Where did the paranormal go?

Ahhh. Ok. Well, ok! Was it like the film event horizon?
But with peoples pets and goats?
Cliché as it is, if you'd see the stuff I saw, it's not lol, it's syp

A multitude of things can cause people to hallucinate any number of things that seemingly are absolutely real. There are sound frequencies that cause people to see things that simply are not there, ghosts being one of them. The human eye resonant frequency is around 18Hz, and anything emitting a frequency in that range could potentially cause mass sightings of things in the subconscious... But hey, people know what they saw so it must be true and go against proven evidence :p
The paranormal community is still going strong, especially online. TV shows like (ugh) Most Haunted and (ugh) Ghost Adventures and (ugh) TAPS spawned a huge amount of mimicry and ghost hunting groups sprang up everywhere. Technology has allowed enthusiasts to tap into another side of it too - with EMF detectors, EVP recording devices and all sorts of photographic stuff being used now and the results easily shared. I wrote a couple of ghost books a while back and they still sell a few copies each week.
A multitude of things can cause people to hallucinate any number of things that seemingly are absolutely real. There are sound frequencies that cause people to see things that simply are not there, ghosts being one of them. The human eye resonant frequency is around 18Hz, and anything emitting a frequency in that range could potentially cause mass sightings of things in the subconscious... But hey, people know what they saw so it must be true and go against proven evidence :p
Its always people like you that have closed off any possibility, that will not, and have never experienced anything.
I miss Trevor and Simon days
All the modern technology, everyone has a camera in their pocked, CCTV everywhere. Yet still no evidence, almost like it doesn't at exist all..................
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All the modern technology, everyone has a camera in their pocked, CCTV everywhere. Yet still no evidence, almost like it doesn't at all..................

There is evidence though. That's the point. People however dismiss it as fakery because of past proven fraudulent occurrences.
This threads always an interesting read


This is one of the freakiest stories in it:

I was walking down my path to my flat which is on the first floor, I can see my main living room window from the street where I drive in, now I know I turned off all my lights before I left, so I was surprised to see the light on. I quickly ran to my flat expecting it to be broken into, to my suprise the door was locked with no damage. I went into my flat, and just as I went in the light turned off, now I can see my only llight switch from the door, that spooked me out big style

So I did what anyone would do, search the flat for anyone in who wasn't supposed to be there, flicked my light switch on and off about 20 times, checked my main fuse box, everything was ok....

I put it to the back of my mind and made dinner etc, during this time I felt that there was something in the kitchen with me, strangest feeling I have ever had, I had goosebumps and the hairs were standing up on my neck.

So, when I was having dinner I was watching TV and checking my email, and I just saw something move out of the corner of my eye, ignored it and continued to do what I was doing, I honestly think now I was trying to convince myself there was nothing there.

So about 12oclock I went to bed not thinking about what happened earlier. Just lying with my eyes falling shut my bedroom door banged opened and hit the wall with a huge bang, I jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway, of course there was no one there, flat door locked and key still in. Just when I turned round I saw a really black dark shadow standing in my living room doorway, I was frozen stiff, I didn't know what to do!

The shadow started to move towards me, man I was craping myself, sod it I thought no point staying here, I turned and ran out the flat just in my briefs.

About 5mins later, with me freezing my ass off outside my flat door, my next door neighbour arrive in from a night out. He obviously asked what the hell I was doing outside in my underwear, I told him and probably quite rightly he didnt believe me. Now with the old dutch courage in him after a few beers, he went inside alone. He came out in about 30secs absolutely white and shaking, he said that he had seen a dark shadow standing in the corner of my living room.

After about 10 mins outside we decided to go in together, there was nothing there, and the atmosphere felt better. He stayed for another half an hour or so, and then left, I went to bed lying awake, must have fell asleep and woke up this morning with nothing else happening...

Part Two..

Now, I have had my two kids over too stay a few times since this has happened, obviously with them being 4 and 6 years old I never mentioned it to them..

