What's your (most tenuous) claim to fame?

19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I sat in my local vets waiting room with my cats. Beside me was a dwarf family with a dog that was just as big as the family. The vet was sat with them discussing their dog, I didn't really clock that it was Warwick Davis and his family until the woman sat next to me mouthed at me a little too loudly "IS THAT WARWICK DAVIS?!" to which I replied "Who!?"

I then got my my phone out and google image searched him to find this photo... "oh yeah, him!"

We then all chatted usual pet owner talk like you would with just anyone sat in the waiting room at the vets.

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21 Apr 2011
Few things.

Met Bill Oddy when I was small on "Ask Oddy". Can't remember what I asked him now.

I had a meeting with Robbie Elliot and his wife for something years ago. His little girl decided to swat in the corner of my office and do a huge wee. His wife was devastated. I just handed her a mop and bucket and carried on the conversation with Robbie. REALLY nice couple.

Had some meetings with a few other footballers from Newcastle / Sunderland / Boro too and some of their mothers - It's amazing how many of them leave it to their mums to sort out their life for them.

Was in the same hotel as Colm Meaney in Manchester a couple of years ago and the fire alarm went off. Was stood looking at him outside when we evacuated trying to remember who he was. He saw me looking and said Hi, so I politely made some small talk about the annoying fire alarm. It wasn't until 10 minutes after we went back in it clicked who he was.

And lastly, I met "The Beast" from the chase in a motorway services a couple of years back. Got a photo with him. He is TALL. Again, a really nice guy. He needs to pay more attention to washing his car though, it was COVERED in bird leavings.
5 Feb 2013
For a few years my next door neighbour was a premier league footballer. Nice guy. Even used to give my brother and I lifts and would pop by occasionally long after he moved. Had I not got my house the person waiting to snap it up was apparently former footballer Richard Rufus.

Other than that my brother was propositioned by a girl that was on Eastenders. Neither of us have ever watched it, so couldn't say who she is. He turned her down though.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
23 Oct 2013
There was this guy, enkoda, who I replied to on a forum once. He once served Ferne Britton a box of maltesers, who's mate pinched Martine McCutcheon's bum, his other friends mum was related somehow with Martin Shaw and he also used to walked past 80s wrestling 'legend' Big Bruno's house to and from school.

Oh AND he and a mate chatted up Page 3 models Maria Whittaker and Debbie Ashby in a club.

So yeah, slightly more tenuous than yours .. but interesting never the less.

12 Feb 2009
I stroked Goldie the blue peter dog once, Simon Groom was around somewhere too, but I didn't stroke him.

Not a meeting claim to fame, but I did have to Photoshop an extra 20% of David Beckhams hand for some artwork that wasn't supplied to the correct size. I don't think anyone noticed.

Queue up behind Jonathan Ross in a service station.
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