What's the biggest animal you could fight?

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Get me a bear proof suit ala Project Grizzly, and I'll take on a bear quite happily.

However if I'm not allowed body armor then anything around the size and strength of a Border Collie, so long as I;m allowed to use my teeth.
JohnnyG said:
Didn't that little Christian Daniel kid stab up a big lion with a rose thorn or something back in Gods day? Either Christians are rock or Lions are pussies.

I think Jesus once ate a bear. Live.

Tru said:
My uncles dog spilled my pint with his tail once....

Roffles! I just spat coffee on my monitor. :p
Adult male black Rhino.

With one hand tied behind my back, standing on one leg while trying to walk across a tight rope juggling chainsaws.
when i was 15 or so, me and a friend found ourselfs walking through some allotments in which there was a goat that jumped up him.. i ran into and knocked it to the ground no problem :p it was quite a big goat too, it was much taller than him on its back two legs. maybe 6ft +
Nismo said:
Deer would own you.

I reckon I could take a cow if I kicked its udder hard enough and dropped it.

I've got a mate who's a farmer and he's a big lad. When he's at one of my gigs I often take great pleasure telling the audience how last year he was attacked by one of his cows, trampled to the ground and ended up in hospital for a week. He was a lucky lad because his wife was there and scared the cow off by screaming at it - nothing knew there then.

I reckon I could take a giraffe on. I'd wrap my little fat body round one of its legs and bring it down.
Pete_m said:
when i was 15 or so, me and a friend found ourselfs walking through some allotments in which there was a goat that jumped up him.. i ran into and knocked it to the ground no problem :p it was quite a big goat too, it was much taller than him on its back two legs. maybe 6ft +

that reminds me, theres a place in sunderland that has a massive billy goat on guard, its the boss!
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