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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

14 Aug 2009
The difference this time is there is no lockdown, handout cheques, mining competition.
It was the mining. All you needed was the initial investment to get the card and you'd get the card, basically, for free (through mining), even add a little profit on top if you were into it. Can't remember to see any other component at those x times MSRP prices.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
All you needed was the initial investment to get the card and you'd get the card, basically, for free (through mining), even add a little profit on top if you were into it.

Glad you understand this (my card was covered and then some more from it), whereas now we have none of them influences and the retailers/nvidia still think them prices are justified. The refresh late into 2023 might bring some reasonable uplift, but the asking price has to be sensible.
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15 Oct 2019
It was the mining. All you needed was the initial investment to get the card and you'd get the card, basically, for free (through mining), even add a little profit on top if you were into it. Can't remember to see any other component at those x times MSRP prices.
The ability to offset costs by mining did make paying over the odds for ampere less painful but without that option it's no wonder the 4080 is sitting on shelves whereas people were happy to buy up 3080s for £1600.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Even when AMD have the card (lets face it the weaker of the two will not be popular) out soon, all the options so far will be £1k+ for any new gen GPU. It might appeal to those that have worn out their 2080 Supers but there wont be many gamers happy to part with what was once the price of a complete desktop tower a few years ago.
21 Oct 2013
Anyone with money is buying a 4090. The 4080s are sitting on the shelf.
It's likely AMD will find themselves in a a similar situation however the 7900xtx might still be priced too high for most people to jump on.
Be interesting to see how it plays out in a few weeks.
15 Oct 2019
Even when AMD have the card (lets face it the weaker of the two will not be popular) out soon, all the options so far will be £1k+ for any new gen GPU. It might appeal to those that have worn out their 2080 Supers but there wont be many gamers happy to part with what was once the price of a complete desktop tower a few years ago.
If you're paying over 1k you really should be getting a top tier card and not one that gets beat by 35% by the top card which the 7900XT / 4080 will.

The 7900XTX might be decent option though if it gets close to a 4090 but I still think AMD has missed a trick this time by not pricing the 7900XT at £700 as that would have proved very enticing for the many people shopping in this price range and would have really embarrassed nvidia.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
The 7900XTX might be decent option though if it gets close to a 4090 but I still think AMD has missed a trick this time by not pricing the 7900XT at £700 as that would have proved very enticing for the many people shopping in this price range and would have really embarrassed nvidia.

I still think they will address that tier however I think they will take took long so as you put it the chance to embarrass nvidia has passed. They need a card for the £700 segment and swiftly, although I think they also need some volume of reference priced cards for the UK as last gen it was a joke.
15 Oct 2019
Tbf the incredible 4090 sales does show that people aren't willing to pay crazy prices this gen.

It's not so much that 4090 sales are really that good but more so the stock is terrible. It's been almost 2 months since release now and how many cards have OCUK had in? I'm sure some are still waiting for cards ordered on launch day as well and this time they only sold a very small amount in preorders.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
It's not so much that 4090 sales are really that good but more so the stock is terrible. It's been almost 2 months since release now and how many cards have OCUK in? I'm sure some are still waiting for cards ordered on launch day as well and this time they only sold a very small amount in preorders.

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15 May 2021
Nvidia have always been the best at making the best GPU’s. The iconic Nvidia logo has always been so fantastic to see. But surely they are playing a dangerous game. I’m sure they have alienated many pc gamers and professionals.

Been waiting to jump on a new GPU for a couple of years now, but with the crypto boom and covid inflated prices and fair enough the demand was there to warrant those prices and Nvidia enjoyed some of their most successful years.

So why and surely this is against the law, that they now just restrict the supply or (sell in) into the market to keep prices high. Obviously it’s not as they are so blatantly doing so! Creating the illusion to investors and customers that the demand is still there, reports have said Intel and computer components have dropped around 30% or so. Intel and have dropped their prices of new to reflect this it would seem.

Perhaps they might get slapped with another fine for lying to their investors again!

It’s just frustrating my pc is for editing and will need to upgrade to something that can handle 4k video. I think any card up to 8GB of ram would be a risk of hitting that limit very quickly.

So that leaves me with the 3080 3080ti 4080 or 4090.

Don’t want to be paying for the 3080 really and the ti seem to be very low on stock, thanks Nvidia! So pay high prices for the 3080 older tech or £1500 ish for a 4080 or 4090.

Think I will out of principle I will have a good look at what AMD do in a few weeks or even, just stick in an arc for another year and wait until nvidia fall of their peg (if they ever do). Perhaps high prices are here to stay if they can get away with manipulating the market!

The fact is that NVidia prices remain higher and then that takes pressure off of AMD prices surely this is anti competitive pricing.

Rant over, AMD might come to save us! I think if it all stacks up I would switch and probably vow never to buy Nvidia again!
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