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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

28 Oct 2011
Good to see all these retailers with plenty of buy button stock of the 4070Ti and the 4080. FOMO seems to have passed, so let's see how long it takes for the adjustments.

Shame they're still scamming us with last gen pricing.

Cheapest 3060ti is £440 for a "no frills" model, which is more than MSRP from well over two years ago...AMD are as bad.
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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
There was no price cut. The reduction was due to the change in exchange rates.

No doubt the exact same thing as we did on Boxing Day when we placed same card at £1099, we sold at £100 loss to just clear excess stock down to a manageable level. Been no official drop by NVIDIA and very skittle support given by AIBs so anything below £1199 is just the reseller taking some pain and dumping stock to get stock levels back to a more manageable rate.

At £1099 they did sell well.
11 Sep 2009
No doubt the exact same thing as we did on Boxing Day when we placed same card at £1099, we sold at £100 loss to just clear excess stock down to a manageable level. Been no official drop by NVIDIA and very skittle support given by AIBs so anything below £1199 is just the reseller taking some pain and dumping stock to get stock levels back to a more manageable rate.

At £1099 they did sell well.
I'm watching the 4090s at the moment, howcome there's such a huge price difference between skus when they are essentially the same cards with slightly different cooling? Is it just AIB greed?
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
I'm watching the 4090s at the moment, howcome there's such a huge price difference between skus when they are essentially the same cards with slightly different cooling? Is it just AIB greed?

All depends for example the KFA2 one we have in stock is the cheapest 4090 I buy but at the same time it’s also very low margin for us as well to keep it priced so low.

Similar situation with Gigabyte Gaming 4090 we did a deal and to hit £1699 we had reduced margin.

Some of the cards do of course cost a lot more to buy due to limited production runs and because they are limiter we also make more margin.
11 Sep 2009
All depends for example the KFA2 one we have in stock is the cheapest 4090 I buy but at the same time it’s also very low margin for us as well to keep it priced so low.

Similar situation with Gigabyte Gaming 4090 we did a deal and to hit £1699 we had reduced margin.

Some of the cards do of course cost a lot more to buy due to limited production runs and because they are limiter we also make more margin.

Thanks for explaining
29 Jun 2016
Good to see all these retailers with plenty of buy button stock of the 4070Ti and the 4080. FOMO seems to have passed, so let's see how long it takes for the adjustments.
100% Agree. It's going to be a slow slide, probably taking 6 months to drop 15% or so. My guess is a 5% price drop every 2 months, then soak up any new demand at the new price, wait for another month of slow sales and then drop again...

It's a guess, mind.
6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge
Looking at all the GPU prices is rather depressing 35% of my budget for a new PC is going on a graphics card :mad:. Prices have to come down and i hope they do fast and Nvidia and AMD need to take off there greedy hats and help consumers. i am all for paying the correct prices for components but the prices and way out of line and inflated compared with the rest of the industry. i hate to think in 2 gens down the line when a top of the line Graphics card is 3K. That's the way its going and its sad and depressing :(
21 Oct 2009
6 Feb 2010
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28 Jun 2013
Old Video of Jenson's saying he will make cheap GPU's.

old videos dont mean much, there is an old video of a UK MP saying they could make electricity so cheaply with nuclear power plants that they were going to give it away for free lol. Now people cannot pay their electricity bill because it is so expensive.
24 Feb 2003
I feel the need for a little ramble.

The consumers have to be the ones to drive here though, we cannot allow ourselves to be driven which really does require people not purchase when the prices are too far out and I think they are. A '70s series card should not be more than £500 I think and really that hurts to say aswell, frankly probably more like £300 but I realise that's perhaps not realistic and '80s series, no more than £700. Although it might seem a bit like consumers are taking the mick or just don't understand when we ask for what amounts to massive price cuts 50% even but that also shows how far away from reality the prices actually are now I think they aren't just high or a bit OTT, they are in another reality and if that's where 'reality' actually is now then we need to move it back or somewhere else as it's bad for consumers.

