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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

15 Oct 2019
I am holding out a bit of hope - the 4080 isn't selling, and particularly if AMD's market share jumps we could start seeing some movement on pricing

There will always be that chunk of the market that will buy the absolute fastest card for the highest price, but the tiers below that seem a bit more rational from what is going around

They produced hardly any 4080's but they are sitting there on shelves hardly moving
What nvidia has learned from this gen so far is that the 4080 is priced to high and the 4090 is priced to low so I expect the 5080 will be around 1k while the 5090 will get jacked up to 2.5k.
6 Feb 2010
Which would mean, for example, a 4060 labelled as a 4070 being sold for about £800 in a couple of years
Have confident and removed the "in couple of years"...it's already began with the 3000 series when they decided to change their top card from xx80ti to calling it the xx90, and now continue to push it with the 4000 series. Actually it has started even from before that.

Remember when we use to have the two top full fat GPU being the x70 and x80 card? Well, they are now the xx90 (and most likely soon xx90 ti) now.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
What nvidia has learned from this gen so far is that the 4080 is priced to high and the 4090 is priced to low so I expect the 5080 will be around 1k while the 5090 will get jacked up to 2.5k.

You are right, but not sure about the figures. Will probably be 5080 $999 and 5090 $1899 or there abouts. Then later the 5080 Ti will fill the gap.

This is assuming AMD do not offer any competition at the top again.
20 May 2007
What nvidia has learned from this gen so far is that the 4080 is priced to high and the 4090 is priced to low so I expect the 5080 will be around 1k while the 5090 will get jacked up to 2.5k.

If anyone at Nvidia had any business sense for this generation, they would have realised this.

There will always be a market of rich people who will just pay whatever to get the fastest thing going.

However, what person has the money to spend £1300 on a gpu, and doesn't just think "meh" and get the best one at £1700 for an extra £400.
9 Aug 2013
S. Wales
im sorry but you can hardly blame these companies for high prices, if no one bought gpu's at silly prices there be no market, no buyers equals lower prices its simple economics, so theres only one party to blame here i afraid to say, he blame lies squarely with the buyers, whether thats gamers or others
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11 Sep 2009
I'm hoping with the new AMD cards out, after christmas there will be general sales that hopefully include pc components. If not, I still can't decide what to do! I mean I have the money to go full 13900k/4090 but I'm finding it hard to justify. I've gone and had a look at all the current games that are out/I've missed out on and future games but it's not really exciting me. The few that do excite me are probably a year or two out.
The reason I'm looking at the 13900k is because I want to do video encoding/editing and look at some game design, but part of me wonders if I just want it for the sake of it. Hmmm

edit: the callisto protocol does look good though
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18 Sep 2012
Well as much as I like PC gaming and have done for a few decades, although I can use mine for work too, if this becomes the norm regarding pricing I will have no issue picking up a console and shift over to it. I still have many games in the library to hit before I evaluate.

Worth checking out the RTX3060Ti FE if you can grab one in stock. I got mine for about £360 I think it was and it's playing Cyber Punk 2077 2k at maximum settings nice and smooth. Just bought Red Dead Redemption 2 in the sales and it's running it at 4k maximum settings nice and smooth as well and temps are barely hitting mid 50°C.

I'm honestly very surprised at just how good this card is handling things for such small money compared to the higher end stuff. I'm not sure how future proofed it is and how it will handle Unreal 5 stuff, but I suppose I can just stick to 2k and slightly reduce from max settings.
14 Aug 2017
What nvidia has learned from this gen so far is that the 4080 is priced to high and the 4090 is priced to low so I expect the 5080 will be around 1k while the 5090 will get jacked up to 2.5k.

Not that I want to defend them but ... isn't that where we were a couple of generations ago?

2080Ti was around 1k (higher at launch, but *OMG* there were actually cheaper models around after a few months), and the RTX Titan was at 2.5k?

It kinda looks like it's just going back there, but with the Titan called the xx90 and marketed to more people.
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30 Nov 2011
Not that I want to defend them but ... isn't that where we were a couple of generations ago?

2080Ti was around 1k (higher at launch, but *OMG* there were actually cheaper models around after a few months), and the RTX Titan was at 2.5k?

It kinda looks like it's just going back there, but with the Titan called the xx90 and marketed to more people.

Yeah and it didn't work last time either - the 2080ti was the worst selling "top tier" card for several gens before and since
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
It is pretty obvious he is talking about the higher end of the market not people gaming as you describe.

I'm talking about most of the gaming market, not just the higher end. Most of the gaming market is above a 1060. Also, a PC with a 1060 won't be as good for gaming as an Xbox Series S. Which is a console so underpowered that it remained in stock throughout the shortages because hardly anyone wanted to buy it. So a 1060 is nowhere near a like for like comparison with a mainstream modern console for gaming. Because consoles are specialised and because devs optimise game design for consoles, a console is significantly better for gaming than a general purpose PC with a similar raw processing power.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Have confident and removed the "in couple of years"...it's already began with the 3000 series when they decided to change their top card from xx80ti to calling it the xx90, and now continue to push it with the 4000 series. Actually it has started even from before that.

