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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

17 Nov 2020
All cards are still overpriced by about 60%, doesnt seem to be any excuses left to justify it, just pure greed and reluctance to go back to pre insanity. Everybody who bought a card in the last 3 years has contributed to this, I cant just blame the companies.
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5 Jan 2014
All cards are still overpriced by about 60%, doesnt seem to be any excuses left to justify it, just pure greed and reluctance to go back to pre insanity. Everybody who bought a card in the last 3 years has contributed to this, I cant just blame the companies.

I am not to blame I still have a 970 :o

Intel seems to be becoming cheaper and their drivers seem to be getting better. I am very tempted to give them a try with my next build.
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3 May 2021
It was posted in the CPU subsection of the forums but i thought I'd post it here too as it's just as relevant to GPUs... (AMD earnings call)

So if anyone is questioning why GPU prices ain't coming down you have your answer, it's because both the main manufactures of GPUs are restricting supply. I guess it's just a coincidence that Nvidia and AMD are both following the same strategy, strategies that wouldn't work if they weren't both doing it.

And they're doing that in-spite of...

You'd be forgiven for thinking they conceded the PC gaming market to Nvidia in favour of the custom SoCs that go into consoles.
Like I said before, one player would rather rent you their GPUs and the other would rather do volume with B2B, consumers are an afterthought in the current market.
4 Jun 2009
Yup they don't give a toss about "pc gamers" nor really clawing back market share, as long as they can sell their stuff for as high of a price as they can, they'll be happy, bet they are delighted with nvidia setting the new pricing structure.

AMD is ‘undershipping’ chips to keep CPU, GPU prices elevated

I'm somewhat optimistic about intel shaking up the market down the line, they already gained 4% market share with their first product ever, not far from over taking amd.....
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15 Jan 2023
Yup they don't give a toss about "pc gamers" nor really clawing back market share, as long as they can sell their stuff for as high of a price as they can, they'll be happy, bet they are delighted with nvidia setting the new pricing structure.

AMD is ‘undershipping’ chips to keep CPU, GPU prices elevated

I'm somewhat optimistic about intel shaking up the market down the line, they already gained 4% market share with their first product ever, not far from over taking amd.....

GPU market badly needs more competition, but Intel's recent earnings report was bad, not sure if they will have the muscle to continue with GPU market.

Should be clear to everyone by now that GPU prices are not going to fall, probably ever. RTX 3000 series will stay at current prices until supply runs out and when that happens 4000 series will continue on at same prices. Same for AMD's lot.

Until a strong competitor steps into the market nothing is going to change. AMD has lost interest in being competitive, they seem content with whatever sales they get at Nvidia style prices.
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