I would also say I have developed a general dislike of the general population.
It started from a young age. I think what did it was growing up among people that I didn't have anything in common with. I was quite an intelligent child but also introverted and very shy. Then you come up against others who, whilst not really very intelligent, are loud, bullyish or considered to be 'hard' as if that is a massive achievement. I knew I was more inteligent than these people but they all seemed to unfairly do better than me, i.e in popularity, with friends, with girls. And what that did is cause me to be even more introverted and more shy, because I didn't fit in and was never going to be popular, so I withdrew more and more. Once the opportunity to build confidence in a child is missed, I guess it becomes harder to do later, especially when teenage years kick in.
These days Im 40 years old so I've learned to care less about the shyness and introversion aspects of my personality. However I still dislike people who gain success by being the types of people I grew up with. So anyone who is loud, a lout, a thug, bullyish. If they don't have any substance to back up their outward appearance then I dislike them. Yet those people still continue to gain success even though in my mind they shouldn't.
That should be fine right? Those people can mix with their own kind of people and I can mix with my kind of people? But unfortunately I have found it difficult to find and develop strong friendships with people who are like me. And now I don't really try because I've kind of given up on it. Actually that's not quite true, sometimes I have a desire to get back on the horse and try again but its tiring to do so and I burn out quickly on it.
My dislike of people has led me down some paths which are not very beneficial really. For example it sometimes gives me some extreme views. For example on the topic of Covid-19, its led part of me to desire a catastrophic impact, simply because part of me wants to see less of some types of people in the world. All problems are fundamentally caused by the loud and aggressive types of people (poverty, housing crisis, crime, war, you name it) so less of these people can only benefit in the long term. I have to hold myself back from expressing a view that it might not be such a bad thing if millions did die.
In my work I have very occasionally come across people who are both very confident AND very intelligent. One example I remember well was at a job interview about 10 years ago for a large construction contractor. The guy ate me alive at interview. I wasn't bitter because he didn't do it in a negative way, it was just clear from the moment I met him he was in a different league. This neatly brings me on to the below.
The only reason why we have progressed as far as we have scientifically/technologically is due to a tiny proportion of the population with genuine talent developing this stuff for us to use; ironically, their inventions have enabled idiots to voice opinions on things they have zero knowledge of, or spreading fake news or conspiracy theories which does nothing but undermine society. It enables them access to wealth denied to many people who actually make a positive difference in society, in return for poisoning the airways with vacuous garbage and making simple people thinking they are some kind of role model that should be aspired to, which perpetuates the problem.
This was made obvious to me very recently. Due to boredom in lockdown Ive been watching a series of youtube videos on how to build a computer from scratch. The genius it must have taken for the first person/people to invent this is astounding. And I know it didn't happen overnight and was the work of many people, connected and independently, but still, I can't see how I would ever have had the imagination to be able to come up with those ideas. It is quite humbling.