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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

29 Jun 2016
If this meant the 4070Ti was equivalent in price to a 3070Ti it would be a start. Unfortunately £799 != £549
The thing is, the 4070Ti is physically (in terms of complexity, silicon cost, BoM) the same as a 3060Ti.

It is an objectively high price they're charging for such a light-weight product. What I will commend, is how efficient the 4070ti is. It uses **** all silicon & ancilliary devices to get A LOT of work done.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
The thing is, the 4070Ti is physically (in terms of complexity, silicon cost, BoM) the same as a 3060Ti.

It is an objectively high price they're charging for such a light-weight product. What I will commend, is how efficient the 4070ti is. It uses **** all silicon & ancilliary devices to get A LOT of work done.

It gets worse if you measure it by that. Its msrp started at £369, so whichever way you want to cut it - the card is simply not commanding £799. People will stretch their budgets and account for reasons, however its a bit too far. Hopefully it might like the rest of the lineup receive a haircut in price someday.
19 Jan 2022
The thing is, the 4070Ti is physically (in terms of complexity, silicon cost, BoM) the same as a 3060Ti.

It is an objectively high price they're charging for such a light-weight product. What I will commend, is how efficient the 4070ti is. It uses **** all silicon & ancilliary devices to get A LOT of work done.
The question is, does anyone really care or should care about the specs of the card? Lets say the 5090 is 3 times as fast as the 4090 but it uses the xx6 die. Would you actually care? I wouldn't, for sure. I buy performance, not specs.
3 Aug 2010
The question is, does anyone really care or should care about the specs of the card? Lets say the 5090 is 3 times as fast as the 4090 but it uses the xx6 die. Would you actually care? I wouldn't, for sure. I buy performance, not specs.
Bigger dies have been used as a reason for a price increase in the past so it's perfectly justifiable to expect a price decrease with smaller dies.

Instead we got an insane price hike and smaller dies. Shameful.
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20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
Companies control the names of the dies and the names of the cards etc.

Just look at how it performs and what it costs. Let them play whatever tricks they want with naming and ignore it.

We know how the $700 3080 and the $650 6800XT perform. I consider these two cards to represent decent value from the last gen.

Let's see how that same money performs after two+ years of technological "advancement".
16 Sep 2018
I feel the need for a little ramble.
I feel you're preaching to the choir, at least speaking personally you are as I'm still using a 4GB RX 570 that i got as a temporary replacement for a broken GPU at the start of 2020 and i ain't going to buy another card, or game, until prices are more reasonable.

If that never happens then that's their loss not mine.
19 Jan 2022
Bigger dies have been used as a reason for a price increase in the past so it's perfectly justifiable to expect a price decrease with smaller dies.

Instead we got an insane price hike and smaller dies. Shameful.
Can you give me some examples of that happening in the past?

Frankly, why does anyone care about specs, it's insanely weird to me. People keep saying that the 4070ti is basically a 4060.

Okay, so a 4060 beats the snot out of the competitions best top high end halo product in RT that costs 1.5k. A freaking 4060....
3 Aug 2010
Can you give me some examples of that happening in the past?

Frankly, why does anyone care about specs, it's insanely weird to me. People keep saying that the 4070ti is basically a 4060.

Okay, so a 4060 beats the snot out of the competitions best top high end halo product in RT that costs 1.5k. A freaking 4060....
The answer to all your questions is called "technological progress".

Google to see what it means and what it does regarding to prices of newer, better and faster hardware.
28 Oct 2011
Can you give me some examples of that happening in the past?

Frankly, why does anyone care about specs, it's insanely weird to me. People keep saying that the 4070ti is basically a 4060.

Okay, so a 4060 beats the snot out of the competitions best top high end halo product in RT that costs 1.5k. A freaking 4060....

