What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

Because you are only letting me pick one ;

Unreal Tournament (UT99) which is somewhat a cliche given I have since moved on from the genre entirely.. what we have these days just doesn't float my boat not to mention over priced/rehashed tosh

The funny thing is, I remember a massive amount of hesitation amongst the Unreal community when they released the UT demo (oh yea, we got proper demos then) about it being cartoony etc

You Wireplay, Jolt, Barrysworld, Multiplayer, CB, Heat(!) lurkers - heres to you!

That said, if you had gone with categories (genres), I would had said Ultima Online in a heart beat. I cannot emphasize strongly enough the pure scale of shenanigans which took place pre-trammel.
We're talking Sodom and Gomorrah levels of debauchery which quite frankly would make 4chan blush. That and the PVP was mint, nothing like it. Good times!

Mileage will vary though.. I can appreciate as someone who started gaming online mid/late 90's those who got on the horse later will have more appreciation for the likes of WoW (which was actually great fun initially) as well. I mean we didn't even have counter strike when I started out.. it was basically a third party mod for HL1 originally that took off (or went viral as the kids say)
There was a mod just like it for UT as well (tactical ops or something)

Cheers for the nostalgia I'll be sitting in my comfy chair in my cardigan supping a cuppa and sighing.
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I mean I started gaming in the early 80's playing pretty much any device that you could get games on and there have been classics I was going to go for Elite or Morrowind even a little love for Robin O'the Wood or Speedball 2 Brutal deluxe but after much memory/soul searching it has to be Witcher 3 for me. Best game I can remember ever playing and I've played most.
Too many great games over the years but ill give it to The Bard's Tale (Spent months upon months mapping all the dungeons on squared paper) as it deserves a mention ;)
GOAT is such a wide open field but I have trouble making decisions as it is. However have arrived at Battlefield 2142 & Northern Strike. Quite possibly the most fun I have had online with friends. Made numerous friends and created some comical enemies. The servers where always full and just the right mix of Infantry combat and vehicles. Although the attack Helis got a bit much sometimes.

It came at a time when I was just starting to buy decent PC components and at the same time becoming ok at gaming in a competitive sense. I think the TITAN game mode was fantastic 32 players was just right. I enjoyed the two ways to win the map or at least clinch victory. The mixture of keeping the silo sunder your control as the missiles hit the titan then boarding to try and finish the job. Just a satisfying gaming experience that I played for a stupid amount of hours.

Just have so many fond memories of the game and the experiences that surrounded them. No doubt some nostalgia mixed in there. So yes 2142 for me.
I've been playing games since the Binatone. I've played so many fantastic games I think a ton could be on the list. Like Bubble Bobble, Ghosts n Goblins, Green Beret, Dungeon Master, Bloodwych, SWoS, Turrican 2, Nemesis, etc, etc. each one has something fantastic about it and are even played now.

For me, the one that sticks out, is Asherons Call. Not a lot of people will have played it, it was in the time as Everquest. But the game, for me, was a new genre to explore. My first proper MMO, I'd played Ultima Online and a couple of others, but this was like nothing else. This was in the days of comms via chat and not over the internet, it had a proper patron/vassal system where vassals produced XP for the patron so it was in the patrons best interest to help them out. Fellowships shared XP, you could move and dodge projectiles. Dying cost you items (such as armour) and lowered your skill by 5% by each death up to 40% so you needed people to help you get your stuff back. Each class was also unique. It was such an amazing game and, unfortunately, Turbine changed from the company we thought we could trust (who promised to release the source code) to a bunch of muppets who turned the game off.

City of Heroes.

This was the first ever MMORPG game I played. I even got connected to the internet to play it. I still remember showing the game to my brother and him asking if they were player controlled characters flying above me as the internet and MMORPGs were wonderous things (it came out before WoW I believe). Being able to play along with others and make in game friends to level up with was fun. For the time the game was fast paced with lots of different build options. I would spend hours finding out how to min/max the different powers. Being able to group up with others was really easy as you could "sidekick" them up to just below your lvl, so there were many nights I would start a group up and as people left it I would easily replace them. On the whole the other players were pleasant and helpful, very little trolling.

It's old and official closed down now but they seem to have turned a blind eye to fact that you can play on private servers. https://youtu.be/3k3tRYiBqBk
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Witcher 3.

Really cared about the main characters, dialogue and world was on point, graphics and music just perfect. The sides quests felt meaningful, even the smaller random ones.

10/10. Will play again once the new console generation patches hit.
My experience with Witcher 3 was getting stuck on the surface of water down a well in the 2nd side mission, reloading and the same thing happened again, the internet said many others had this problem and had to do all kind of crazy things to avoid it from happening, so I uninstalled it. True story.

Quake 2 :)
My experience with Witcher 3 was getting stuck on the surface of water down a well in the 2nd side mission, reloading and the same thing happened again, the internet said many others had this problem and had to do all kind of crazy things to avoid it from happening, so I uninstalled it. True story.

Quake 2 :)

Me too I bought Witcher 3 at launch and have played it a couple of hours before getting bored which is what surprises me as to why it is so high. All other games in the top ten I can totally understand which just has me perplexed. I guess I am just getting old.
Some big contenders for me -

Manic Miner - It set the standard back when home computers were just starting to get going, an incredibly exciting time but that game was something else, a defining moment in gaming for me.
Elite - Another great game that moved the goal posts with the illusion of a huge galaxy to travel in and a great game to boot.
Left 4 Dead 2 - Great online game and with mods that came out I must have put 100's of hours into that one.

But my vote would have to be WoW. I put more time into that game by far than any other, for along while no other games got a look in back in the day. Would I play it again now? No, its had its time but in its hay day playing with friends working up the levels, instances, raiding and world PVP was just amazing, for me it was just mind blowing when it came out, a proper open world with 1000's of other real people all just doing their own thing. Nothing came close at the time.
Would have to say World of Warcraft vanilla , Spent a good 4 years of my life playing it and loved every moment ! Sadly like all games that love vanishes and new things come along but when I look back that game had my time & attention ! I was even taken sick days of work to play expansions.
Also enjoyed playing Wow Classic back in 2001 in Covid times when I was of work for 4 months and enjoyed the grind again and playing with so many ex wow players. I think its safe to say that game is now gone to sleep for good but fond memories.
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Me too I bought Witcher 3 at launch and have played it a couple of hours before getting bored which is what surprises me as to why it is so high. All other games in the top ten I can totally understand which just has me perplexed. I guess I am just getting old.
Your not alone lol i also found the witcher 3 boring after a few hrs of play, dont understand how people think its the best game ever,but i guess we all like different things, i would say skyrim for instance is way WAY better than the witcher 3
i certainly played it for WAY more hrs and loved every second of it.
Clocked up 1500+ hours on it in under 3 years. Played it almost daily several hours a day whilst being severely mentally ill (schizophrenia), it was my only escape. Now i'm on meds & well I don't play it but I look foward to ARMA 4 if/when it's released.
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