one by the station).
Been a few times and never disappointed. Fantastic Italian with good sized portions.

Then there is dessert.
I had this Amaretto biscoti sponge thing. Massive slab of the stuff. Best dessert I've ever had.
The desserts are their speciality and I've seen people queuing out the door as you can order it like takeaway.
6 Jan 2003
Went to Typing Room on Saturday evening. It was one of the professional kitchens on Master Chef recently.
We went for the 7 course taster (£75 per person) and thoroughly enjoyed it. Some fantastic courses including beautiful Turbot, asparagus, curry & pine. The dessert was sheep's yoghurt, apple & dill, and it was just superb. It was lovely and creamy, and the dill gave it a really nice savoury edge. It was also great to have a dessert that wasn't too rich.
The service was very good; relaxed and friendly, but professional.
Would definately recommend a visit.
20 Oct 2002
Another visit to Pitt Cue Co. last night :). I shared a pork jowl, bone marrow mash, and slaw. The jowl was beautiful; a layer of meat and then a layer of fat on top which just melted in the mouth. Fantastic!
Any tips for when to go? Or is it a case of just going when you don't really want to? Like 4pm etc. :p I've walked past a few times and seen a massive queue, then I tried once at 6pm and there was already a 45min wait :o

EDIT: molinari that sounds great. My girlfriend and I went to Helen Darroze a couple years ago for a set lunch and it was stunning. Still the best meal we've had. However it's a shame because I don't think I can bring myself to go to the Berkeley, Connaught or Claridges now that they are majority-owned by the Qataris. Just doesn't sit well with me :(

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6 Jan 2003
Any tips for when to go? Or is it a case of just going when you don't really want to? Like 4pm etc. :p I've walked past a few times and seen a massive queue, then I tried once at 6pm and there was already a 45min wait :o

It opens at 5:30pm and we usually join the queue at about 5:15pm and get in the first sitting. This time, we turned up around 6:15pm and had to wait about 10 minutes for a table. When we left, just after 8pm, it was packed in the bar. I guess it also depends on the day, but I'd either get there 15 minutes before it opens (which also means you get the best choice on the daily specials), or get there about an hour later.
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3 Nov 2003
Turned 40 on Sunday so the the wife took me for a treat this week. Had no idea where I was driving to. When I reached marlow the penny dropped. Checked into the hand & flowers guest cottages for a couple of nights with a meal booked in the pub for the second night.

The first night we just took a wander into marlow. She had booked an Italian resteraunt, nothing fancy. Food was very good in fairness and reasonably priced. Shame they had no air con as it was so hot I just wanted out of the place.

Had breakfast at the hand & flowers and whilst good I was expecting something a bit more special.

Second day and took a wander for a spot of lunch. Walked past a place called 'Coach'. Looked a nice place with a very lively buzz about it. Walked in and they didn't do reservations. Advised just a 10 min wait so sat in the back with a drink waiting for a table. A staff member then came out and asked if we had eaten here before. Then went on to explain how the serve starter sized meals. I took this as English tapas but they insisted it was different. I ran with it anyway. Was advised to pick 2-3meals per person. We got 1 each and the 'coach' chips to start. I ordered the coach burger and the wife had chicken Kiev. I was a little shocked at the portion size when it arrived, it is small, but wow. Words fail me just how great it tasted. Even the wife who was ready to walk out when they said it was tapas was lost for words. Stunning food and the coach chips. Wow, just wow. Considering I had just dropped upon this place on passing, I was a little worried the hand & flowers wouldn't be able to match up.

