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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

30 Nov 2011
I have a 3070 so it does struggle in 4k so I am debating if I should upgrade or not..problem is there are so many cards I'm not even sure what's the next best GPU that's got a good price/performance ratio..

Nothing has a good price/performance ratio at the moment (unless your mental gymnastics allow you to think £1700 is a good price)

The only real option is to not buy anything and hope both AMD and Nvidia see a bit more sense in selling more units at a more reasonable price.
26 Apr 2017
I have a 3070 so it does struggle in 4k so I am debating if I should upgrade or not..problem is there are so many cards I'm not even sure what's the next best GPU that's got a good price/performance ratio..
One could make a good argument for a wide range of cards but 4k and 7900xtx is the best one.
27 Jan 2009
United Kingdom
I think he's referring to the latest apple and galaxy sheeple that will drop near a grand each handset that releases.

Perhaps yeh but they will show the largest revenues because they are the higher priced products.

In terms of pure volume the cheaper products move far more units.

The fact intel are on the same Market Share as AMD on one launch of DGPUs when AMD has this generation plus the previous generation being sold at good prices now yet intel still caught up.

Intel has what 3 products? that fall into the dedicated GPU category, AMD has the entire 6000 generation stack and the new gen being sold in that same period. Yet only matched market share.

Now I'm assuming that the Market Share graph is only including the newest ARC series of GPUs I'm not aware of any other dedicated cards Intel does, so I would be wrong in all that.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
RX6600 is pretty much the only one I can think of, maybe some ARC ones?

Yeah the arc are decently priced but that's because of right now, when they were meant to launch circa Q2 of 2022 they would have been priced like the AMD cards for sure. The A750 is between a 6600 and 600XT so that is at least an option for the entry builds, unfortunately the 3050 is still £300. In that situation I would rather have a 2070 which you can pickup for £200.
11 Aug 2005
Do we know what cards count for that though? Could be including cards other than GPU, laptops have always used Intel for a decade.

If it is all intels new Arc series though, I don't think it shows Intel is good, or anything to do with crappy drivers... more than people are not going to accept GPUs at such a high price and simply proves that the £200-£300 bracket is the sweet spot, that AMD forgot despite a massive campaign about it with the RX480 series and Polaris
It's discrete graphics cards, so not ones bundled in a CPU package. If you include those Intel have a huge lead in market share (71% share).
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18 Feb 2015
I have a 3070 so it does struggle in 4k so I am debating if I should upgrade or not..problem is there are so many cards I'm not even sure what's the next best GPU that's got a good price/performance ratio..
The issue on the Nvidia side is the vram amount. Sure, you can make do, just like you can make do with the 3070 atm, but it feels lame for the most part. AMD is ok on vram but it's knee-capped for RT so it's back to square one in a way. I'd say that nothing below a 4080 would make sense for you to upgrade to. It depends a lot on your games & wants tbh.
21 Apr 2007
Guess which cards were going to be taken off production?
but they are doing that anyway, Nvidia are doing whatever they can to push margins or maintain them at crazy high levels. The problem they have though is what to do with the stock/product they are accumulating....

This ChatGPT thing is just to show investors they have growth in other markets because even when you have a company making massive profits if its not growing its share price stagnates.
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