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When will GPUs return to normal pricing....

24 Sep 2013
Exmouth, Devon
I'm sorry so many have gotten upset by my 'afford' comment but at the end of the day this is an enthusiasts forum. Throwing things about like "I'm gonna get a console" shows where your level of enthusiasm for PC gaming lies.

My original comment was really directed at those calling people stupid because they bought them. They are just more enthusiast than you are. And will afford whatever part of their salary according to their enthusiasm.

I'm sorry if you got upset from my comment, but to put it all back into context, my first comment was to someone calling people brainless zombies, F idiots and fanboys for £750. That's who I replied to.

3080 is a great card and is the card to have @4k.

Top 3%. LOL.
17 Feb 2006
Nah we reject entirely that you're not an enthusiast unless you buy the top tier of everything.

The original overclocking movement was an enthusiast movement. You didn't just buy the top-end chip, you bought something mid-range and spent ages making it perform like the top-end.

It's a cruel, sick joke that "enthusiast" now means "whoever spends the most, regardless of whether they use it or not".
13 Jun 2009
My own head
Nah we reject entirely that you're not an enthusiast unless you buy the top tier of everything.

The original overclocking movement was an enthusiast movement. You didn't just buy the top-end chip, you bought something mid-range and spent ages making it perform like the top-end.

It's a cruel, sick joke that "enthusiast" now means "whoever spends the most, regardless of whether they use it or not".

Exactly this.

No one has got "upset" by your comments, only by your amusing views of the world which show the level of maturity.

Some of us have been building PCs for 20+ years, and can actually realise that things have got out of hand and away from an expensive hobby to an obscene hobby.

If you're not questioning the value proposition of a £250 console Vs a single PC component costing 3-6x then you're just being a troll.
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4 Jun 2009
Some interesting insights here.

Always notice that too, "people only complain because they can't afford it" :rolleyes: It's called having principles and not being taken for a mug.
16 Jan 2006
I'm sorry so many have gotten upset by my 'afford' comment but at the end of the day this is an enthusiasts forum. Throwing things about like "I'm gonna get a console" shows where your level of enthusiasm for PC gaming lies.

My original comment was really directed at those calling people stupid because they bought them. They are just more enthusiast than you are. And will afford whatever part of their salary according to their enthusiasm.

I'm sorry if you got upset from my comment, but to put it all back into context, my first comment was to someone calling people brainless zombies, F idiots and fanboys for £750. That's who I replied to.

3080 is a great card and is the card to have @4k.

Top 3%. LOL.

The only thing that upset me was your use of “gotten”.

the first top tier card that made me realise I didn’t enjoy the top end was the GeForce 3 at £300. That’s not £700 in today’s money.
13 May 2003
Some bizarre comments in here. You're not a proper enthusiast if you refuse to get bent over etc.

I've always been taught to treat myself as a Ltd. company with a P&L. You won't find any proper business, no matter how successful, that doesn't care about input prices.

I'm sure Ocado, John Lewis, Amazon, etc. care very much about what they're paying for things.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Some interesting insights here.

Always notice that too, "people only complain because they can't afford it" :rolleyes: It's called having principles and not being taken for a mug.

I agree with this. I can easily afford a 3090 (I've spent almost as much on a cpu) but it just doesn't have the value.
10 Dec 2004
I think that people have been saying that they will just get a console because of the logic that they based on the latest GPU / PC architecture anyways and have latest AAA titles too. Add the state of current prices for cards and that seems enough to put off even the deepest of pockets.

I have never understood the "desperation" element for gaming hardware where people are willing to pay considerably over the odds just to say they have it now rather than 2-3 months down the line at the proper RRP.
Sure if your livelyhood relies on having access to the power, understood. But because you have to turn things down 2 clicks on your previous gen top tier card to maintain a frame rate......sorry personally I don't buy it.

I will openly admit I am not in the bracket where I can just shell out 600-700 quid on a card in the first place (as much as I would love to if I was, don't get me wrong), it's just not high enough in my priorities. But granted that is just me.

At the same time that doesn't strike me off as an enthusiast, myself and 2 of my best friends are all in the same boat but we avidly follow pc gaming and talk non stop about daily and post on places like here, the fact we can't afford all of it......does that mean we shouldn't be. Feels very elitist
27 Feb 2015
There is a small chance you can buy 3000 series at around MSRP when 4000 release is imminent and they decide to clear all the deliberately held stock in warehouses.

If you are one of those people who only believes in buying hardware when its just released, you have to be lucky and get during the launch discounts.
20 Jun 2016
First you have to define what is a "normal price"?

then we can answer the question.

Gone are the days where top/high end GPUs like the 3080/6800xt were £500 at the very most....

When do we think we'll get back to somewhat normal pricing as with these £450 next gen consoles hitting 4k60 and similar settings to PC high, no one in their right mind would go PC now (talking just purely for gaming here)
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13 Jun 2009
My own head
I'm not an enthusiast because I can afford to press the buy button right this second on a 3090 but refuse to do so because I believe the price is insanity

Ok then!

Nah it's because we're poor remember. Your lack of dedication is terrible, why not stick it on credit card too with 40% APR and pay it off over the year? If you don't you're not an enthusiast.

