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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

18 Oct 2002
The worry I have with AMD is that they won't produce the 7000 series in large enough numbers

Why wouldn't they? :confused:

The only cards that in "recent" years that AMD produced with smaller numbers was the fury x (mostly due to hbm issues in manufacture) and radeon vii which was always a limited edition.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Why wouldn't they? :confused:
To create artificial scarcity in order to gouge customers in order to maintain or create the highest possible profit margins at any cost. A common obsession with large companies. It looks good for shareholders and for bigging up the CVs of people high up in the hierarchy. Even if it means lower profits overall due to poor sales. Even if it reduces the overall size of the market by ensuring that every product is bad value for money. Shareholders and senior employees can always move on to another company when they've ruined one. They provided high profit margins, so they're a success!

My guess is that on the 3rd of November AMD will announce two cards and only two cards. One roughly on a par with a 4090 and one roughly on a par with a 4080. A bit better in some ways, a bit worse in other ways. With the MSRPs being 5-10% below the MSRPs for the 4090 and 4080.

I'll give AMD until then. If that's what they do, I'll either buy a 3060Ti FE if any are in stock or buy a 2nd hand card to ensure neither company gets my money. Or stick with my 1070 Ti for a while longer.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Not telling you what to do but Black Friday / Cyber Monday is only 3 weeks after AMD launch their new cards, personally I'm going to decide what to buy then.

Yes, but when AMD make their announcement we'll know what cards will be available and what the MSRP is. Also, it's by no means certain that any 7000 series AMD cards will be available on Black Friday. AMD's thing on the 3rd of November isn't necessarily an actual launch, i.e. when the cards are available to buy.

Nvidia have been very public about manipulating the graphics card market to create artificial scarcity, inflate their profit margins and keep selling 2 year old cards at full launch date MSRP or higher. AMD probably won't have 7000 series to sell by then and it won't help sales of the 7000 series if the 6000 series is a good deal on Black Friday so most of the potential customers for the 7000 series cards buy a 6000 series card. So I'm not expecting much from Black Friday anyway. But yeah, it's probably worth waiting. My 1070 Ti works and maybe I'll be wrong. Maybe there'll be a Radeon RX7xxx card that's twice as good at raster as my 1070 Ti and has pretty good ray tracing and pretty good upscaling and more VRAM and will sell for £400 on Black Friday.
31 Jan 2012
Droitwich, UK
Why wouldn't they?

I guess what I mean is if AMD were to release something with excellent price/performance that clearly beats Nvidia then they'll sell everything they can make and will struggle to keep up with demand.

I don't expect that, but let's say the 7900XT offered 90% of the performance of the RTtaX 4090 for £1k it'd be very popular.
31 Dec 2010
To create artificial scarcity in order to gouge customers in order to maintain or create the highest possible profit margins at any cost. A common obsession with large companies. It looks good for shareholders and for bigging up the CVs of people high up in the hierarchy. Even if it means lower profits overall due to poor sales. Even if it reduces the overall size of the market by ensuring that every product is bad value for money. Shareholders and senior employees can always move on to another company when they've ruined one. They provided high profit margins, so they're a success!
I think we should pin this part somewhere, especially the bolded.

Corporate ruiner's CV highlight: I killed the golden goose but increased margins then moved on never looking back!
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I guess what I mean is if AMD were to release something with excellent price/performance that clearly beats Nvidia then they'll sell everything they can make and will struggle to keep up with demand.


Saying it will be popular is one thing, but asking the 80% mindshare to not buy the brand is entirely fictional if you read how many on here operate! :cry:
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29 Jun 2016
Until AMD release a card you can get next day after purchase, ngreedia will not adjust their prices knowing people are stuck with 2 yr old Ampere or ultra expensive Ada. Watch how they manoeuvre when AMD come out to play.
I agree with the sentiment. The difference this gen is the demand is far lower (crypto & market crash) and the fabbing capacity is effectively unlimited with TSMC customers trying to reduce their wafers allocations.

AMD could easily flood the market with cost competitive GPUs. Lets see AMD play games reducing supply like NV have...

EDIT: OH, and the 4090 release smells of a rush job to get in before AMD. Looks like they didn't bother verfying their power adaptors before release. The whole situation is just a bit seedy. I'm not going to scream and shout about it, but I certainly won't buy a 4090.
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22 Nov 2018
I guess what I mean is if AMD were to release something with excellent price/performance that clearly beats Nvidia then they'll sell everything they can make and will struggle to keep up with demand.

I don't expect that, but let's say the 7900XT offered 90% of the performance of the RTtaX 4090 for £1k it'd be very popular.

AMD has released things in the past with excellent price/performance that clearly beats Nvidia. They didn't "sell everything they can make" though because most people are too loyal to Nvidia.
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31 Jan 2012
Droitwich, UK
AMD has released things in the past with excellent price/performance that clearly beats Nvidia. They didn't "sell everything they can make" though because most people are too loyal to Nvidia.

True. I'm pretty sure it's a moot point anyway as Nvidia have given AMD a significant amount of wiggle room to up prices while still significantly undercutting Nvidia. Same as the last time around I suppose, just no mining boom this time out.
5 Mar 2009
You only have to look at the issues with the melting adaptors, overpriced Ada cards and static cost of the ampere cards (not dropping in price) to see that no matter what they do people let it slide. If AMD done any of that they would get absolutely panned for it. :cry:
Ain’t that the truth. It would be unrelenting if AMD suffered from meltgate but because it’s Nvidia they seem to rest easier on their fickle loyalty.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
GPU prices will go down when game prices go down and 59.99+ seems to be the new normal now

Does many here actually pay that though? I still rarely pay more than £35 for a day 1 released game. Got Spiderman Miles Morales on pre order and after cashback that is under £30. Way I see it is I can’t sell it on so they can’t demand much more than that and if they do they just won’t get my money. Besides, give it a few months and you get discounts kicking in anyway.
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