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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

16 Sep 2018
what is going on with gfx cards at the moment? websites are constantly in and out of stock of 3090 ti's and pricing is still a joke and still very few 4090's about.

is there really still a shortage in production or are websites/manufacturers drip feeding stock to keep their prices high? you could get a 3090 ti for just under 1k a few weeks ago, now minimum price I've seen today is £1450.

it just makes little sense to me right now, you'd think the last gen high ends would have dropped a bit more seeing as the 4090 has been out 2-3 weeks.

spending almost £1500 on a 'last gen' graphics card sounds absolutely crazy to me rn.
Nvidia are restricting how many GPUs get sold, in their latest investor call Jensen said this...
And our strategy is to reduce the sell-in, reduce the sell-in this quarter or next quarter, to let channel inventory correct. Obviously, we're off the highs, and the macro condition turned sharply worse. And so our first strategy is to reduce sell-in in the next couple of quarters to correct channel inventory. We've also instituted programs to price-position our current products to prepare for next-generation products.
It's off the highs, which was really high recently in the beginning of the year. And so we have -- and because we were building for such a vibrant market, we found ourselves with excess inventory. And so our strategy is to sell well below -- well -- sell-in well below the current sell-through levels in the marketplace to give the channel an opportunity to correct. We'll do that for a couple of quarters or so. We believe that by the end of the year, we'll be in a good shape going into next year. And so I hope that answers your question, but the important thing is our sell-in rate is far below what is happening in the market for sell-throughs. The sell-through is solid, has increased 70% since pre-COVID. And so the gaming market is really quite vibrant.
There's loads more mentions of how they're reducing the amount that gets sold into supply channels in order to keep prices high.
28 Jun 2013
we can only hope the 40 series does not sell that well and makes nvidia rethink their price hike strategy.
it looks like even a non Ti 4060 is going to probably be almost as much as the best GPU in the world was 7 years ago.
25 Apr 2011
Nvidia are restricting how many GPUs get sold, in their latest investor call Jensen said this...

There's loads more mentions of how they're reducing the amount that gets sold into supply channels in order to keep prices high.
So looks unlikely we will get any deals on high end cards in black Friday sales.

Might just have to settle/wait for 3090 ti's to get to around 1k which maybe open box as this strategy from nvidia doesn't look like they will increase supply any time soon
16 Sep 2018
So looks unlikely we will get any deals on high end cards in black Friday sales.

Might just have to settle/wait for 3090 ti's to get to around 1k which maybe open box as this strategy from nvidia doesn't look like they will increase supply any time soon
Yea I'm not holding out much hope for Nvidia deals next month, I've seen Asus Tuf RX 6800 pop up for around £450 (obviously didn't last long at that price) so I'm expecting there to be more deals on AMD cards come the black Friday sales.
29 Jun 2016
Nvidia are restricting how many GPUs get sold, in their latest investor call Jensen said this...

There's loads more mentions of how they're reducing the amount that gets sold into supply channels in order to keep prices high.
That is NV's perogative, just sucks consumers are still left to buy 2 year old tech at release price. I'm hoping (praying) AMD come to market with reasonably priced parts in volume. Based on their allocations at TSMC, this should be possible. They could steal reasonable market share like they did vs. Intel with Zen 1/2.

I guess the main issue with NVs approach is that people are tightening wallets. Limiting supply only works if theres money in the system, and ahhhh money is definitely scarce...
16 Sep 2018
That is NV's perogative...
Oh for sure and i didn't mean to imply otherwise if that's how it came across, i just think people should be aware that NV are trying to keep prices high. If you're OK with paying, like you say, release prices for 2 year old tech then more power to you. However for me personally if feels like I'm being taken advantage of.
29 Jun 2016
Oh for sure and i didn't mean to imply otherwise if that's how it came across, i just think people should be aware that NV are trying to keep prices high. If you're OK with paying, like you say, release prices for 2 year old tech then more power to you. However for me personally if feels like I'm being taken advantage of.
100% agree with you, wasn't trying to start a fight :) I was vaguely aware of them constraining supply, but its interesting to what extent.

Just praying for AMD to really shake the market up. They've done it before...
18 Sep 2012
I did notice in the Nvidia shop on Monday when I went to buy the 3060Ti FE it said out of stock (along with the 3070Ti FE) and I just left the page open on my phone and a few moments later when I glanced over at it the icons started doing a strange glitch type thing and then it suddenly said "Buy Now". Not sure what was going on there but it did sucker me into buying it thinking it may go out of stock again.
11 Dec 2019
AMD pricing of the 6800 and 6900 have been slowly trickling down recently. Cheapest 6900 xt I've seen is £677, 6800's around dropping to just over £500 as well. 6800 XT just over £600 which is hard to justify against the plain 6800.

I don't think AMD has huge stock to shift and therefore doesn't have to manipulate prices like nVidia are right now. November 3rd should give us some insight to AMD's 7000 series and where it competes with the 4080/90 pricing debacle so hopefully we get more price squeezes across the board.
14 Aug 2017
minimum price I've seen today is £1450.

Over here in Australia I'm seeing the asus rog strix LC (liquid cooled) at around £1100 equivalent, and non-Ti's around 1k. 6950xt in between the two. Could try ordering for import!

But yes, for two year old, last gen tech, it's crazy, and clearly nvidia is drip-feeding the market to avoid price collapse. I hope AMD can capitalise on this.
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25 Apr 2011
Over here in Australia I'm seeing the asus rog strix LC (liquid cooled) at around £1100 equivalent, and non-Ti's around 1k. 6950xt in between the two. Could try ordering for import!

But yes, for two year old, last gen tech, it's crazy, and clearly nvidia is drip-feeding the market to avoid price collapse. I hope AMD can capitalise on this.
It's ******** tbh. Nvidia has the consumer over a barrel mainly due to lack of competition. I need a decent card for 3d work and unfortunately radeon cards can't hold a light to nvidia so nvidia is the only real option.

With productivity also the gulf between low mid and high end cards is too large to ignore. The high end cards pee all over the tier below its not even close so yeah kinda stuck paying over a grand for 2 year old tech. Annoyingly.
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Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
I sold my 3080ti FE for roughly what I paid for it used, mainly as I felt more comfortable having a GPU with some warranty!
Picked up a 3090ti (MSI) but it was faulty on arrival, by the time they agreed to refund it (not OCUK btw) they were out of stock of anything else and had hiked their prices.

Picked up a Used Xbox Series X for now so I can get my COD fix from tomorrow, but will be keeping an eye out for a decent GPU deal.
30 Nov 2017
Nvidia are restricting how many GPUs get sold, in their latest investor call Jensen said this...

There's loads more mentions of how they're reducing the amount that gets sold into supply channels in order to keep prices high.
Killing their own long term market in the process. I've been PC gaming since the PC was invented, still sat on a 1070 but refuse to entertain any of this. Everyone I know has dropped out and moved on. Few kids have a PC, its all console.

You'd think now things have calmed down they'd want to get a new generation on board, you know their future long term market . However if they're actively stalling to take advantage of their own initial greed, well they can wedge it.
31 Jan 2012
Droitwich, UK
The worry I have with AMD is that they won't produce the 7000 series in large enough numbers and so even if they do price below Nvidia demand will bump pricing,assuming they don't just drop in near Nvidia's new pricing, especially if the cards end up very fast.

The price of RTX3000 cards and the numbers still in stock may also allow AMD to price well above if the performance is there, with the price drops and seemingly relatively low stock of 6000 series cards meaning they wouldn't interfere much.

Looking forward to the 3rd to hopefully see what's in store.
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