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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

5 Jan 2022
North East England
18 Oct 2002
They are companies whose obligation is to their shareholders to make profit. None of them are your friend. Every company in the tech sector is doing this. Even nvidia admitted to doing the same thing to their shareholders back in November.

Don't bamboozle the boy with facts, he might go and make a youtube video full of delusion..again then remove it when he gets rumbled...again!
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18 Oct 2002
Yeah, the reality being intel, amd, nvidia etc all want your money, apparently thats news to you.
Indeed, the clickbait in this thread is real today.

The chip glut is real. The semi-conductor famine cometh. Its the 4080 inventory hold that's gonna hurt nvidia the hardest imho. Nobody wants to buy a 4080 for 1,400 sheets. Maybe thats why AMD have two finger saluted the 7800/7850XT launches.
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16 Sep 2018
Yeah, the reality being intel, amd, nvidia etc all want your money, apparently thats news to you.
I want your money also but i suspect you'd think i was taking the mick if i said i wanted you to pay 60% more than it cost me to make something and convinced all the other sellers to charge you 60% more.
18 Oct 2002
I want your money also but i suspect you'd think i was taking the mick if i said i wanted you to pay 60% more than it cost me to make something and convinced all the other sellers to charge you 60% more.

Then the ball is in the buyers court, either buy or don't. Not as if they have a gun to their head. AMD cpus have went down in price due to the platform being pricey, same thing could well happen with gpu's if people refused at current pricing.
1 Oct 2020
This is the issue, sadly - If everybody says that the item costs too much, but the item is selling at a rate acceptable to the seller... Then that is the market value.

Don't have to like it, don't have to pay it, but it's a fact. Looking at financials is probably going to be a little misleading this year in that you will be comparing a downturn year with an absolute couple of boom periods, so even downtrends now may still reflect excellent actual performance. If they didn't prices would be coming down.

None of it good news unfortunately.
16 Sep 2018
Then the ball is in the buyers court, either buy or don't. Not as if they have a gun to their head. AMD cpus have went down in price due to the platform being pricey, same thing could well happen with gpu's if people refused at current pricing.
Indeed and I'm not sure anyone said otherwise...so...
18 Oct 2002
Indeed and I'm not sure anyone said otherwise...so...

So people still have the option regardless of price, companies are out to make money, end of story. Current pricing is stupid for a lot of components so I'm not bothering my arse. Maybe if more followed suit instead of having some desperate need for the new "shiny shiny" we wouldn't be getting pumped so hard.
16 Sep 2018
So people still have the option regardless of price, companies are out to make money, end of story. Current pricing is stupid for a lot of components so I'm not bothering my arse. Maybe if more followed suit instead of having some desperate need for the new "shiny shiny" we wouldn't be getting pumped so hard.
An option that's only available to them if they have the information that the price is being artificially inflated, that the companies pricing is stupid for *reasons*. That's how making informed choices work, you need the information so you can make that choice, so i find it baffling when someone throws their toys out the pram simply because people are making other people aware of the fact that they're being taken advantage of, that something isn't worth the price a company is asking because *reasons*.
18 Oct 2002
An option that's only available to them if they have the information that the price is being artificially inflated, that the companies pricing is stupid for *reasons*. That's how making informed choices work, you need the information so you can make that choice, so i find it baffling when someone throws their toys out the pram simply because people are making other people aware of the fact that they're being taken advantage of, that something isn't worth the price a company is asking because *reasons*.

And anyone buying one of these high end cpus or gpus is likely to be informed as they're considered "enthusiast level" components.

And believe me, little raven isn't posting the article or links to youtubers giving their opinion (like it somehow matters) for the sake of peoples convenience, his history on this subsection in particular is basically being a pot stirrer.
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
People did defend AMD jacking up their prices with Zen3 to more per core than overpriced Intel CPUs. The argument because AMD was faster per core. But when Intel was faster per core,suddenly everyone thought Intel was overpriced. AMD tried to muck around with B450/X470 CPU compatibility and removed PCI-E 4.0 from them too. People defended this,but luckily there was enough of a backlash that AMD relented.

