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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

22 Nov 2018
I have during the last couple of years "discovered" console gaming and have to say I have really enjoyed it.

Just cant find the enthusiasm now to spend the now ridiculous levels of money needed for a new build even though I probably need one. Have realised (with shock) I do most of my gaming now on console rather than PC - which I tend to use for the smaller indie games that dont need the likes of a 3080 to run anyway.

I recently discovered console gaming as well because of the exclusives like The Last of Us Part II which I'm currently playing. It's an amazing game and looks beautiful on a 50 inch TV. The only problem is an idiot optimised it for a controller so I have to use an adaptor to emulate keyboard/mouse. This makes aiming very janky and can never replace a pc where I do most of my gaming.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
It seems you didn't read what i said...

Considering you don't seem to understand what's being discussed it's sort of hard to disagree.

Yea, nah you don't. I've literally pointed out to you on multiple occasions now...because like i said you've had this pointed out to you on multiple occasions now.

Or is it that you're just one of those weirdo's who doesn't have the emotional maturity to admit to a mistake and would rather embarrass themselves by digging ever deeper.

Yes. This.

..i best not hold my breath though as i suspect you've just thrown that dead cat on the table because you're not capable of addressing the actually points i raised with you, like the last 3-4 times that you failed.

Once again another forum user highlights the same things to the same individual! :cry: :cry: :cry: On a few ignore lists for a reason, but we all cant be wrong.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Game development, GPU development, and CPU development have always progressed at the same speed. This is because game developers optimise for components that people have in their PC to guarantee their games are playable.

For example, game developers didn't optimise for more than 4 CPU cores until people actually had more than 4 CPU cores.

When stagnation happens in CPU or GPU, game developers hold back in that area of game development. Ergo, game developers held back and used lower quality textures (than they otherwise would have) to ensure that 10Gb was enough. The 3080 could have had 8Gb VRAM and it still would have been enough because game developers would have held back even more to ensure their games didn't exceed the 8Gb.

So to say 10Gb is enough is nonsensical because game developers would have targeted whatever arbitrary amount of VRAM it had to ensure it was enough.

Now that the 4080 has 16Gb, I guarantee that game developers will ensure that 16Gb is enough.

There was a couple of dedicated threads for this debate. Apart from a few open minded ones, the only people dying on the hardware hill seem to be the ones who own an original spec 3080. Even a few deniers ended up purchasing a Ti in the end. If the regular 3080 was so perfect then this would have been bought again (which they didn't). ;)
20 Feb 2006
The next person that can not discuss or debate without resorting to childish put downs will be receiving a suspension and a GC strike. Put people on ignore(and the next one that attempts to boast about doing it will also get a holiday).

If anyone thinks a post or poster needs us to have a look then report the post and the moderation team will review and take action where necessary.
7 Dec 2010
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7 Dec 2010
Regarding the topic of gpu prices coming down well doesn't look that way when the top end consoles we have now are getting the latest AAA games at 30fps locked.


5 days before release they announce the 30fps lock ....^ Now you know why you don't pre-order anything without knowing what you are paying for.

Maybe they should have used Nvidia Gpus to get DLSS 3 frame generation to get up to 60fps fake frames and even worst quality. :cry: @Nexus18 :p

Then all that said a ps5 pro and a pro X series is not needed :cry:.... Proving the industry will always find a reason for faster hardware and more ways to charge you more for it, so all complaining about gpu prices as I am, welcome to the new world and how low this industry has sank.:rolleyes:

Again will say it again vote with your wallets so they get the reality of what customers think. Keep paying for subpar you will keep getting even more subpar goods as a thank you.

Trending on twitter 30 FPS.. https://twitter.com/search?q=30fps&src=trend_click&vertical=trends

Their 30fps fixed mode was a lie too it seems, it even drops to 20fps on the series X and the game looks rubbish and nothing special in game design and anything next gen. So no idea why it has such poor performance quality that even a 7 year old game they compare it to looks better to me.

