When was the last time u prayed ?

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Don't pray that often, only when I go to a local you th club event (not often), and it's just praying that other people get through their troubles. I don't really believe in religion, I don't believe that Jesus did all the stuff he suposedly did, but I do think there is something looking over us, not necessarily God though.
burbleflop said:
I've not prayed since they stopped forcing us to at school.
sounds sad this but say when you play a board game (e.g. monopoly) i'd very rarely would go "come on god, lucky 6's" something along those lines.
obviously aint religous 1 bit though.
I'm not too keen on believing in a God that is basically holding a gun to my head.

Believe in me or face this rather unpleasent afterlife.

I used to be a born again Christian and i'm not anymore. I'm thankful that it has made me a better person, i.e. appreciating life and other people, just generally being considerate for other people, and improving the feelings towards myself. But all that could have been done without God or organised religion.
in answer to the OT, I said a prayer last week, my ex girlfriends dad is critical ill in hopsital, and has just had his stomach removed - I'm not normally religious but this situation was so dire I developed some faith, he had very very low chances to survive and loe and behold this week he has stablised. So I dont read too much into it , but thats the last time I prayed :)
The other day. Even though I'm an Atheist it was drummed into me when I was a kid to pray before I went to sleep I kinda do it out of habbit now and then and don't even realise it.

The religion is a virus saying is very true!
burbleflop said:
I've not prayed since they stopped forcing us to at school.

burbleflop said:
I'm a total athiest, but I wouldn't refer to it as rubbish. If people get comfort from their faith then I've no right to slate it.

Sums my thoughts up on the matter completely. However, when people try to force religion on me I have completely different feelings.
I've never prayed. Don't see the point. However if people feel the need to do so that's fine by me, as long as they don't start preaching to me about it.
Brynn just scares me :eek: Its the mindless devotion to something that is unproven and unfounded.

I love religion threads - lets me trot out one of my favourite lines:

"If the devil is so bad then why are so many people killed in the name of god?"

"Belief" to me is a dirty word - religion is a crutch for those weak of self conviction.

"Religion" is man made - this is an unavoidable FACT. Its used as an excuse to dominate, intimidate and start wars.

Within the narrow confines of Good and Evil religion falls squarly into evil. Often on these forums we sit on our high horses and criticise extreme muslim actions while conveniently forgetting such actions as the Crusades. Had we the means then that we do now I dont think the middle east would exist beyond being fried to a large plate of glass. Of course we regard ourselves as more mature now and that is possibly the only reason we can consider ourselves better than the muslim extremist threatening our way of life.

I dont hate religious people and I find it very hard to be tolerant of even those who dont shove it down your throat at everytime. All I can feel is pity for the weak minded, wasting their life following a non-existant deity with some made up rules that get updated every now and then.


Oh and in answer to the OP - I have never prayed, as I understand it to pray you have to believe in what you are saying. So the fact that I was forced to say certain words at the CofE primary school I went to doesnt mean squat.
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Noxis said:
"Belief" to me is a dirty word - religion is a crutch for those weak of self conviction.

Within the narrow confines of Good and Evil religion falls squarly into evil. Often on these forums we sit on our high horses and criticise extreme muslim actions while conveniently forgetting such actions as the Crusades. Had we the means then that we do now I dont think the middle east would exist beyond being fried to a large plate of glass. Of course we regard ourselves as more mature now and that is possibly the only reason we can consider ourselves better than the muslim extremist threatening our way of life.

I dont hate religious people and I find it very hard to be tolerant of even those who dont shove it down your throat at everytime. All I can feel is pity for the weak minded, wasting their life following a non-existant deity with some made up rules that get updated every now and then.

I am not sure of the figures but I would say by that assertion the majority of the planet is of weak mind and weak self conviction then. The move to being an atheist or agnostic is a realtively new phenomenon and a faith based religion plays a big part in most peoples lives
Loki said:
I am not sure of the figures but I would say by that assertion the majority of the planet is of weak mind and weak self conviction then.

Yes, I would say that does apply to the majority of people, especially in places like the middle east. Mass stupidity. I agree with Noxis's post above.
I am an atheist so to answer the original post it is years since I have prayed. on the other hand, for many years a member of churches having been confirmed my own choice at the age of 14. however, having completed a four-year course in divinity at my local university I came to the conclusion that I did not believe in God.

Notwithstanding, I do think that some of the posts above are a bit over the top. Whilst atheists we hold them is not of God, nonetheless I do not think that we should write interrogatory comments about those who do believe in God. After all, each of us has freedom to believe will not believe in ultimately none of us knows whether their choice has been the correct one.
I was brought up in a Christian family, so I admit I must be biased towards Christianity, but I stoped believing, I went away and prayed and things like that OUTSIDE of church, just me and God (If he existed), and he does, he revealed himself to me (this is very hard, or near impossible to explain, so I won't try), What God showed me matches the Christian religion in the basics, so thats where I go.

I don't believe it all and don't follow it blindly or mindlessly, I know Christianity has not got it all right, other religions will have bits both right and wrong as well, none of us has a monopoly of truth on God

The way I see it is God is something that we cannot understand, I don't, know one really can, we will never get solid proof, and if you think you believe science because it has been proven your mistaken, you have faith in the evidence given to you
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