What's your (most tenuous) claim to fame?

16 Aug 2009
Walked past the pictures expert guy on Antiques Roadshow on a street in Bath. Walked past Judi Dench outside the Theatre Royal in Brighton.

Saw the guy who played Harold in Neighbours being shown around the Pavilion Gardens in Brighton.

Was seen on telly once briefly in the background in a News Report item.

Bumped into Adam Faith once, very friendly guy said hi and a brief chat. Not long before he died actually.
8 Nov 2008
After a drunken night out with his son and kipping in his house I threw up all over Francis Rossie's front lawn


I bumped into Ray Brooks the other day in Marks and Spencers, which funnily enough was only a couple of days after I had watched all three series of Big Deal.

Accidentally met David Vine. Mum asked him where the toilet was. :D
22 Oct 2004
United till I die
I served Mark Owen in his Take That hayday, one of his 'peeps' paid with a credit card and then Mark shouted keep the change. This was at Tesco, so yeah thanks.

I've actually taken care of, or met a fair few famous people through work. I've even been in a secret room that doesn't exist on any plans based in a large hospital. Although I can't really name names, that patient wore a lot of orange and sounded like a welsh Lama.

I treated a terrorist who lost his testicle, a Man Utd footballer on the pitch who nicely came to see us in work to say thank you (He came from Serbia..). An alcoholic Corrie star who though he was as famous as Michael Jackson. A 2020 presidential candidates wife's, sister.

I also treated the heir to £8 billion, met Chris Evans in bad times recently (thoroughly nice guy), someone high up in JLR, they send us a free Land Rover day, I won't lie a Jag one would have been much preferred! We auctioned off the Land Rover day and made £200 for charity which was nice.
5 Sep 2006
West Ewell, Surrey
Before my dad retired he was in the fish industry and had to present an award to a fish and chip shop for the quality award and I went along as it was on the way for me to be dropped off in Bradford for Uni.

A celebrity was required to actually hand the award over to the owner of the fish and chip shop and that person happened to be Jimmy Saville :p

No he didn't touch me, however he did turn up in a black 4x4 and was wearing a red tracksuit, massive gold chain and holding a cigar which he asked if he could smoke in the shop.

I play darts on a Monday night for my local club and Tim Vine plays for one of the opposing teams; thoroughly nice guy.

When I went along to my dad's driving experience day we bought him for his 60th I stood next to Tiff Needell at the urinals as he was doing M3 passenger drift rides.
21 Mar 2003
Here's a good one for ye,

Couple of years back, I was stood in a queue waiting to use a cash machine, when I get bumped from behind by a rather irritating american, he is all like "Hey, sorry dude", and me, being in a totally bad mood that day, just growl at him and muttered something about "ignorant americans". All around me, people are staring and taking photos and stuff.. I think nothing of it, until later when I'm walking past a local game shop and I notice that they have a few of the WWE wrestlers in there for a signing, and one of them is none other than the ignorant american from earlier, only now I realise, it was Kevin Nash.
4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
A few months back I was wandering around the Mall shopping centre in Bristol and I'm pretty sure I walked passed Jon Bentley, I only glanced at him and it didn't click till he was gone.

I also nearly ran over Christian Horner (Red Bull F1) I was working at the factory, as I pulled into the car park, he was walking out to cross the road, I did a double take and he smiled as I realised who it was.
25 Aug 2006
Was an extra in a show with Kevin Whately - we had to play rugby in the background of a scene and then be in the baths in a later scene; i had to exit and walk up a corridor with my bare a$$ on display.

After shooting i asked if we could get a pic with Kevin, who turned out, was a miserable git - exited his caravan, got the pic, back in his caravan without saying a single word to us.
20 May 2012
My mum and I opened performed the opening ceremony for england's strongest man last year.

At Download 2013 I "assisted" a band member over a security fence to the sound tent.
But was too drunk top realise who he was.

At an earlier download festival I went up to Phil Jupitus (who had a hot woman on each arm) just to ask if he was Phil Jupitus. And drunkenly just mumble summat like ah ok cool.
22 Apr 2003
Whilst staying in a hotel in Glasgow I shared a jacuzzi with Keira Knightley! Her brother was getting married and the whole family were staying in the hotel! That was a day I shall not forget in a hurry! Beautiful she was!
29 Jul 2004
I hit the door into Prince Harry at the Invictus Games last year.
I was coming out of the toilet, opened the door and PH was coming in. Caught him straight

I felt like a ******* idiot

Oh I also met Simon Amstell in the toilet during a showing of NMTB - he asked if I wanted any funny jokes. I just wanted to wash my hands
5 Feb 2013
Not me, but a good story from a guy I worked with a few years ago. He was at Maidson Square Garden. It was for a special Elton John concert I think (will make sense later). He was sitting way back. While queueing for something the guy in front was messing around taking ages, so they started giving him verbal abuse/banter. The guy turned out to be Pierce Brosnan. Next thing they new he'd invited them into the VIP box to watch the rest of the show with him. I can't remember who was in the box, but it was some big names. After the show he then got them into Elton John's birthday party. He spent some of the evening trying to pull a Hollywood actress, but got absolutely nowhere. I wish I could remember who, but it was a long time ago now.

This guy did mix in interesting circles though. Once at an event when hanging out with Princes Harry and William he was jumped by Jennifer Ellisson outside the toilets (didn't realise who she was until after). Then another night he was followed home by Paparazzi on motorbikes due to spending the evening with Paris Hilton (one of his mates had a bit of an on/off thing with her when she visited London).

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