Well after a year on the waiting list We walked int to dine at the posh pub. Table was booked for 7:30, service was very prompt. You are clearly made aware you have a 2 hour window. The vibe of the place is quite strange. It's quite a quaint pub but because of what it is, you walk into a very strange atmosphere of toffs and foodies. We found ourselves whispering in what was a pub. They brought out a free apertiser, some whitebait. I'll try and be polite but it was bloody awful, we wasn't the only only ones that left it, but can't complain to much as it was free. I went for gala pie starter and his famous duck and chips main. Starter was good but not great, the main was lovely, the duck wasn't perfect as it had a bit of sinue in it, but it tasted lovely. I've never eaten at a 2 star place before, so couldn't tell you if it was worthy of the stars, personally I enjoyed the atmosphere and food of the coach more than the hand of flowers. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, the food was great, I was just expecting to be blown away.

When I got home I googled the coach, was a tad shocked to see it was Tom kerridges second venture in marlow.

I can't say that I will be any great rush to visit the hand & flowers again. It's nice food but the atmosphere there just isn't my thing and the food whilst good didn't grab me by the sort and curlys. Even still, big up to the wife for arranging it all and keeping it a surprise.
6 Jan 2003
I can't say that I will be any great rush to visit the hand & flowers again. It's nice food but the atmosphere there just isn't my thing and the food whilst good didn't grab me by the sort and curlys. Even still, big up to the wife for arranging it all and keeping it a surprise.
That's a shame. We stayed at the Hand & Flowers a few years ago and had a great meal, but I know a number of people who have been since haven't enjoyed it as much, perhaps because of changes that have been made since it's become more popular with Tom's TV work :confused:.
It may have 2 stars, but it's a 2 star pub, so not directly comparable with a 2 star restaurant, which will blow it away 9 times out of 10.
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
27 Apr 2004
In bed with your sister
Not last night but had a two day trip up to Edinburgh last week so took the opportunity to try a few places out. No photos because I don't like taking photos in restaurants.

First place I went to was a pub called the Cafe Royal. Went there for lunch and had half a dozen fresh oysters to start and a seafood pasta for main. Both excellent and good ales too. Very reasonably priced.

In the evening I got a haggis supper from the Clamshell chippy in the Royal Mile. Good haggis and nice chips. I visited many pubs throughout the afternoon and evening and had many good ales and whiskies :cool:

The following day, I stepped it up a bit. I had lunch in a seafood restaurant called Ondine. The restaurant is nice and modern; on the first floor with big, very clean windows so you can watch the streets below.
I had tempura oysters with Vietnamese dipping sauce for starter and scallops with mini sausages and broad bean puree for main. Both were delicious. I wanted the treacle tart for dessert but they'd run out. They'd made more but it hadn't set yet so I had the cheese board.
I had a dry martini before the meal, a glass of wine with my meal, a glass of port with the cheese and a double espresso and a malt whisky to finish up. The total bill came to £92.
Service was very good. Friendly and unobtrusive.

That evening, I went to Contini Cannonball for dinner. I was met outside by a greeter and shown to the restaurant (you had to go down some stairs and up some more). The restaurant is in an old tower. The dining area is roomy and not crowded but not isolated either.
As well as the À la carte, there was a 5 course taster menu for £50 or the same with cheese for £57. Wine pairings an extra £20/£25. I opted for the latter with the wine pairings. There was a canapé before starting so, technically a 7 course tasting menu.
The only dish that was a little bit of a let-down was the pre-dessert which was elderflower parfait - I couldn't really taste the elderflower. Everything else was superb and the wine pairings were spot on for all the courses.
Service was just the right blend of friendly banter and serious professionalism and the servers had good knowledge of the food and the wines.
Total bill including pre-dinner cocktail and coffee and malt whisky after was £104. Not bad for an enjoyable evening.
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6 Jan 2003
Had dinner at Fera at Claridge's on Saturday. We chose the tasting menu but not the paired wine flight, opting for a single bottle of white instead.