At the weekend I had them over the Fri and Sat night, on the Fri night both of themwanted to sleep in my bed, which is highly unusual, to understand this, they usually sleep with the lights out and the door closed, they have no fear of the dark what so ever when they are asleep.

Didn't really think anything of it, they hadn't seen me for a week or so, i guessed they had just missed me. The next day we were riding on our bikes around a loch when my son told me that they wanted to sleep in my bed because they both had felt really cold in their bedroom, again unusual because I always make sure their room is nice and warm. I asked him if there was anything else bothering him, he kind of shied away and said no.

Sat night, we all shared a pizza and I let them stay up later than usual, had a good giggle with them and we were all in high spirits. Must have took them to bed around 10.30ish, I stayed up for an hour or so and checked on them a couple of times, both were snoring away.

At 2.30 I was woken by a thump, I initially thought that one of them had fallen out of bed, so I got up to go through and heard a whimpering, so I went in to the bedroom to find my daughter curled up in the corner of her bed with her head bured in her pillow. A nightmare I thought, so I did the usual of picking her up and cuddling her! She scared the crap out of me by telling me that she had seen someone in the room, I asked where, she said in the corner at the base of her bed. My son, who was lying awake unknown to me then said he had saw it too, I asked what it looked like and both of them said just a black thing, looked like a shadow..

So I turned on the light, and found on the floor, right on the middle a large dinosaur book which was put away earlier by me, I asked my son if he was reading in bed, he said no, but the book falling and hitting the floor woke him up.

Now, for one of them to have a nightmare and think they see something is acceptable, but for two of them to see the same thing is unbelievable in my opinion, not too mention the book falling..

PS From original post.

I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary from my investigations about previous residents of my flat. No one in my block has experienced anything apart from my neighbour in mine..

There is evidence though. That's the point. People however dismiss it as fakery because of past proven fraudulent occurrences.

Very true. If anything, there is now such a glut of 'evidence' that it is all dismissed so easily.
Very true. If anything, there is now such a glut of 'evidence' that it is all dismissed so easily.
But surely with all this "Evidence" at least a handful of stories/events/videos/photos should standout as being plausible or proof over the rest of the false claims?
Its always people like you that have closed off any possibility, that will not, and have never experienced anything.
I miss Trevor and Simon days

There are no ghosts, that's the long and short of it. The dead don't randomly haunt places or anything like that. The chances of another universe's world in multiverse theory clashing with our own through the fabric of space time are genuinely more likely than the soul of the biologically dead running amok rattling doors and things.

I grew up living opposite a graveyard, never saw a thing. In Bangladesh where my parents are from we live in our own villa and family members of generations go by are buried within the same land. Nobody has seen or heard of hauntings either. Myself and a team urban explore abandoned asylums, hospitals and manor houses around the UK and Europe and guess what? We haven't seen or heard anything and we roll around with high end cameras at these places.

It's all in the mind of the susceptible, part of the reasons why Derren Brown and the like are so good at what they do, because the minds of many can be easily fooled. Paranormal mystics, psychics and the like have been doing it for eons, church preachers around the world still do it to this day whilst they roll around in their donations funded Mercedes Benz cars and finely tailored suits and whatnot.

A word or two.
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There's too much evidence to prove it is true? That makes no sense at all.

Except it does because it's about the quality of the evidence. There are thousands of hours of video footage of objects moving, light anomalies and even apparitions. They've been caught on cctv, live tv and intentionally filmed. The issue is that all of them could strictly be faked. It is nigh on impossible from third party footage to eliminate the possibility of tampering. You can only go off the testimony of those present or those who have provided the evidence.
The same goes for audio evidence such as EVP. It could be faked.

It's worth pointing out that we have have more hours of video footage of paranormal occurrences than we do of the dark side of the moon. We accept the dark side of the moon is as it appears to be though, don't we?
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