When was the last time u prayed ?

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Nix said:
I couldn't care less, religious types are too quick to defend something they cannot prove.

True, as soon as you try to argue against them they seem to get all patronising as if it's not your fault you don't believe the "truth" :mad: .
Ofcourse I have questioned it. My conclusion is that all religion strive for the same thing, at this point they're pure. When culture and greed enter the picture religion becomes something less savoury. Therefore, ALL religion has got it wrong, it's just a method of control for the state which has played on peoples spirituality.

Spirituality is a very personal thing, so why do you need religious doctrine to tell you how it's done? If Roman Catholisism were correct, no one would ever have sex and mankind would die out. Religion is too flawed.

My conclusion is: Find God yourself, live a happy and good life. IF there is a God, they would not be so trivial to ask anymore than that.
Nix said:
Religion is tosh, I wish people would see sense. All religion is ultimately man-made, it's a myth. Its fabricated and become corrupt. If you want to believe in something higher or a divine spirit, by all means do so. Surely 'God' would rather you just live a good happy life, why do you have to believe to be saved? It's a huge flaw with religion.

So, your good happy life? Is that a happy life for you? So your screwing about makes you happy, but what about the women you are screwing around with, you think it makes them happy? (ok, no sarky comments). To life a "good happy life" means living by the 10 commandments?
1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
3. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

so, number 1 means don't make anything more important than God
2 is to do with swearing, so leading a happy life means not swearing as that could offend other people.
3 don't create idols, as this is making things more important than he is, for your "good life" this could imply worshiping other things almost like gods.
4 well in your "good life" this coule be used as a rest day
5 "good life" is to respect your parents, as they have taught you everything they could, and its only fair to them
6 "good life" well, its common sence really
7 "good life" its not fair to your significant other
8 "good life" work for all you can, work to your hardest so you can buy things as opposed to nicking them
9 "good life" its bad to lie, and break your word as it reduces peoples respect for you
10 "good life" if you start wanting things your neigbour has, you might want to steal them

saved from what
going to hell
Nix said:
I couldn't care less, religious types are too quick to defend something they cannot prove.

We have someone at work who is VERY religous. Oh the arguments (I mean interlectual conversations!) that we have. All in good fun though.
Before we get insults flying everywhere guys, lets just agree ...... people can believe in what they want to believe in.
Brynn said:
2 is to do with swearing, so leading a happy life means not swearing as that could offend other people.

Swearing always tickles me. Did someone sit down one day and think to themselves ' well, someone might not like that word, so we'll tell people not to say it' ?

How's about I decide the word 'computer' is now a swear word, reckon it'll catch on?
-Mike- said:
While your post makes a good read, its coming across as though you are preaching it to me :confused:

Ok, I am quite certain I am not preaching at you, if that is how it comes across I am sorry. As I have tried to not "ram my beliefs down peoples throats".
Brynn said:
Its not a case of "in the earth" its a case of a place without God.

Oooooh, that'd be right next to those two coaches that got wrecked in Germany then........or Hillsborough......or dunblaine (sp?)........
Ol!ver said:
Swearing always tickles me. Did someone sit down one day and think to themselves ' well, someone might not like that word, so we'll tell people not to say it' ?

How's about I decide the word 'computer' is now a swear word, reckon it'll catch on?

Personally, I just try(key word here - I aint perfect) to steer clear of Blasphemy, as in my opinion the other words are just stupid, its just a word. But with blasphemy I can see the reasoning behind it.
-Mike- said:
Before we get insults flying everywhere guys, lets just agree ...... people can believe in what they want to believe in.

No insults here, I love these conversations. They believe one thing, I believe another. I just like to understand WHY that's all :)
Ol!ver said:
Oooooh, that'd be right next to those two coaches that got wrecked in Germany then........or Hillsborough......or dunblaine (sp?)........

Or maybe the twin towers - or the trains in London, you know you aren't making a new point, I have heard it all before
Brynn said:
Personally, I just try(key word here - I aint perfect) to steer clear of Blasphemy, as in my opinion the other words are just stupid, its just a word. But with blasphemy I can see the reasoning behind it.

As you say, its just a word. As is God, so why can't you use this 'word' however you want?
Brynn said:
Or maybe the twin towers - or the trains in London, you know you aren't making a new point, I have heard it all before

I've no doubt. Does it get made often because it's valid perhaps?

EDIT: Ye gods (sorry, my mistake) how many posts have we made in the last 10 mins on this ! ? !

Ol!ver said:
As you say, its just a word. As is God, so why can't you use this 'word' however you want?

Because the words you are implying, have much more meaning behind them, than the F word or the S word. They are just stupid words, which over the years have had a stigma attatched to them, as "rude".

Where as the words I am implying, have a much deeper meaning, and shouldn't be used in vein.

Mods, I hope this post is ok, I know you disapprove of disguising swear words, and I didn't know if this is ok or not
Ol!ver said:
No insults here, I love these conversations. They believe one thing, I believe another. I just like to understand WHY that's all :)

Fair play mate, and I'm always willing to accept other people have different beliefs. Brynn - I wasnt saying you were preaching it to me, believe me thats not what i meant. Bad english on my part, sorry ;)
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