I want/expect to be able to buy something pretty near top of the line for gaming for £700, for that sort of money it needs to be really, really close to the best, but still leaving room for a halo product for those that really do have more money than sense like a Titan used to, something that's a bit faster but not so much so that most people care, this paradigm has been broken now and I don't like it, not sure anyone outside of Nvidia and AMD does. Only consumers can fix this, we need to make them produce what we want, at the prices we want, it's not going to happen any other way. While I realise we as consumers cannot 'make' them do anything, market forces will, if we demand it and buy it at X price, provided it doesn't cost more than that to make of course then it works, if it gets hiked to Y price and people don't like it, we must stop buying it rather than just grumble about it and the price will have to come down to sell the items. Give the companies enough profit to keep them interested and in business and innovating but don't let them take us for fools.

I feel like, anecdotally at least that what I am saying will reuire more than that though, I think the prevailing conditions of the global economy need to be shifted back to something more like it was 5 years ago, but shifting our 'reality' is something humans can do together, that requires a lot more than a few million angry gamers spread around the world though.

I don't really know what to say or do otherwise other than don't buy any of this stuff at these prices and if you feel you 'need' it for newer games to look and play the way you want, don't play those games and this will have an effect through the industry eventually. Totally subjective but I think most of the best games are quite old now anyway but then I have a massive, massive problem with the way games are being made and monetised now aswell, the broken, exploitative gaming industry is a topic for another thread I think.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I feel the need for a little ramble.

The consumers have to be the ones to drive here though, we cannot allow ourselves to be driven which really does require people not purchase when the prices are too far out and I think they are. A '70s series card should not be more than £500 I think and really that hurts to say aswell, frankly probably more like £300 but I realise that's perhaps not realistic and '80s series, no more than £700. Although it might seem a bit like consumers are taking the mick or just don't understand when we ask for what amounts to massive price cuts 50% even but that also shows how far away from reality the prices actually are now I think they aren't just high or a bit OTT, they are in another reality and if that's where 'reality' actually is now then we need to move it back or somewhere else as it's bad for consumers.

I want/expect to be able to buy something pretty near top of the line for gaming for £700, for that sort of money it needs to be really, really close to the best, but still leaving room for a halo product for those that really do have more money than sense like a Titan used to, something that's a bit faster but not so much so that most people care, this paradigm has been broken now and I don't like it, not sure anyone outside of Nvidia and AMD does. Only consumers can fix this, we need to make them produce what we want, at the prices we want, it's not going to happen any other way. While I realise we as consumers cannot 'make' them do anything, market forces will, if we demand it and buy it at X price, provided it doesn't cost more than that to make of course then it works, if it gets hiked to Y price and people don't like it, we must stop buying it rather than just grumble about it and the price will have to come down to sell the items. Give the companies enough profit to keep them interested and in business and innovating but don't let them take us for fools.

I feel like, anecdotally at least that what I am saying will reuire more than that though, I think the prevailing conditions of the global economy need to be shifted back to something more like it was 5 years ago, but shifting our 'reality' is something humans can do together, that requires a lot more than a few million angry gamers spread around the world though.

I don't really know what to say or do otherwise other than don't buy any of this stuff at these prices and if you feel you 'need' it for newer games to look and play the way you want, don't play those games and this will have an effect through the industry eventually. Totally subjective but I think most of the best games are quite old now anyway but then I have a massive, massive problem with the way games are being made and monetised now aswell, the broken, exploitative gaming industry is a topic for another thread I think.

Yeah, I know what you mean man. But it feels like those days are gone. We may get a decent deal every 2-3 gens now. Like Turing was crap, Ampere was alright, now Ada is crap. Let's hope next gen cards actually improve price for performance considerably.

AMD just seems to copy what Nvidia does so don't expect any help there.

People will do what people do. Can't control that. All you can do is vote with your wallet. I did and did not buy a card this gen.

What I will be doing is just waiting on opportunities and buying new or used when they present themselves. For now I am more than happy with my 3080 Ti, so no rush until next gen.
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