What's the biggest animal you could fight?

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JohnnyG said:
I don't think it would be fair to use Pro Wrestling techniques in a fight against an animal, like Clotheslining a giraffe, using a Stunner on a yak or Tombstoning a goose for instance, as animals don't watch WWE. You could on a Panda though I guess because they are in charge of the WWF now.

I would never wrestle a Panda.


Belmit said:
They're low down though, a flying double-footed stomp would be hard for it to defend against. Like I said though, they are big; I might have to stand on a box.

haha love it

btw kangaroo v human = broken ribs for human
vanpeebles said:
i just thought of some real tough animals, scrapyard dogs! :eek:

I remember reading years ago about a scrapyard owner who rehomed a pet Macaw because it was too noisy for it's initial owner (a friend of the scrappy).

He kept it in a large cage inside a barn in the yard.

One night, the yard dog broke in to the barn and the cage...The yard owner discovered a severely injured macaw and a dead dog the next morning.

penski said:
I'd rather fight a dog than a cat.


Yup, been there, done that trying to get flea spray on a cat. "Spray it on a marigold and rub it into the fur..." I was told. Cats back claws go either side of finger and cut the tip of the glove clean off.
Additional injuries - numerous.
Flea spray administered - 0.00%

Cat - 1
Me - 0
penski said:
I'd rather fight a dog than a cat.
That makes no sense at all unless you're on about a big wild cat like a Tiger or Lion. Little cats would be easy to take out. They only do damage to you when you're not trying to hurt them.

In fact, I reckon I could take a liger. They're HUGE and they're placid too.
True story:

I was in a bar in spain when a guy approached my mate trying to force him to have his photo taken with his monkey, the monkey tried to bite my mates neck so he threw it straight across the room.

Man > monkey.
Gilly said:
That makes no sense at all unless you're on about a big wild cat like a Tiger or Lion. Little cats would be easy to take out. They only do damage to you when you're not trying to hurt them.

In fact, I reckon I could take a liger. They're HUGE and they're placid too.

Of a comparative size, I'd take the dog any time.

Personally I doubt many people could take a cow or a dear on in a fight unarmed and win. Sure cows ar docile, but they are tough and heavy, it would not take much for them to knock you down and then there is the trampleing.

Deers are supprisingly strong and near enough pure muscle, just look at the mess they do to cars when you hit them. and I have seen deers bounce off fast moving cars and scarper. If I got hit by a car I would be down until the paramedics arived.

Badgers I think are above me, as is any animal over the size of a labrador

I think by rule of thumb in an unarmed combat situation against an animal if I can pick it up or kickit like a football I can beat it. Everything that is unliftable or unkickable will probably win.

Lets face it most animals have sharper teath, harder hoofs (mine are very soft) horns, claws or are heavy. All those traits will whoop ass on a human, hence why we use weapons.
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I suppose i could try and take on a blue whale, or a great white or something spectacular, and most probably lose. Depending if its out of the water or not. lol
Personally, I can take on a The King of the Jungle

I reckon I can take on a lion with my bare hands.
My technique would be to lure it into a trap by first killing a deer by the meathod Penski uses in his opening post.
Then I would place the dead dear under a tree. I would hide in the leaves above. Once the lion comes to investigate the dead deer and decides to eat it I will jump on the lion elbow first on its head. Then i'll grip it's hair around its head for grip whilst i'm on top of it. I'd then step off and boot it in the face using steel toe cap boots. Once it's jaw is broken a few punches to the ribs to make it truely static.

I'll be the new King of the Jungle :cool:
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