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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

20 May 2007
The only thing that would make me hesitant is if you needed RMA support, how helpful is a small eBay business going to be. I’ve purchased a couple of high end GPU’s within the past six months and both needed to be RMA’d (I must be unlucky!).

Yeh, it's my worry too. It's the warranty that makes me stick to the bigger authorised sellers.
3 Aug 2010
If you look at some of the places that sell stuff from central suppliers, the stock levels for some cards are hilariously high.

Like over 400 of the cheapest 7900xt....

Really don't know when to buy. Feels like they might have to drop further across the board.
Why don't you join the rest of us and skip this gen? That'll make them sweat quite a bit.
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20 May 2007

Sales must be going swimmingly.
"The company is reportedly waiting for partners to sell the remaining inventory of GeForce RTX 30 series cards before supplying them with the new chips."

They may find that tricky when they are still trying to flog 3070 tis for the same as the 4070 and 3080's for more.....:confused:

I sense a bit of delusion on Nvidias part here. They still have crypto mining boom brain....
3 May 2021
So this rumour backs up what the other previous ones said: Nvidia have already paid TSMC as they had to commit in advance. And they went all-in with expecting of the mining and lockdown boom to "last forever".

Now it looks like their $5 billion inventory is mostly in the form of finished wafers which they have stacked somewhere waiting to for mugs to buy them at the high price.

All a bit risky, and despite Nvidia's reputation for execution and planning, this sounds like a most basic wrong decision which could only have been taken at the CEO level. It's almost like they had never heard of a boom and bust mining cycle before and that their licence to print money was unending.

Wonder if any shareholders will ask any questions as it is kind of hard to hide $5 billion of inventory - or maybe they'll have something to distract them at any analyst meeting? While the money comes in I guess nobody will - after all long-term thinking is as alien to shareholders as it is to golden-goose-killing-companies.
They might manage to dump it to Musk's new toy, ThruthGPT. At this pace, we might solve the energy crisis by plugging a dynamo to George Orwell's grave...
16 Sep 2018
It's almost like they had never heard of a boom and bust mining cycle before and that their licence to print money was unending.
I'm not a financial person but i suspect they're trying to avoid doing what they did last time there was a crypto boom/bust. Last time they had to write-down the value of the stock they held, basically an acceptance that the $5bn worth of assets they hold are worth less than previously reported. Stuff like that tends to spook investors.
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6 Aug 2009
I took the plunge and ordered a 6950XT Red Devil. Should be under £600 once you take various offers/cashback into account. May be a tight squeeze in my case :cry: Luckily I have a spare or right angled adapter might be needed. Should see me through until the 8000 series and I can sell my 3060Ti to offset some cost too.
31 Dec 2010
I'm not a financial person but i suspect they're trying to avoid doing what they did last time there was a crypto boom/bust. Last time the had to write-down the value of the stock they held, basically an acceptance that the $5bn worth of assets they hold are worth less than previously reported. Stuff like that tends to spook investors.
Even more so if you had previously said in investor's calls that your exposure to crypto was minimal!

That's as close as a they can get in the corporate world to taking the witness stand and still being "economical" with the truth!
20 May 2007
Not sure this has been posted yet

Nvidia already possibly planning a price cut on the 4070.

Maybe it's already started with that competitior price drop yesterday!
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
So this rumour backs up what the other previous ones said: Nvidia have already paid TSMC as they had to commit in advance. And they went all-in with expecting of the mining and lockdown boom to "last forever".

Now it looks like their $5 billion inventory is mostly in the form of finished wafers which they have stacked somewhere waiting to for mugs to buy them at the high price.

All a bit risky, and despite Nvidia's reputation for execution and planning, this sounds like a most basic wrong decision which could only have been taken at the CEO level. It's almost like they had never heard of a boom and bust mining cycle before and that their licence to print money was unending.

Wonder if any shareholders will ask any questions as it is kind of hard to hide $5 billion of inventory - or maybe they'll have something to distract them at any analyst meeting? While the money comes in I guess nobody will - after all long-term thinking is as alien to shareholders as it is to golden-goose-killing-companies.
Didn't this happen the last time,and Nvidia overproduced Pascal and overpriced Turing? They got fined by the SEC for lying about the impact of cryptoming to investors:

"The company is reportedly waiting for partners to sell the remaining inventory of GeForce RTX 30 series cards before supplying them with the new chips."

They may find that tricky when they are still trying to flog 3070 tis for the same as the 4070 and 3080's for more.....

I sense a bit of delusion on Nvidias part here. They still have crypto mining boom brain....
It shows you the amount of respect they have for PCMR as they think they are mugs. Yet certain parts of PCMR religiously defend them.

I'm not a financial person but i suspect they're trying to avoid doing what they did last time there was a crypto boom/bust. Last time they had to write-down the value of the stock they held, basically an acceptance that the $5bn worth of assets they hold are worth less than previously reported. Stuff like that tends to spook investors.

Last time they lied about it and got fined by the SEC.
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22 Nov 2018
Some fleabayers ( small businesses with 100% feedback ) have Palit GeForce RTX 4080 GameRocks for about 1k. I am thinking with a decent code they might go down to 900/925 and then I might go for one. Question is i wonder how they managed to sell them so cheaply?

Cheaply? Are you actually joking? The 3080 had an MSRP of £650. Allowing for inflation, the 4080 should be £727.49.
18 Oct 2002
I took the plunge and ordered a 6950XT Red Devil. Should be under £600 once you take various offers/cashback into account. May be a tight squeeze in my case :cry: Luckily I have a spare or right angled adapter might be needed. Should see me through until the 8000 series and I can sell my 3060Ti to offset some cost too.
Enjoy man, cracking cards!!! :cool:
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