Remember when we use to have the two top full fat GPU being the x70 and x80 card? Well, they are now the xx90 (and most likely soon xx90 ti) now.

That was my point - when talking about the near future I was basing in on the present. They're already doing it - why would they stop doing it?
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
If anyone at Nvidia had any business sense for this generation, they would have realised this.

There will always be a market of rich people who will just pay whatever to get the fastest thing going.

However, what person has the money to spend £1300 on a gpu, and doesn't just think "meh" and get the best one at £1700 for an extra £400.

I think they have more business sense than you give them credit for. At the current relative pricing the 4080 serves as an upselling tool for the more profitable 4090. If it was significantly cheaper than the 4090, some customers who could buy the more profitable 4090 would buy the 4080 instead on the basis that nearly as much performance for a much lower price is a much better deal when nearly as much performance is more than enough for almost anything apart from competitive benchmarking. That's been commonplace for donkey's years in all types of hardware. The top model gets a lot of attention, but if there's a model that's almost as good and much cheaper that one sells a lot better.
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17 Aug 2009
If anyone at Nvidia had any business sense for this generation, they would have realised this.

There will always be a market of rich people who will just pay whatever to get the fastest thing going.

However, what person has the money to spend £1300 on a gpu, and doesn't just think "meh" and get the best one at £1700 for an extra £400.

One who is capable of restraint.

There's always the option to say **** it and walk away if you're feeling manipulated into paying more than you wanted to.
29 Aug 2004
Alpha centauri
Just seen this on Techpowerup be interesting to see what they do.

15 Oct 2019
I think they have more business sense than you give them credit for. At the current relative pricing the 4080 serves as an upselling tool for the more profitable 4090. If it was significantly cheaper than the 4090, some customers who could buy the more profitable 4090 would buy the 4080 instead on the basis that nearly as much performance for a much lower price is a much better deal when nearly as much performance is more than enough for almost anything apart from competitive benchmarking. That's been commonplace for donkey's years in all types of hardware. The top model gets a lot of attention, but if there's a model that's almost as good and much cheaper that one sells a lot better.
I would imagine the margins on the 4080 are similar if not better than those on the 4090.

A 379mm2 die which is smaller than the 70 class die last generation vs 609mm2 die of the 4090. 2/3 of the VRAM despite being 3/4 of the price and a PCB that is half empty.

I think Nvidia could have sold this card for less than £500 and still made a decent profit.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I would imagine the margins on the 4080 are similar if not better than those on the 4090.

If sold at the current price, probably. But I think that the 4080 has been deliberately overpriced specifically to make it an unattractive purchase and push potential customers to the 4090.

A 379mm2 die which is smaller than the 70 class die last generation vs 609mm2 die of the 4090. 2/3 of the VRAM despite being 3/4 of the price and a PCB that is half empty.

I think Nvidia could have sold this card for less than £500 and still made a decent profit.

And then hardly anyone would buy a 4090 at anything like £1700. Or even half that.
15 Oct 2019
Not that I want to defend them but ... isn't that where we were a couple of generations ago?

2080Ti was around 1k (higher at launch, but *OMG* there were actually cheaper models around after a few months), and the RTX Titan was at 2.5k?

It kinda looks like it's just going back there, but with the Titan called the xx90 and marketed to more people.
The 4090 isn't the Titan though as that was the full 102 die it's the 2080ti while the 4080 would be equivalent to a 2070 super by the time the full line up is out.
7 Dec 2010
The 4090 isn't the Titan though as that was the full 102 die it's the 2080ti while the 4080 would be equivalent to a 2070 super by the time the full line up is out.

Yes this times x90 is nothing more than a x80ti class, even comparing it to the 3090 and 3090ti there was only 2% more cuda cores on the 3090ti and the 3080ti had a lot more off like this 4090 that should be sold as a 4080ti in reality.. Nvidia's greed has no limits.
22 Nov 2018
The 4080 could be expensive for several reasons.

1. To make the 4090 more attractive - this has clearly worked because several of you have chosen to buy the 4090. This makes the 4080 pricing very clever. Those moaning about 4080 pricing are just bitter that it's too expensive for them.

2. Another reason for the expensive 4080 is to sell more 30 series. This tactic is also working very well. When the 30 series has sold out, the 4080 may then drop in price and many people will claim it's because Nvidia messed up their prices.

I can't fault their strategy at all. Don't get me wrong, I hate Nvidia with all my heart but their market share is at 88% because they know exactly what they are doing.

Let's see how this plays out - if Nvidia's market share goes up or stays the same then the 4080 price is just right. If Nvidia's market share goes down then Nvidia messed up.
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