Whats been the most disappointing game to you?

stalker- just not good enough for its hype.

C+C3- c&c's are meant to be slow games you cant just try jacking up gameplay speed just to try and make a mp sport.

oblivion- very buggy, levelling / enemy levelling system is the devils work.

doom 3- so so shallow
HeX said:
Unreal 2.

The orginal was pure awesome condensed into a CD.

The sequel was all things awful.

Its like that film with Arnie and Danny DeVito, Twins, where one got all the best stuff, and the other all the crap.

Thats what Unreal and Unreal 2 were like.

I agree....the graphics for Unreal 2 were great....the rest of the game was pants with awful acting and those horrible third person cut scenes that completey break any sense of absorbtion!

Quake 4 was also a huge let down.
I often think it would be better if developers just remade the originol with updated gfx!
SK07 said:
Nah one round was enough, it was like some sort of warped quake in a sort of BF2142 setting. It just doesn't look right having Marines bouncing around.

SK07 and Alexisonfire. People are waiting for keys to try the beta. Please donate em to Jaffa Cake on this thread: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9658686#post9658686 so he can send em out to people on the list who wanna try the beta. Cheers if you have done already so.
Had been really looking forward to this even since reading previews in PCZ in early 1998. The first couple of levels were just so frustrating, running around some green swamp getting done over by flies. Yuck. I never made it any further to the bits where you get teammates etc.

Everyone was really bigging this game up, spooging over the trailers etc. But by the time it made it to PC it had distinctly average graphics, rubbish framerate and some very dull levels. It had a couple of plus points (really nice cutscenes where you put on a helmet and watch playback of a team getting wiped out by the flood) but in general it was the kind of standard one would expect from a title before the Q3-engined stuff arrived (RTCW/JK2/MOH:AA etc). It was highly repetitive in places and the weapon/ammo system was also incredibly frustrating.... after a big fight you had to run around for ages picking up all the plasma weapons to see which one had the most ammo...zzzzzz.

Quake 2 (multiplayer)
Back in 90s, you pretty much took it for granted that a sequel would be better than it's predecessor. I think a lot of people were shocked by how inferior the deathmatch in Q2 was compared to QW, what with weapon switch time, boring physics and a lacklustre rocket launcher. To be fair, as a pure deathmatch game QW is still unrivaled, but back then a helluva lot of people felt let down having expected Q2 to be an improvement.

Battlefield Vietnam
My first foray into the Battlefield universe and this pretty much put me off. I'm struggling to think of anything good about this game, which seemed to have poor interface, framerate and graphics.

F1 Challenge '99-02 CTDP 2005
After all the rave reviews it got I finally hunted down a secondhand copy of F1C and then trawled some sites before finally getting some non-subscription download links to CTDP. Wish I hadn't bothered as it is far too hardcore a sim for me, even keeping the car on the track felt impossible without all the driving aids on.

Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
Showed a lot of promise during development but I think a lot of people were let down by the failure to make full use of the squad command. It was a hideously repetitive game with nearly all the missions involving copius amounts of pin&flank. It also resorts to cheap tactics like MG42 nests which kill you instantly if you approach within a certain range (i.e. 100% accuracy, one yard further away and you won't be shot at all), in order to force you down the desired path.
oblivion- very buggy, levelling / enemy levelling system is the devils work

Indeed trying not to level to get a more powerfull character was just a little counter intuative to say the least!
Tute said:
Oh god where do I start (I must have high standards for games).

HL2 - Hyped to the moon and back, but it's just another shooter with a graphics improvement. Same sad story, "government experiements go wrong, you're the only (or one of the only) survivors" so kill stuff to get out. At least Doom 3 had a damn atmosphere! :o

BF2 - This suffered from the same fate that most of you describe with Unreal 2. It's just missing so much from the first, the most notable being the fun factor. Give me BF1942 + DC + DCX anyday! :D

There are more, but those are the worst two to me.

agree with you on the hl2, it was hyped up too much and delated too much and turned out to be nothing special. i guess its because they delayed it so much and that farcry came out and stole most of its thunder.
chimaera said:
Controversial one here: Half Life

After all the fuss i bought it on steam a few years ago and while it was very immersive and was obviously a good game, i was just uninspired and i still don't think it warrants best game ever status as it is frequently called.

Got bored eventually near the end of the game and never went back.

arrghhhh no way ! :eek:
STALKER - Just never lived up to my expectations. Didnt like the game play at all. Felt there was too much running around doing pointless stuff.

BF2142 - The worst BF game I have ever played. Maybe one of the worst games ive ever played. A load of rubbish compared to BF2. Even though it basically was BF2 but with different textures and some new models. A big dissapointment.
Half Life 2.

Hyped so much, claimed to be the best game ever fullstop.
Dull, graphics no better than anything else at the time, boring gameplay, dull. Did I mention it was Dull?

The only interesting bit was Ravelnholm.
alexisonfire said:
quake wars, what a load of toss that was.

What a crap implementation of the gameplay idea.
I went and reinstalled bf2 after a few games, 2142 died a long death long ago for me also
warcraft 3. tides of darkness i remember was great although i didnt play it much

deus ex 2. no comment

unreal 2. again no comment

blood 2. the first one was one of the best fps games ever made. scary as hell, great atmosphere etc. then all the 3d polygon crapness took over

carmageddon 2. again ruined by getting rid of sprites and having graphics that were all blocky

stalker -when i played one of the first leaked alpha demos of it in about 2002 it was better!

quake 2 -multiplayer may be great but the single played lacked atmosphere and gameplay of quake 1, i suppose it was a sort of transition over time as q3 followed

postal 2. nowhere near as good as postal 1, again lacking atmosphere and the general 'scaryness' of the games from around 1997
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