People also miss the platform segmentation they have done with Zen4. The B650,B650E,X670 and X670E all use the same Promontory 21 chipset. But B650 lacks PCI-E 5.0 on the main dGPU slot,etc but Intel can offer it on motherboards closer to £150,and considering that future AMD/Nvidia mainstream dGPUs are increasing likely to 4X and 8X data connectors,it will cause problems.
There is no reason to have a segmented B650 and B650E series. Then the fact AMD quietly has now made sure that entry level Zen4 motherboards start at $120/£120 with PCI-E 4.0 and no overclocking support. £120 would have gotten you a decent B550 with PCI-E 4.0 and overclocking support. So basically they have copied Intel.

They also removed CPU coolers on many SKUs,like Intel did.

Plus during the Athlon 64 era,they bifurcated the platfrom to Socket 754,Socket 939 and QuadFX and charged Intel level pricing for their top CPUs. Hence,I don't know why anyone was under any illusions AMD wouldn't pull the same moves as Nvidia or Intel if given a chance!
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16 Sep 2018
And anyone buying one of these high end cpus or gpus is likely to be informed as they're considered "enthusiast level" components.
Well thank goodness there's only "high end cpus or gpus" :cry:
And believe me, little raven isn't posting the article or links to youtubers giving their opinion (like it somehow matters) for the sake of peoples convenience, his history on this subsection in particular is basically being a pot stirrer.
I couldn't care less what YouTube videos someone posts, why bother when you can get your information straight from the horse mouth.
Now turning to our Gaming segment. Revenue declined 7% year-over-year to $1.6 billion as lower gaming graphics sales more than offset higher semi-custom revenue. Semi-Custom SoC revenue grew year-over-year as demand for game consoles remained strong during the holidays. Gaming graphics revenue declined year-over-year as we further reduced desktop GPU downstream channel inventory.
Gaming segment revenue was $1.6 billion, down 7% year-over-year due to lower gaming graphics revenue, partially offset by higher semi-customer product sales. Gaming operating income was $266 million or 16% of revenue compared to $407 million or 23% a year ago. The decrease was primarily due to lower graphics revenue.
18 Oct 2002
People did defend AMD jacking up their prices with Zen3 to more per core than overpriced Intel CPUs. AMD tries to muck around with B450/X470 CPU compatibility and removed PCI-E 4.0 from them. People also miss the platform segmentation they have done with Zen4. The B650,B650E,X670 and X670E all use the same Promontory 21 chipset. But B650 lacks PCI-E 5.0 on the main dGPU slot,etc but Intel can offer it on motherboards closer to £150,and considering that future AMD/Nvidia mainstream dGPUs are increasing likely to 4X and 8X data connectors,it will cause problems.

Plus during the Athlon 64 era,they bifurcated the platfrom to Socke 754,Socket 939 and QuadFX and charged Intel level pricing for their top CPUs. Hence,I don't know why anyone was under any illusions AMD wouldn't pull the same moves as Nvidia or Intel if given a chance!

Some people hold AMD up to somehow be angels, they're not. People wanted them to succeed for competition in the marketplace, yet still somehow forget they're a business, not a charity. Never understood the concept of having a favourite tech company, buy what works best for you at the price you can afford, they're computer components, not entry level tickets to a religion
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Some people hold AMD up to somehow be angels, they're not. People wanted them to succeed for competition in the marketplace, yet still somehow forget they're a business, not a charity. Never understood the concept of having a favourite tech company, buy what works best for you at the price you can afford, they're computer components, not entry level tickets to a religion

What's annoying is people were criticising Intel and Nvidia for such moves,but when AMD was doing them it was acceptable. I argued with many people over it,because I saw where it would go and we saw it in the past.

It's upto consumers to keep these companies real - that is one of the basic tenets of the so called free market.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
So people still have the option regardless of price, companies are out to make money, end of story. Current pricing is stupid for a lot of components so I'm not bothering my arse. Maybe if more followed suit instead of having some desperate need for the new "shiny shiny" we wouldn't be getting pumped so hard.

Can you provide any examples of all customers completely abandoning an entire type of produc with no alternatives because of pricing? That's what you're asking for and I think it would be unprecedented.

