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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

10 Aug 2006
GPU prices will go down when game prices go down and 59.99+ seems to be the new normal now
I refuse to pay it. I always wait until they are discounted or in a sale. The same game might be £30 or under in a month or two.

As for GPU prices, there is absolutely no way I am going to be paying £800+ as the new normal for GPUs. I will just play everything on console if that is the case, and retro game on the PC instead. In many ways, I've probably already done that.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
and what EXACTLY does that have to do with brexit pray tell ? oh yeah NOTHING.

now would it have been cheaper for AMD to ship cards here if brexit hadnt happened, more than likely. but post brexit nothing is stopping them shipping here.

There you go then. Maybe it being more expensive has put them off. Brexit sucks, people unfortunately got conned voting for it. But we have a dedicated brexit thread already so let’s leave it out of this one :)
16 Sep 2018
and what EXACTLY does that have to do with brexit pray tell ? oh yeah NOTHING.

now would it have been cheaper for AMD to ship cards here if brexit hadnt happened, more than likely. but post brexit nothing is stopping them shipping here.
I mean i guess if you're having trouble adding two things together i best help you out: The transition period, when basically nothing changed, ended on 31st of December 2020 and if we use the archived version of that page from November we can see no mention of restrictions in shipping to the UK, or anywhere for that matter. Now if we fast-forward to the next date that the page was archived in June of 2021, some 6 months after the transition period ended and customs checks started to be implemented, we now see the afore mentioned restrictions on shipping to the UK.

Now obviously we can't say with 100% certainty that Brexit, specifically the end of the transition period and the implementation of border checks, caused AMD to place restrictions on shipping to the UK, however unless you have a better explanation for why they did that then it would seem the most obvious cause.
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11 Dec 2004
so how is nvidia able to ship to the uk to sell founders editions, they have their own deal with the government or something?

i dont know why amd cant or to be more precise refuse to ship here.

just baffles me why people take that line for companies doing a poor job.

anyways back on topic, i see the pounds up against the dollar i take it prices are coming down again (sarcasm) :cry:



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
so how is nvidia able to ship to the uk to sell founders editions, they have their own deal with the government or something?

i dont know why amd cant or to be more precise refuse to ship here.

just baffles me why people take that line for companies doing a poor job.

anyways back on topic, i see the pounds up against the dollar i take it prices are coming down again (sarcasm) :cry:

You know how it goes. Pound weakens and companies are quick to increase prices. Pound gets stronger, they take their time or just do nothing :(
16 Sep 2018
so how is nvidia able to ship to the uk to sell founders editions, they have their own deal with the government or something?

i dont know why amd cant or to be more precise refuse to ship here.

just baffles me why people take that line for companies doing a poor job.

anyways back on topic, i see the pounds up against the dollar i take it prices are coming down again (sarcasm) :cry:
Who said anything about Nvidia, someone said "Do AMD still not sell to UK because of Brexit" and you replied by saying "sod all to do with brexit ffs.". What Nvidia do or what arrangements they've come to with a certain UK based retailer has nothing to do this.

I've just presented the evidence for why "AMD cant or to be more precise refuse to ship here" (i mean no one said they 'can't' either but i guess you have to create a strawman and move the goal posts now it's been proven that what you said was wrong). Whether you accept that evidence is neither here nor there, what you believe doesn't matter.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Good points but as we brought this up last gen nobody seemed to get to the bottom of it. We used to have a couple of AMD reps on here that we could pester, but as they seemed to have moved on the only person that seems to reply to this talk would be @Gibbo . Now recently OcUK were listing 6950XT's or some flavour that were reference cards so it would be nice to hear what the current craic is with Reference models and UK retailers...
3 Sep 2008
You know how it goes. Pound weakens and companies are quick to increase prices. Pound gets stronger, they take their time or just do nothing :(

Then that should answer your question it has nothing to do with the £'s value vs the $. Simple supply & demand, eve a C-Tier Palit card sold for over £2k. Madness.
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3 Sep 2008
Exactly, my point, that’s what businesses generally do. Not sure what part you took issue with. I never even asked a question in the first place. I just made a statement ;)

Let's call it a general answer to a general statement then lol - I know it's the goal of a business to make as much profit as possible but I don't know why they have so much trouble admitting it.
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