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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
AMD spent more than a decade putting out solid products and undercutting Nvidia, yet most people bought Nvidia cards anyway. Why would they want to go back to being the value brand when 75-80% of PC gamers will just buy an Nvidia card no matter what? People who actually want an AMD card will still buy one if it's "just" $100 cheaper than the equivalent Nvidia card. It seems to me that it's only Nvidia loyalists kicking and screaming about AMD's pricing, because in their minds the only role AMD has is making GeForce cards cheaper. And it's the exact same thing with Arc, where Nvidia owners are hyping it up more than anybody else and celebrating it bringing "competition" (i.e. it might force Nvidia to lower prices so they can buy the RTX card of their dreams).

AMD have not been the value brand for a very long time. At least in the GPU space as far as I am concerned. They used to be and back then they had a much bigger market share. I would almost always buy AMD GPU's as they offered better price for performance.

Nvidia are clearly milking everyone and instead of AMD offering good value they just copy Nvidia pricing and discount it by $100. That simply is not good enough if they want bigger market share. I do not particularly like Nvidia as a brand, I go by hardware and to me I would rather pay the extra $100 for the better RT and resale value.

Don't get why anyone would defend AMD. Their pricing was terrible this gen.
14 Aug 2009
AMD spent more than a decade putting out solid products and undercutting Nvidia, yet most people bought Nvidia cards anyway. Why would they want to go back to being the value brand when 75-80% of PC gamers will just buy an Nvidia card no matter what? People who actually want an AMD card will still buy one if it's "just" $100 cheaper than the equivalent Nvidia card. It seems to me that it's only Nvidia loyalists kicking and screaming about AMD's pricing, because in their minds the only role AMD has is making GeForce cards cheaper. And it's the exact same thing with Arc, where Nvidia owners are hyping it up more than anybody else and celebrating it bringing "competition" (i.e. it might force Nvidia to lower prices so they can buy the RTX card of their dreams).

Because at least they'll get 20-25% market share instead of under 10% or whatever they are now. :p

Joke aside, they had a branding/image problem which they didn't bother to properly fix and it seems they're happy to purse the same road until they'll run it into the ground completely.
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29 Jun 2016
Interesting to see that NV had a fire sale of the 3080 cards, and they sold out instantly.

That implies two things in my mind:
1. NV are testing the demand in the midrange market ($420 US).
2. NV are trying to clear stock before release of comparable performance products, e.g. 4060 and 4070

I seriously doubt it's going to change the overpriced MSRP of 4070ti and 4080. NV and board partners are making big margins on those, and want to keep it that way.

No idea what AMD is doing, but the 7900 series are looking poor value as well. If the original performance claims were being unlocked with mature drivers for MCM then it makes sense the prices are staying high... I know the recent AMD drivers did a lot for performance, wonder if there are more improvements on the way.

Probably not.
7 Dec 2010
Interesting to see that NV had a fire sale of the 3080 cards, and they sold out instantly.

That implies two things in my mind:
1. NV are testing the demand in the midrange market ($420 US).
2. NV are trying to clear stock before release of comparable performance products, e.g. 4060 and 4070

I seriously doubt it's going to change the overpriced MSRP of 4070ti and 4080. NV and board partners are making big margins on those, and want to keep it that way.

No idea what AMD is doing, but the 7900 series are looking poor value as well. If the original performance claims were being unlocked with mature drivers for MCM then it makes sense the prices are staying high... I know the recent AMD drivers did a lot for performance, wonder if there are more improvements on the way.

Probably not.
There was never any for sale at that "fire sale" price...

The price was made up and to attract people to best buys store so they go there see no stock but see 40 series in stock.

There was even a hidden joke in the price.. 420 .. yes you had to be high to believe that price ever existed. :rolleyes:

They pulled the same scam with 3090s too never was a 3090fe ever for sale at the reduced price they set later because there was never any stock and a way to get people again to go to their store page and see the over priced 3090ti in stock at the time that they couldn't sell and in the end reduced that many times too to try shifting some of the stock.
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19 Jan 2022
They need to stop with the we are a premium brand and price it properly. Not let's look at Nvidia and be £100 cheaper. That simply won't work.
They need to come in with good products at the £300-£800 price range imo and not worry about Nvidia's pricing.
Well they aren't even a 100 cheaper. 7900xt was 15% more expensive than the 70ti.
29 Jun 2016
There was never any for sale at that "fire sale" price...

The price was made up and to attract people to best buys store so they go there see no stock but see 40 series in stock.