That's because it is. Even NV got caught trying to sell it as a 4080 and had to backtrack, this alone proves they were disengenuous with this gen's nomenclature. Everyone can see that - except
you! :D


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18 Oct 2002
The question is, does anyone really care or should care about the specs of the card? Lets say the 5090 is 3 times as fast as the 4090 but it uses the xx6 die. Would you actually care? I wouldn't, for sure. I buy performance, not specs.
Personally I don't care about the width of the bus or what they name the card. It's all about price. For all I care Nvidia could sell the 4090 for £800 and that would be incredible value but I still wouldn't buy it because I'm not spending £800 on a GPU. So now Nvidia re selling a base spec card for £800 with the 4070ti (I don't care that it could have been named a 4060ti) there just isn't a card that I'm going to buy. And the soon to be announced 4060ti for $500 with the same performance and price of the 3070 is just a massive meh. They're not adding any value it's just stagnating. The consumer is not benefiting in any way with what's going on in the market right now and you can preach about perceived value of the 4070ti in comparison to every other overpriced card on the market today but it's just irrelevant.
8 Nov 2006
I find it hilarious people focus on die area. If anything it should be transistors you count. It shows a real misunderstanding of how you measure improvements in semiconductors when people focus on the overall size than the thing that actually makes something more complex.

Otherwise you are basically saying if nvidia used a worse node, like AMD did then it would have been okay for them to charge more.

I suggest you go away and look at the transistor counts. How many in the 3090 Ti and how many in the 4070 Ti? Since performance doesn't matter apparently, the 4070 Ti blows the 3090 Ti away in transistors :D
28 Oct 2011
Personally I don't care about the width of the bus or what they name the card. It's all about price. For all I care Nvidia could sell the 4090 for £800 and that would be incredible value but I still wouldn't buy it because I'm not spending £800 on a GPU. So now Nvidia re selling a base spec card for £800 with the 4070ti (I don't care that it could have been named a 4060ti) there just isn't a card that I'm going to buy. And the soon to be announced 4060ti for $500 with the same performance and price of the 3070 is just a massive meh. They're not adding any value it's just stagnating. The consumer is not benefiting in any way with what's going on in the market right now and you can preach about perceived value of the 4070ti in comparison to every other overpriced card on the market today but it's just irrelevant.

Sure relative performance to price is all that matters in the end, but NV have used nomenclature to con the unwary into buying cut-down cards at extortionate prices, the 4070ti is not a 4070ti it is a 60 class card for 2.5 x the price of last gens 3060ti - thems the facts.
19 Jan 2022
That's because it is. Even NV got caught trying to sell it as a 4080 and had to backtrack, this alone proves they were disengenuous with their gen's nomenclature. Everyone can see that - except
you! :D


But what DIFFERENCE does it make whether they name it a 4060 or a 4070 or a 4010? It's all the same to me, I care about price and performance, not about naming and die sizes. Currently nvidia has the best price to performance card, called the 4070ti. You wanna call it a 4060? Go ahead, but then you are basically telling me that a freaking 4060 beats the snot out of the competitors top high end halo 1.5k product in RT. Is that what you are telling me?
19 Jan 2022
I find it hilarious people focus on die area. If anything it should be transistors you count. It shows a real misunderstanding of how you measure improvements in semiconductors when people focus on the overall size than the thing that actually makes something more complex.

Otherwise you are basically saying if nvidia used a worse node, like AMD did then it would have been okay for them to charge more.

I suggest you go away and look at the transistor counts. How many in the 3090 Ti and how many in the 4070 Ti? Since performance doesn't matter apparently, the 4070 Ti blows the 3090 Ti away in transistors :D
They only do that in GPUs and - only in nvidia ones. Don't tell them that the 7950x was launched for 699€ and has almost the same die size as an R3 1200 that cost 100€. LOL
8 Nov 2006
Also since some people love Moore's law and base their entire argument on it.

The 3070 Ti has 17.4bn transistors.

The 4070 Ti has 35.8bn transistors.

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19 Jan 2022
Also since some people love Moore's law and base their entire argument on it.

The 3070 Ti has 17.4bn transistors.

The 4070 Ti has 35.8bn transistors.

Oh crap, you just caused internal bleeding to some people now :D
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