Whats been the most disappointing game to you?

geeza said:
carmageddon 2. again ruined by getting rid of sprites and having graphics that were all blocky

That reminds me. Carmageddon: TDR2000 was absolute tosh, they somehow managed to take all the fun out of it. Collisons felt weedy, too few peds (making racking up time bonuses tough) and not as many/fun powerups.

Carma2 was kinda disappointing at first, but it did grow on me. Some of the mission levels sucked however and arguably the demo track was the best.
alexisonfire said:
quake wars, what a load of toss that was.

Have to agree. To say its taken 2 years to develop it is very poor.

Hixxy said:
agreed pass it on if you can't be bothered to do what you signed up for. beta testing isn't a chance to play a game before it's released.

You are kind of right but it is also a marketing tool. The beta has a lot do with selling the game especially at the late stage.
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Deus Ex: Invisible War was so disappointing. I'd followed all the news and previews on that, on how it was going to be so good and deep... and then they dumbed it down for the consoles and made it run like molasses. Rubbish.

Also, note to the person who said they should have just made UT2004 a patch for UT2003... I'd look at it the other way - UT2003 was the beta for UT2004.
jaykay said:
Any reason why as every body has placed a reason.

No they havn't? :confused:

I didn't buy it at first as I wanted to see what people thought about it. Heard nothing but good things about it but I tried it and found it extremly repetative, no substance and an extremly stale fantasy game world. Way overly hyped. I thought it was an average game at best.
Half life 2 don't understand why people rave so much about it
i love cs source etc but half life 2 as a single player game is very linear and on rails to me expected so much more.
The most dissapointing game in recent years for me was Quake4 :(

I had played all of the other 3 competitively online since 1996 and Quake4 just wasn't quake :(
Stalker - Boring.. :rolleyes:

F.E.A.R. - Incompatibility issues forces it to be completely unplayable so i guess this isn't a fair judgement.
Just cause
Driving just was just ****** up, wich is a shame really if they could at least fix that, it'd be an awesome game.

Followed by Stalker a bit later...
Just rubbish.

geeza said:
carmageddon 2. again ruined by getting rid of sprites and having graphics that were all blocky

imo the best carmageddon from the bunch, carma 1 was good, but had way too poor view distance, imo ruins the game totally.
Carma 3 I haven't tried yet, because my mate told me you couldnt kill zombies/pedestrians anymore and the gfx looked worse than in carma 2, still playing carma 2 to this day.
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Oblivion. Such a let down after Morrowind :(

They completely butchered the experience/levelling system and dumbed the entire game down to satisfy the more casual console gamers. They also removed everything from the game world that made Morrowind so awe-inspiring and beautiful; it just became a dull standard medieval fantasy setting with nothing to set it apart.

Another thing that was a real disappointment was that feeling that you always had that you were going to stumble across something really special, but it just never delivered :(

Invisible Wars was also an enormous let down. Only ever played the demo, but that was enough for me to realise what the rest would be like.
mortals said:
The most dissapointing game in recent years for me was Quake4 :(

I had played all of the other 3 competitively online since 1996 and Quake4 just wasn't quake :(

I dunno like, its not that bad a release, the new maps in the latest patch are canny :D Q4 is not as influencial a game as its former versions but it's not too bad. The problem is, the earlier games were the best cos they were more simple, people didn't initially like Q3 cos you couldn't buggyjump or anything like you could in Q2. I think Q2 was deffo the daddy, nothing can beat Q2 for the amount of mods too.. CTC or 'catch the chicken' was just hillarious fun and soooooo simple in concept with a super addictive twist!
Inquisitor said:
Oblivion. Such a let down after Morrowind :(

They completely butchered the experience/levelling system and dumbed the entire game down to satisfy the more casual console gamers. They also removed everything from the game world that made Morrowind so awe-inspiring and beautiful; it just became a dull standard medieval fantasy setting with nothing to set it apart.

Another thing that was a real disappointment was that feeling that you always had that you were going to stumble across something really special, but it just never delivered :(

Invisible Wars was also an enormous let down. Only ever played the demo, but that was enough for me to realise what the rest would be like.

Thats interesting dude cos i bought it on the strength of the reviews. Mind you i never did play morrowind so what do i know. Still though, oblivion was pretty good
Enemy Territory : Quake wars - this literally broke my little heart. After many many many months of reading up on it, watching videos, posting on the official forums, downloaded the beta - cancelled pre-order, bought myself an xbox 360 in stead.

Doom 3 also really let me down big time
Half life 2.

Not even a tenth as good as the reviews made out, a tedious trawl through turgid, bland levels, killing idiotic poorly conceived enemies, with unimaginative and boring weapons.
Neverwinter Nights 2 for me. I haven't played the original, but just went for no 2 based on a friends recommendation. I just can't get into it. Haven't bothered to install it since I reformatted, and I doubt I will.

Single player rpg's just don't seem right for me now, since playing MMORPG's. I'm struggling to get into Oblivion too, maybe I just don't have the time to throw at it..

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