Of all the courses, there were 3 outstanding ones:
- Mackerel, tomato, sea lettuce and fennel, which was stunning.
- Raw veal and kohlrabi, oysters, marigold, apple with kohlrabi juice, which was also stunning.
- Strawberries, sweet cicely custard, buttermilk and sorrel. Lovely balanced combination of sweet and savoury in a dessert.
The most disappointing course was a plate with a small amount of chopped lobster, a tiny piece of chicken wing, and 1 small boiled new potato. Very disappointing.
One slight concern was that all of the courses were right on the limit of saltiness, perhaps even over seasoned.

It was a nice surprise at the end of the meal to eat in a fine dining restaurant in the UK that actually puts as much effort into the coffee, as it does into the food and service. I ordered some filter coffee, and the barista came over with a Hario v60 dripper and a Buono kettle :). We had 40g of course ground coffee with 500ml water, which filtered through in 3.5 minutes. The end result was a very nice light refreshing coffee with no bitterness or burnt taste to it, unlike many I have experienced in other restaurants.
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15 Oct 2007
Hawksmoor Spitalfield

I know there are a fair few fans on this forum, so I expect the WRATH!

We arrived Friday lunch time, as a group of four. We started proceeding with a drink at the bar – Mojitos all round.

The Mojito was probably one of the best I have ever had, off to a great start.

Starter – Tamworth Belly Rib


Good starter, but nothing that excited me – there was some good flavours but it certainly didn’t warrant the £11 price tag.

My wife’s starter (from the little bit I tried) tasted really good (potted beef and bacon with Yorkshires)


The main event, I was so looking forward to this (a really good quality steak, is hard to come by in the UK) alongside some good side dishes.

As a group we decided to order different cuts and share.

We went for:

• 400g Rib-eye
• 300g Rump (55 day aged)
• 800g Chateaubriand
• Triple Cooked Chips
• Macaroni’s Cheese
• Creamed Spinach
• Buttered Greens
• Roasted Bone Marrow
• Peppercorn sauce
• Bone Marrow Gravy

Verdict: I was so disappointed by the quality of the meat. I know Rib-eye is a fatty cut but the majority of the cut was just gristle. The Chateaubriand was cooked perfectly – I was expecting a melt in the mouth experience, yet we found ourselves just constantly chewing! The rump was the stand out cut for quality and taste (the cheapest of the cuts)

The sides tasted OK but nothing to write home about.



Dessert, I had heard so many good things about the sticky toffee pudding here, so decided to take the plunge. Mouth-watering expectations to be left yet again disappointed. I felt the clotted cream didn’t work (should have been be ice cream) and yet again lacked flavour - the sauce was really, watery!!


With a bottle of red it worked out around £100.00 per head.

We all left a little underwhelmed and felt we had a much better meal at Gauchos a few months ago.
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16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Ate at Michael Caines Restaurant at ABode Manchester on Saturday night for the Mrs birthday.

We don't frequent many so-called "fine dining" restaurants to be honest so it was nice to treat her (us) for a change.

We didn't go for the tasting menu as there were a couple of things on it I wasn't massively keen on so we dined off the á la carte instead which was quite reasonably priced considering.

Forgive me for my poor recollection of what the menus said but I started went for one of the MC signature specials which was the hay smoked pigeon breast which was served with some granola and a berry kind of mousse. The Mrs opted for scallops.

We both had the beef fillet for mains which was extremely well cooked, just a smidge over rare which is to my taste. It was served with Ox cheek on a bed of spinach and a few bits of veg like onion and mushrooms and a celeriac remoulade.

Topped it off with a caramel and cardamom parfait and the Mrs had a banana parfait, both of which were delicious. I'm not one for a dessert as i'm usually a starters person but the caramel and cardamom parfait was something else.

Couple of nice touches was that we were served like a smoke salmon and crispy chicken skin appetizer before the main which we weren't aware of and I mentioned that it was the Mrs birthday on the way in and they bought out a selection of chocolates out on a plate with Happy Birthday written on in chocolate after we'd had our desserts and was waiting for the bill.

Bill came to about £170 all inc which was for 3 courses, breads to start and 2 cocktails each!

Definitely recommend!

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