There was even a hidden joke in the price.. 420 .. yes you had to be high to believe that price ever existed. :rolleyes:

They pulled the same scam with 3090s too never was a 3090fe ever for sale at the reduced price they set later because there was never any stock and a way to get people again to go to their store page and see the over priced 3090ti in stock at the time that they couldn't sell and in the end reduced that many times too to try shifting some of the stock.
HWUB reported on the 420 price in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhPWQyHa1Jo

I trust them more than you, but maybe they got it wrong.
7 Dec 2010
HWUB reported on the 420 price in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhPWQyHa1Jo

I trust them more than you, but maybe they got it wrong.
All they did was create content out of a videocardz article and if you read it and the comments and reddit regarding this article and other social media , you will see the price was that $420 but zero stock anywhere, they could have priced it 1 cent and be exactly the same or a million $'s.. None existed or were sold, it was a marketing scam to make people go to best buys site.

Find me one person that purchased one :) at said price, search the internet you will find not one person stating they got the deal. It's the same 3090 scam again. So believe who you want and HUB makes money from content remember and funny part content taken from another site and repeated everywhere and where it is repeated on social media the comments all state not available and never were in their best buy stores even the day the offer was so called put up. All you have to do is go to best buys usa site and see for yourself the real prices for items in stock and the FE model prices.

Clickbait articles that serve as marketing tools for these stores and if you also remember best buys games that upset usa customers too ? The made USA customers pay $200 to be able to even buy an FE card with their store membership cards or you couldn't buy one. So you think they gave $420 3080 FE's away other day? No they didn't and there was zero stock.

The article from videocardz..:-

Check the screenshot there and any other place talking about this so called deal. Not one screenshot even shows they were available or in stock ever.
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29 Jun 2016
All they did was create content out of a videocardz article and if you read it and the comments and reddit regarding this article and other social media , you will see the price was that $420 but zero stock anywhere, they could have priced it 1 cent and be exactly the same or a million $'s.. None existed or were sold, it was a marketing scam to make people go to best buys site.

Find me one person that purchased one :) at said price, search the internet you will find not one person stating they got the deal.

Fair enough for you to argue your position, but you haven't provided evidence to debunk that there's been clearances of 30 series cards in some regions.

We're several months post 40 series release and mid-range cards should be incoming. It fits that older stock is sold off to make way for newer parts.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Check the screenshot there and any other place talking about this so called deal. Not one screenshot even shows they were available or in stock ever.

Much like the tens of (and maybe hundreds of) thousands of punters that paid well over FE prices for their Ampere cards over the past two years. The volume of people getting at or near to msrp would have been about 10% at best.
28 Oct 2011
Much like the tens of (and maybe hundreds of) thousands of punters that paid well over FE prices for their Ampere cards over the past two years. The volume of people getting at or near to msrp would have been about 10% at best.

10% of total sales, yet EVERYONE managed to buy an FE at the "cheap" price... :cry: - it's a bit like if everyone who said they saw The Sex Pistols at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester in 1976, had actually been there, the audience would have been 40,000 not 40.

The FE prices are not representative of the reality of GPU pricing for the vast majority of people.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
10% of total sales, yet EVERYONE managed to buy an FE at the "cheap" price... :cry: - it's a bit like if everyone who said they saw The Sex Pistols at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester in 1976, had actually been there, the audience would have been 40,000 not 40.

The FE prices are not representative of the reality of GPU pricing for the vast majority of people.

I know right! Whilst some managed there were plenty that didn't. HU or any of these tech tuber influencers generally piggy back off the same sources of data. Just like they didn't understand mining and the gamers parrot on the echo chamber. If you press Steve/Tim over mining they know they swiftly get out of their depth so only mention the headline stuff.

FE is your bottom entry price, once you factor in the AIB mark-ups then the scalped places like the bay, the average price of these items would easily be 25% above. Totally different this gen though where they just cant shift them. You don't see many bragging about getting an FE Ada.. :cry:
3 May 2021
I know right! Whilst some managed there were plenty that didn't. HU or any of these tech tuber influencers generally piggy back off the same sources of data. Just like they didn't understand mining and the gamers parrot on the echo chamber. If you press Steve/Tim over mining they know they swiftly get out of their depth so only mention the headline stuff.

FE is your bottom entry price, once you factor in the AIB mark-ups then the scalped places like the bay, the average price of these items would easily be 25% above. Totally different this gen though where they just cant shift them. You don't see many bragging about getting an FE Ada.. :cry:
Of course, because both players pre-scalped them believing we're still in 2020...



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Buy our stuff or else your friends will laugh at you for being a tech peasant.

"Hahaha, Gary is only getting 90 FPS"

"My mins are higher than your averages"

"I was getting 400 FPS in CSGO in 2020"

Don't let this be you. Yours today for between £1000-£1600.

Lucky for me I couldn't give a toss what anyone thinks of my hardware. I will only upgrade when it only makes sense to do so. In no rush right now whatsoever :D
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26 Jul 2006
I could afford a 4090 but I'm not going to spend more than 600€ on a GPU, no matter what bells and whistles they put on it.
You might be able to get 4090 performance for that price in about 4 years(ish). 12gb vRAM and a 192 bus with frame generation 5.0. QTX 8060Ti. (MLID leaked it (jokes))
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