Yes I'm comparing historical price to current product stack positioning because that's how people judge whether a new product is worth buying, are you seriously telling me people buy new model cars each year just because it's 5% better and cost 5% more? Because if so then why not just buy the highest end model and keep it until the lowest spec car is better than it. What on earth do you think the model number of a graphics card indicates?The model number doesn't mean spit as evidenced by the regular complaining and moaning that X model number used to have Y characteristics.
If you stand by your decision to use the term "low end card" as being low in the product stack and unrelated to actual performance then we're back to why I didn't like this reasoning:
You're comparing a historical price to current product stack positioning. Not performance, you've made it very clear that low end card just means product stack position.
Why care what the product stack position is! The only comparison which makes any sense is the price and the performance.
Price for product stack position is an insane metric.
The reason why people should care about the product stack is because it allows people to make quick comparisons between different models, to look at a 5600, 6600, or even a 7600 and understand that they should expect similar relative performance to price with each of those models product stacks.
What do you think the model numbers are for if not for organising the relative performance with the product stack?
Is it just that you're butt-hurt at the idea of someone saying your GPU is considered a low-end card? Is it that you feel like you've been had because you paid the equivalent of an RX 590 price and got a RX 560?
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