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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?



13 Mar 2008
Greater London

That's been said here since the Titan first came out. It's obvious and a waste of time. People will buy what they want regardless. Makes no difference. All one can do is vote with their own wallet.

I do agree though that the 4070 Ti should have been £499. Just as the 7900 XT should have been too. But nope, AMD would not sell them even at that price apparently. Yea right.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
The year is 2035, people are still waiting for GPU's to go down. "Any day now" quips one battle hardened member who has been voting with their wallet since 2022. They have a quick scroll through their usual retailers, a renewed hope every day that the prices may have dropped by the 50+% they feel would be reasonable.
Dejected after seeing no change, they go back to playing Runescape Classic, being the only game their current GPU can still play.
3 May 2021
The year is 2035, people are still waiting for GPU's to go down. "Any day now" quips one battle hardened member who has been voting with their wallet since 2022. They have a quick scroll through their usual retailers, a renewed hope every day that the prices may have dropped by the 50+% they feel would be reasonable.
Dejected after seeing no change, they go back to playing Runescape Classic, being the only game their current GPU can still play.
GOG and Zoom have enough old games to last a decade or two...
22 Nov 2018
That's been said here since the Titan first came out. It's obvious and a waste of time. People will buy what they want regardless. Makes no difference. All one can do is vote with their own wallet.

I do agree though that the 4070 Ti should have been £499. Just as the 7900 XT should have been too. But nope, AMD would not sell them even at that price apparently. Yea right.

The 6600, 6600 XT, 6650XT, 6700, 6700XT etc have been very well priced during the last 6 months but a scary number of consumers were choosing the more expensive 3060 and 3060 Ti.

This proves that the majority ignore value for money and prioritise their favourite brand Nvidia because they think Jensen is Mr Wonderful.
3 May 2021
The 6600, 6600 XT, 6650XT, 6700, 6700XT etc have been very well priced during the last 6 months but a scary number of consumers were choosing the more expensive 3060 and 3060 Ti.

This proves that the majority ignore value for money and prioritise their favourite brand Nvidia because they think Jensen is Mr Wonderful.
Let them keep buying green so I can buy my red cheaper...
9 Aug 2013
S. Wales
there is a cost of living to factor in also, not all gamers are spotty teens living at home with mummy and daddy, those that can afford it are buying high end, the lower and mid range are not selling greatly due to very little spare cash. obviously AMD havent done their rep any good with releasing what a lot see as over priced goodies and there is the take that nvidia tend to be a more stable platform, obviously many would disagree with last statement, but i hear it quite often amd drivers are trash, and i for one aint getting into that argument and have no opinion either way, so dont shoot the messenger:cry:



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
The 6600, 6600 XT, 6650XT, 6700, 6700XT etc have been very well priced during the last 6 months but a scary number of consumers were choosing the more expensive 3060 and 3060 Ti.

This proves that the majority ignore value for money and prioritise their favourite brand Nvidia because they think Jensen is Mr Wonderful.

So you are saying even if the 7900 XT was £499 here it would sell no better? Sorry man, that makes no sense.

Sure people prefer Nvidia. That is nothing new. But we are talking about AMD dropping to single digit market share here. That would not be happening if they priced their cards like you and I think they should.
3 Aug 2010
Absolutely, heck I'm playing Factorio atm on my igpu :D
I started playing Darkest dungeon over the weekend and what a brilliant game. Doesn't even use my gpu :D

So you are saying even if the 7900 XT was £499 here it would sell no better? Sorry man, that makes no sense.

Sure people prefer Nvidia. That is nothing new. But we are talking about AMD dropping to single digit market share here. That would not be happening if they priced their cards like you and I think they should.

Some people point out the time when AMD was selling GPUs at good price and only commanded 49% market share

See "MostPeopleBuyNvidiaNoMatterWhat!!!". Boggles the mind.
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31 Dec 2010
And not even that sarcastic TBH, I buy AMD mainly for the FPS/€ and the extra RAM... Both of which would be worse if AMD was more popular, just look at the CPU side.
Extra VRAM is pretty important to me so I can go crazy with Skyrim mods (mod authors generally don't have the original 3D models or access the engine so better texture are very popular), that the ARC A770 can come with 16GB is nice but with the performance the newest games being so-so, I cannot ever see them fixing things for old games like Skyrim - if VRAM were the only criteria the 12GB 3060 would be in the running too but I need some grunt too!
3 May 2021
Extra VRAM is pretty important to me so I can go crazy with Skyrim mods (mod authors generally don't have the original 3D models or access the engine so better texture are very popular), that the ARC A770 can come with 16GB is nice but with the performance the newest games being so-so, I cannot ever see them fixing things for old games like Skyrim - if VRAM were the only criteria the 12GB 3060 would be in the running too but I need some grunt too!
6700XT is what I'd buy today, I'd go for the 6800 if it was 50-100€ cheaper.
16 Aug 2009
Our only hope of lower prices and better competition now is Intel.

Yeah Intel can save us! Bring down the price of dem Nvidia cards!

Let's hope the consumer doesn't give them the cold shoulder as well.

Oh wait it requires someone to buy Intel? Damn. :( Oh well at least it'll be a couple years of cheaper Nvidia's before Intel gives up. Bring it on! /s
22 Nov 2018
Oh wait it requires someone to buy Intel? Damn. :( Oh well at least it'll be a couple years of cheaper Nvidia's before Intel gives up. Bring it on! /s

You all joke about it, but Nvidia won't reduce prices unless people buy from a competitor.

The amazing 1080 Ti that so many people were a fan of, came at a time when AMDs market share was about 35%. If AMDs market share was in single digits back then, the 1080 Ti would have cost about £1,500.
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15 Mar 2017
Harlow, Essex
To be honest, i'm tempted to skip this gen of cpu's and gpu's and stick with what I have (3080 10GB and 5900x). Have such a backlog of games to play that I don't really need to do it.
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17 Aug 2009
The only thing that matters, and we will never know, is whether all the parties involved are happy with the money they are making from the current situation.

We can look at AMD diving to single digit dGPU share and think it sucks all day long but is AMD making less money or more money by putting dGPU market share on the back burner?

You wouldn't want a deal that leaves you with less money so why would they.
29 Aug 2008
To the OP my bet is when/if Nvidias rent a GPU scheme (Geforce Now) fails then GPUs will become lower priced. As long as they can rent GPUs to people while retaining ownership of the product they'll keep GPU prices high.

You pay for the service as it's more manageable to fork out so much a month, then they take your data, location, games played, when you play for how long what you do when you play and sell that data too!
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
The only thing that matters, and we will never know, is whether all the parties involved are happy with the money they are making from the current situation.

We can look at AMD diving to single digit dGPU share and think it sucks all day long but is AMD making less money or more money by putting dGPU market share on the back burner?

You wouldn't want a deal that leaves you with less money so why would they.

That sounds great, but could be classed as short term thinking too. If market share and mind share continues to erode, it will be really hard to come back from and repair such damage.

But anyway, that's for them and AMD fans to worry about. All I know is if they want my money regularly again they need to offer value like they used to before and not follow Nvidia in trying to penetrate every single orifice they can.
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