In economic terms and in the PC hardware business we have what is very close to the worst case scenario for customers. In home PC CPUs we have a very lopsided duopoly. In home PC GPUs we have an extremely lopsided duopoly and an irrelevant newcomer scrabbling for a few sales at the bottom end with an unreliable product that isn't even cheap. So in both cases there's a duopoly with one company dominant. Home PC GPUs are very close to being a monopoly. In both cases, the one and a bit companies involved follow the same strategy for artificially restricting supply and inflating prices. Maybe it's a de jure cartel, organised by secret meetings behind closed doors. Maybe it's a de facto cartel, with the minor player in the duopoly following the major player's lead and with little or no organising required. Either way, it's effectively a cartel. The CPU and GPU markets run as almost unregulated capitalism, which means that customers are merely a thing to be exploited for the benefit of the companies. So customers lack both the benefits of a publically owned monopoly and the benefits of a privately owned market with competition. The only alternative is for customers to drop out of the PC hardware market entirely without an alternative. Maybe jury-rigging a partial alternative using consoles for gaming and something else for general computer use. Maybe a "phone" that's actually a general purpose handheld computer. Maybe a very low end computer running Linux. There are options, but there isn't a simple like for like replacement. There is no competition and there is no government control. Almost a worst case scenario for customers.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Can you provide any examples of all customers completely abandoning an entire type of produc with no alternatives because of pricing? That's what you're asking for and I think it would be unprecedented.

In economic terms and in the PC hardware business we have what is very close to the worst case scenario for customers. In home PC CPUs we have a very lopsided duopoly. In home PC GPUs we have an extremely lopsided duopoly and an irrelevant newcomer scrabbling for a few sales at the bottom end with an unreliable product that isn't even cheap. So in both cases there's a duopoly with one company dominant. Home PC GPUs are very close to being a monopoly. In both cases, the one and a bit companies involved follow the same strategy for artificially restricting supply and inflating prices. Maybe it's a de jure cartel, organised by secret meetings behind closed doors. Maybe it's a de facto cartel, with the minor player in the duopoly following the major player's lead and with little or no organising required. Either way, it's effectively a cartel. The CPU and GPU markets run as almost unregulated capitalism, which means that customers are merely a thing to be exploited for the benefit of the companies. So customers lack both the benefits of a publically owned monopoly and the benefits of a privately owned market with competition. The only alternative is for customers to drop out of the PC hardware market entirely without an alternative. Maybe jury-rigging a partial alternative using consoles for gaming and something else for general computer use. Maybe a "phone" that's actually a general purpose handheld computer. Maybe a very low end computer running Linux. There are options, but there isn't a simple like for like replacement. There is no competition and there is no government control. Almost a worst case scenario for customers.

Gamers are just very weak willed and full of FOMO and companies are finding it easy to psychologically exploit them via modern marketing methods. It's why they are susceptible to microtransactions in full priced games. The reality is there are too many Whales in PC Gaming and Gaming overall,and because of this companies are exploiting it. You can't in one way blame them - if there is enough mugs,they will take them to the cleaners. Governments can't legislate for weak willed consumers,especially for items which are not essentials. The only reason they are trying with Loot Boxes,because it was technically unregulated gambling and it could affect children. For grown adults,well they can't do as much. You can't legislate against stupidity.

If you look at non-gaming PC markets,normal laptops,etc are not that expensive. Tablets,smartphones,etc seem to have good entry level and mainstream options. PC Gaming and Gaming in general,even the entry level, is going up in price at stupid amounts whilst getting relatively less for your money. Because weaked willed FOMO Adult Babies must throw money at it all because social media told them to.

If consumers actually got over FOMO,then the market would correct itself. But I doubt it because people are just repeating marketing lines PC and Gaming companies were trying to push around 15~20 years ago when PC enthusiasts and Gamers tended to have more gumption to not put up with this. Now its become way too ingrained into people,like a drug addict who can't be without their latest fix. This is why companies are trying all these huge price increases because it has worked for them in the past.

So for many of us,the only option is not to bother and eventually find other hobbies.
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18 Oct 2002
Can you provide any examples of all customers completely abandoning an entire type of produc with no alternatives because of pricing? That's what you're asking for and I think it would be unprecedented.

Couldn't tell you. AMD have dropped prices on the 7 series CPU range since the launch as they apparently weren't selling in big enough volume. the 7950 on here launch according to kitguru was listed for £780 and its now down to £600. Can't recall if that was first day "limited stock" pricing or not but there's plenty of articles saying about significant price drops on that range
18 Oct 2002
Exactly. And this is no competition.

Cpu pricing has started to go down on the amd side due to slow sales, same thing could happen to the gpu side if sales are sluggish. Though you have people like MLID (bs merchant) claiming the 79 series gpus are selling well. Amd, Intel and nvidia are all taking the **** to say the least with pricing.
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