I was brought up in a Christian family, so I admit I must be biased towards Christianity, but I stoped believing, I went away and prayed and things like that OUTSIDE of church, just me and God (If he existed), and he does, he revealed himself to me (this is very hard, or near impossible to explain, so I won't try), What God showed me matches the Christian religion in the basics, so thats where I go.
I don't believe it all and don't follow it blindly or mindlessly, I know Christianity has not got it all right, other religions will have bits both right and wrong as well, none of us has a monopoly of truth on God
The way I see it is God is something that we cannot understand, I don't, know one really can, we will never get solid proof, and if you think you believe science because it has been proven your mistaken, you have faith in the evidence given to you