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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
But post scalper/retailer £££ prices?
£100-200 behind a 4080 probably :cry:
AIB boards are going to be above msrp anyway so there’s just no room to drop the 4080 price unless they drop the 4070 price and then they have to drop the whole 3xxx prices. Maybe they will do it but they aren’t interested in trying to sell lots of cards cheap when they can sell less for more.
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Right now the RX6700XT seems the best choice at a sane price, sadly we're talking about old tech by now...
A 6700 XT will still give you perhaps 80% of the perf you see in my BF1 video at native 1440P so long as your CPU is pretty fast (5800X with 6900 XT)

I do increase the internal render res to a final res of just above 4K and use the 6900 XT's full capability as I was trying to fix the slight smudged visuals that TAA gives but it was no better with it off.
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3 May 2021
A 6700 XT will still give you perhaps 80% of the perf you see in my BF1 video at native 1440P so long as your CPU is pretty fast (5800X with 6900 XT)

I do increase the internal render res to a final res of just above 4K and use the 6900 XT's full capability as I was trying to fix the slight smudged visuals that TAA gives but it was no better with it off.
Have you tried turning TAA off and using VSR?
4 Jun 2021
I've said it before but in my opinion i suspect they're clouding to fix prices, obviously i have zero evidence other than how both of them have pushed prices up and AMD always seem to be within £100-200 of Nvidia's raster performance equivalent card.
It doesn't need collusion - it can happen naturally in any market where there are only 2 or 3 participants.

In this case it's clear Nvidia can set the market price as they have a commanding position and enough customers who will buy almost irrespective of price - as you said they are just competing with themselves.

AMD only need to wait until after Nvidia have released their cards and they have all the information they need to set the price of their own products without any agreement, back room deals or even nods or winks.

Doesn't mean they aren't colluding, but your observation doesn't require collusion to come about.
16 Sep 2018
Doesn't mean they aren't colluding, but your observation doesn't require collusion to come about.
All true and like i said it's only a personal opinion, what you said is certainly possible and I'd be inclined to think the same if they hadn't settled out of court in the past for collusion and prices just happened to align for a short while.

However they have settled out of court in the past and the GPU market has been through a turbulent time and prices still seem to align despite demand and sales cratering, it could all be a coincident like you suggest but i don't believe in those much. :)
15 Oct 2019
It doesn't need collusion - it can happen naturally in any market where there are only 2 or 3 participants.

In this case it's clear Nvidia can set the market price as they have a commanding position and enough customers who will buy almost irrespective of price - as you said they are just competing with themselves.

AMD only need to wait until after Nvidia have released their cards and they have all the information they need to set the price of their own products without any agreement, back room deals or even nods or winks.

Doesn't mean they aren't colluding, but your observation doesn't require collusion to come about.
Its obvious that while we were all kept guessing about the performance of AMDs cards Nvidia knew exactly where they would land else they wouldn't have priced the 4080 so high.
22 May 2010
It doesn't need collusion - it can happen naturally in any market where there are only 2 or 3 participants.

In this case it's clear Nvidia can set the market price as they have a commanding position and enough customers who will buy almost irrespective of price - as you said they are just competing with themselves.

AMD only need to wait until after Nvidia have released their cards and they have all the information they need to set the price of their own products without any agreement, back room deals or even nods or winks.

Doesn't mean they aren't colluding, but your observation doesn't require collusion to come about.

Ive said it many times but i can almost guarantee you that uncle Jensen and Aunty Lisa discuss this over a family meal.
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1 Nov 2002
Yes I agree, 6700XT is possibly your best bang for buck, 12GB version will run most games very well at 1440p, plus Sapphire make nice cards, if I needed a GPU it's what I would be getting.

6700XT is one of the best cards I’ve owned. I had a Sapphire Nitro 6700XT and it was exceptionally quiet, didn’t put out a lot of heat and was an excellent performer. Great cards.
29 Jun 2016
It doesn't need collusion - it can happen naturally in any market where there are only 2 or 3 participants.

In this case it's clear Nvidia can set the market price as they have a commanding position and enough customers who will buy almost irrespective of price - as you said they are just competing with themselves.

AMD only need to wait until after Nvidia have released their cards and they have all the information they need to set the price of their own products without any agreement, back room deals or even nods or winks.

Doesn't mean they aren't colluding, but your observation doesn't require collusion to come about.
You get out of here with your logic and reason.

We prefer rhetoric and opinion. Thank you very much!
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