22 Oct 2018
I'm sorry so many have gotten upset by my 'afford' comment but at the end of the day this is an enthusiasts forum. Throwing things about like "I'm gonna get a console" shows where your level of enthusiasm for PC gaming lies.

My original comment was really directed at those calling people stupid because they bought them. They are just more enthusiast than you are. And will afford whatever part of their salary according to their enthusiasm.

I'm sorry if you got upset from my comment, but to put it all back into context, my first comment was to someone calling people brainless zombies, F idiots and fanboys for £750. That's who I replied to.

3080 is a great card and is the card to have @4k.

Top 3%. LOL.

But see to me the way you are talking says to me that for you it is not about that gaming, rather it is about the bling and bragging rights!
It just isn't sensible to pay grossly inflated prices for a product.

I have the money, I even have the 4K monitor, but I refuse to get hysterical about this and I refuse to bow down to the scalpers and pay their prices.

The 3080 is a good card BUT IT'S NOT THAT GOOD! Any true enthusiast would realise that.
26 Sep 2020
Lets not lose sight of reality (and the temporary blip that is scalping and associated launch prices of new tech).
Card power is cheaper now and the amount of grunt we can purchase far greater, than the 2080Ti era.
We're getting even more power for half that crazy price!
Plenty of AMAZING cards have an RRP of 500ish-750!
The performance is astonishingly phenomenal!

An appropriately good display is virtually essential, nothing has changed there, except what we get in terms of power has become far, far, cheaper than before in terms of grunt per pound, if you are willing/able to buy a decent card.
If you wanted a good VR setup, or a high end experience a few years ago, you can get that tomorrow for even less money. (Not today mind, becuase of the crazy lazy of stock. Im totally ignoring this blip which will be gone in a number of months)

We might have reached the pinacle of PC gaming. These are good times, happy days. Look on the positive side.

And looking on the positive side once more, the PC has in theory another 7 or 8 years to grow/stand taller, and put some improvements/distance between itself and the new consoles before the PS6 generation. PS5 has just launched and its effectively a 2080 machine in terms of power and already 2 years out of date in some respects.

What wont help the PC gain traction and launch itself ahead of the pack as it has done in the past, are updated PS5s with more processing power, like the PS4 Pro. And the coming ps5 pro. The PS5 will get pro versions that will help the console market close the gap between consoles and the PC. A pro ps5 might offer playstation users BOTH high fidelity graphics AND 120fps gameplay. Currently users have to choose between. Then the console/pc gap will close somewhat in terms of performance, but... the PC will always have the components to be farther ahead and I enjoy that, as well as I enjoy the PC itself more, there will always be gamers who enjoy PC gaming more.

I enjoy upgrading my PC almost as much as playing games. Its always enjoyable.
My head nearly spins itself off my neck with excitement playing games on my 2080 super.
The idea of 45% more frames per second / more settings on ultra is so exciting, I could possibly be tempted to sell my johnson to medical research today if I could get my hands on a 3080! That is the excitment of owning a PC, upgrading it. You dont get that fun with the consoles.

We know that "the majority" agree the jump from 60fps to 140 is a much bigger one in terms of WOW than the 140-240 jump. Its been written. We all agree.
Weve crawled from games that ran in 3D at 15 frames per second in the 90s, to where we are now. Consoles have caught up with high end PCs again. The next pro versions will help close the 120fps gap even further, when console users can choose both High Fidelity graphics AND high frame rate. A new generation of 120fps tvs is about to emerge.

And we have just seen the single biggest leap in processing power going UP and prices coming DOWN (2080Ti performance).
You can have that 2080Ti - nay, better than, as soon as the dust of the launch settles, for 700 quid-ish.
And the £500 cards look bloody fantastic too.

I dont have my dream card, but Im really, really happy and excited to be alive and gaming right now.
And whatever happens, I cant imagine not wanting to do a good amount of gaming on the PC, its so much more fun than owning a console, for so many reasons.
3 Aug 2010
All I know is that I miss the days pc gaming was more of a niche and I wouldn't mind some of you switching to consoles.

There are 25 million people online on Steam in the evenings and people that I would have never expected to are asking me to help them with their Christmas gaming pc build.
29 Aug 2013
I've accepted that these prices are normal now. They've been high since Turing launched and then AMD just matching/slotting their cards in between Nvidias stack.

3060ti cost me the same as my GTX 980 did but what can you do. :D
14 Aug 2017
Card power is cheaper now and the amount of grunt we can purchase far greater, than the 2080Ti era.
We're getting even more power for half that crazy price!

I'm seeing 3070s on sale at £700. I 'only' paid £950 for my 2080Ti in 2019, and AFAICT the perf is roughly equivalent...

But in general I agree, and I don't think the prices are actually that far outside of historical trends anyway.

A lot of y'all are just old farts who can remember when a pint of beer in the pub was less than two quid!
18 Oct 2002
Northern Ireland
I dug out an old invoice from 2015 and I bought two 980Ti cards for SLI on launch from EVGA for £650 each, that's about £725 each in today's money accounting for inflation. The 3080 (at RRP) is actually a pretty damn good price all things considered - I would hope that AIB cards would return to around £700-750 once all this GPU madness subsides.
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