What's the biggest animal you could fight?

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I think the key to taking down any sea-borne animals - remember this one children - is to plug their blow holes.

Except dolphins. I once saw a news article where a guy had put an ice lolly stick in a dolphins blowhole for a laugh, it butted him in the face and killed him in one blow :eek:
singist said:
....... and it was a bull not a horse IIRC

Yep. He fought and killed quite a few by punching and snapping their horns off.
Lost his concentration once and got gored. Recovered though.

Seal cub culling should be easily doable though.
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hungryhungry123 said:
Except dolphins. I once saw a news article where a guy had put an ice lolly stick in a dolphins blowhole for a laugh, it butted him in the face and killed him in one blow :eek:

And also remember kids not to hold onto that thing sticking out or else you'll get done for interfering with a dolphin.
Seriously theres one animal I wouldn't like to fight the Honey Badger

http://www.badgers.org.uk/badgerpages/honey-badger-05.html said:
The honey badger also has a reputation for killing animals by attacking the scrotum; the victim then bleeds to death. It is alleged that the ratel has, through its attacks, castrated various mammal species, including humans.
Belmit said:
I'd also go for an ostrich, lanky buggers but possibly susceptible to a good sweep.

No chance. Their knees are on backwards. FACT!
The ostrich and emu are quite capable of eviscerating a man from neck to groin with one swift blow. And those things are born mean. Just look into their eyes, nothing but cold,dark malice.

I think the biggest I'd take on is a giant tortoise. I'd out maneuver it before rolling it onto it's back and chocking it in place. Then it's just a case of getting a good book and waiting it out. Verrrrryyyy Sloowwwwwly oowwwwned. :D
Mat said:
I'd like to take on a medium sized kangaroo wearing boxing gloves. Although a well aimed kick to my pods by those feet would render me instantly useless.

You would get Owned :eek:

The balance on there tail and Kick with both feet :eek:

Kangaroos are dangerous and have killed people.

You might be able to take on a wallaby though :p
vanpeebles said:
just thought of a nasty animal! those birds with the flick out dagger claws


can cut yer guts out!

Violent creatures they are :eek:

Some stories ive heard about them :(

Not long ago a Pelican Pulled a man in a wheel chair into a river then stole his fish:p

One of these birds :p

TBH I think a lot of it would be luck, a lot of animals are supprisingly strong but still have weaknesses such as eyes, nose, jaws etc. If you could get to one of the animals weaknesses without getting crushed or ripped apart and actually do some damage you could have a good chance. I dont think punching or kicking would really do much to most larger animals, it wont do much to a lot of larger dogs.

I think I could take out any dog if I wasn't unlucky but anything bigger I would certainly struggle.
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