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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

28 Oct 2011
3070 TUF has gone up to £629. Half regretting not getting it when on sale at £550, especially as a large custom outdoor scene in HL:Alyx VR started to stutter a bit. But even £550 seems a little steep considering it's now 2 years old. I can't figure out what's going on anymore.

We're all being robbed, that's what's going on. It's been going on since Pascal.
18 Sep 2012
I know that's not really a question and we all know the reason, but i'll just repeat it anyway, even if just to keep reminding myself.

People keep buying them. Releasing cards at all time high prices then dropping them a bit has got increasingly more people using the word bargain.

Feels a bit like fuel costs: raise the costs from around £1.15 per litre to £2 per litre, then bring it down to £1.80 and that 20p drop feels like happy days, despite being 65p higher than the start. Sneaky.

It would be nice if in many areas mass consumer power was utilised better. I'm going to hold, it's not urgent so I still have the luxury of being patient.
28 Oct 2011
Feels a bit like fuel costs: raise the costs from around £1.15 per litre to £2 per litre, then bring it down to £1.80 and that 20p drop feels like happy days, despite being 65p higher than the start. Sneaky.

It would be nice if in many areas mass consumer power was utilised better. I'm going to hold, it's not urgent so I still have the luxury of being patient.

It's called "anchoring".



26 Nov 2005
It's all well.and good making hay while the sun shines, but what about when the sun goes down? The industry is killing itself. Fine, understand R & D costs and other stuff gets lobbed into a RRP on top of the usual manufacturing costs and the price of the pound against the dollar etc.

However, what excuse is there for sudden price rises on older kit that is already plentiful in stock, outside of greed?

Some of the rises on 30 series cards and 6000 series cards now, based on initial feedback on 4000 series cards prices no doubt, is nothing short of opportunistic greed.

I hope they're stuck in warehouses for months.
Last edited:
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Managed to get an AIB 3080 for just over £600. Fairly happy with that. Anything under MSRP is a win i suppose :D.
*Edit : New Condition

Its ok.. just its now a two year old technology. Most retailers used to sell deals toward the end of the gen cycle for 25%+ less than the msrp. The flood basically had no affect on this generation, sorry I mean the stream.
31 Dec 2010
See that high-street vendor of used parts now sets prices in £1 increments (previously after a ~£50+ everything went up in £5/£10 increments). Not only that, but after reducing prices for a bit they now have stagnated and even raised some. I guess they did buy some at high prices but their typical margin between we-sell and we-buy has always been huge. Haven't checked the well-known auction site but it seems prices are not coming down. The used parts store even increased AM4 CPU prices and surprisingly they have little stock of 5000 parts; the retailer reductions on new Zen3 also seem to have come to an end - AMD were supposed to have "supported" those.

Guess my wallet shall remain closed!
5 Mar 2009
I think there will further reductions to come to be honest, cost of living is starting to bite but the wrose is still to come. That will slow down spending and retailers and manufacturers will need to make concessions to shift stock from the shelves.
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