8 Nov 2006
so them price drops. wonder where they went.

Credit to nvidia. Their plan sort of worked. We shall see how quickly they shift inventory.

They also weren't able to cancel their TSMC orders, so they will have loads of Ada chips piling up which they will try sell at >$1200.
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Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
They also weren't able to cancel their TSMC orders, so they will have loads of Ada chips piling up which they will try sell at >$1200.

:cry: oops. Wonder if that will lead to the lower end cards arriving sooner, if they need to repackage them for higher volumes.
7 Dec 2010
:cry: oops. Wonder if that will lead to the lower end cards arriving sooner, if they need to repackage them for higher volumes.

These were all August 2022 Articles, the slow down also happened because people were waiting for 40 series.

The articles are pointless now for what will happen as people that waited and decided 40 series is not for them are buying 30 series now that are easy to get hold of at more sensible prices than before, but as the 40 series was released people thought prices of 30 series and AMD 6000 series would come down but reality the opposite has happened prices have gone up.

Examples are easy to see on the OCUK store :-

6950xt Was £800 lowest here before and now £900.

3090tis only budget model left for £1200 and again two budget models 3090s also at £1200:-

If you check other retailers for these same 6950xt, 3090ti and 3090 they are more and some 3090 models are even £1740 and some refurbished 3090s are £1200 and 3090ti refurbished £1200.. 6950xt cheapest I see right now anywhere but not including postage is £870 but have seen it bounce up to £900+ too. Basically all gone up since the last price drops.

Then cheapest 3090 and 3090ti AIB models at moment are £1200 new or a refurbished ones at £1200 or silly prices of anywhere from £1500 to £1740 for a new 3090 right now for an AIB model or Nvidia store 3090ti FE £1150.

These are for the top cards from Nvidia and AMD, the ones below are all over MSRP still or at same prices they came out lower down the stack , eg 3080ti £930 starting price, 3080 12GB £890, 3080 10GB £760.. and lower down all AIBS above the msrp for FE of course..

Prices are still either bouncing up or coming back down to about £20-50 less on deal days at some retailers but not seeing these so called deals anymore too. So looking like they will all sell out before another price drop now and probably go up as stocks get less and less for them.

4080 16GB is not going to be our saviour either at the £1269 msrp and we all know AIB models will be more. Also yet to wait from AMD 7000 series but things are not looking good and prices probably just as high.
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28 Sep 2014
They also weren't able to cancel their TSMC orders, so they will have loads of Ada chips piling up which they will try sell at >$1200.
Nvidia can cancel TSMC orders if demand fell. Looked at both Apple and AMD cancelled TSMC orders to cut down iPhone 14 and Zen 4 productions when demand fell.

8 Nov 2006
Nvidia can cancel TSMC orders if demand fell. Looked at both Apple and AMD cancelled TSMC orders to cut down iPhone 14 and Zen 4 productions when demand fell.

AMD and Apple are different though. They have massive orders and a longstanding relationship with TSMC. AMD can also move production to other products. Nvidia ditched TSMC last generation, and made sure to buy up as much as they could this generation.

Whilst not confirmed, Nvidia were told, going by news articles, they must replace the orders they made with someone else.
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17 Aug 2005
SW Scotland
Personally don't think we will see much lower prices on 30 series cards.
And the 40 series (at least the 4090/80) are way out of my price range.
Hence why I decided to pick up an Asus 3080 TUF for a not too bad price. Great little card, more than happy with it.
It will happily see me OK for 1440 for a couple of years. Come to that, my 1080 TI was still managing pretty well at that resolution.
No pockets in a shroud ;)
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7 Dec 2010
Personally don't think we will see much lower prices on 30 series cards.
And the 40 series (at least the 4090/80) are way out of my price range.
Hence why I decided to pick up an Asus 3080 TUF for a not too bad price. Great little card, more than happy with it.
It will happily see me OK for 1440 for a couple of years. Come to that, my 1080 TI was still managing pretty well at that resolution.
No pockets in a shroud ;)

First time I heard a 3080 TUF called little :cry: , some of the biggest gpus ever.
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