Who have you got on your ignore list?

Back when Gilly was in posting machine mode I considered blocking him just to see if half of the decent forum content actually dissapeared.

On my old account I think I had a few people on the ignore list.
G|mp said:
I was hoping i was on a few lists

Im obviously not trying hard enough lately

Yeah, you really need to up the stakes on the offensiveness otherwise you'll get nowhere as I really can't take anyone seriously with a name like yours ;) :D

I've got no one on my ignore list and I doubt I ever will, I'm quite capable of just skipping a post or mentally skimming over it. I don't know if I'm on anyones ignore list, I wouldn't have thought I've been offensive enough here or posted enough drivel but maybe :)
Nobody at the mo, I think.

In the past I've had a couple of people on my ignore list, they have been either extremely irritating teens incapable of holding a civilised discussion, or there was one guy in the sports forum who's posts used to make my blood boil.

In the end though, I turned ignore off because the trouble is, it doesn't ignore them completely, you still see their name against a post in the thread and curiousity tends to get the better of you so you click to view the post anyway.
AthlonTom said:
Back when Gilly was in posting machine mode I considered blocking him just to see if half of the decent forum content actually dissapeared.

On my old account I think I had a few people on the ignore list.

You wouldn't have been able to block him ;) You can't ignore Moderators... UBs can be ignored though :p
No one on mine.

Skully said:
Darcy and Gangster.

I think one of them was extremely racist.

But don't know which one now, best keep them both ignored for good measure.

Im not racist, so wasnt me. Im not bothered about people 'ignoring' me anyway. :)
cleanbluesky said:
It has come to my attention that some of us use the magic ignore button... perhaps some of us feel Ignorance is Bliss but I feel that Truth is Beauty, therefore I ignore no-one!

So who is on your list... and do you remember why?


Most likely due to various threads in Speakers Corner and the way debate usually goes on in there, hence why I no longer bother with it.
Bigstan said:
Is that a sign of maturity :confused:

I must be very immature then, because I frequently get annoyed when people make ridiculous statements or state something as fact with no way of backing up their arguments.

Stan :)

LOL. Me too but then I get accused of being argumentative / pedantic.
No one on my ignore list, though there's a number of people whos posts I tend to skip past/don't bother commenting on as I know it will be a waste of my time!

Tru said:
I've no idea how hot she is, it doesn't really matter on an internet forum. Are you saying that I should pay attention to her just because you think she's hot?

I honestly can't remember, it could have been a fit of pique but there you go.

:eek: Wow, and as far as I recall I was always nice to Tru! Not to worry, can't please everyone (though if Tru can't remember why.... then why am I still on it?! How bizarre!) :)

norm said:
Isn't pheebs that hot girl?

How could she possibly warrant being added to your ignore list.

Seems to me you can't handle the truth. : )

Ahh. Glad to see I'm remembered for my thought provoking posts! :p
afraser2k said:

Most likely due to various threads in Speakers Corner and the way debate usually goes on in there, hence why I no longer bother with it.

If the debate degenerates it generally takes at least one poster from each "corner" to bring it down. Your list appears to be more of a case of not liking a range of opinions than of the quality of debate as it doesn't feature the usual suspects from the other half.
I find it amusing that people would enter a debate in SC and then add people to ignore because they don't like having their opinions challenged. I suppose you simply expect everyone to just agree with you instead?
I suspect that I am on there for pointing out the rather well known fact that a huge number of Socts are prejudiced against the English and bear big chips on their shoulders over events going back hundreds of years.
Your loss.

No-one on my list at all. If I think you're boring, stupid or talking rubbish I'll tell you - politely of course and offer some explanation as to why I think you're opinion is "wrong".
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pheebs said:
:eek: Wow, and as far as I recall I was always nice to Tru! Not to worry, can't please everyone (though if Tru can't remember why.... then why am I still on it?! How bizarre!) :)
I admit you don't fit the typical profile of my ignore list so I'll take you off, can't say fairer than that. :)

Now, someone mentioned that you were hot, you can send the pics to my trust address.
VIRII said:
If the debate degenerates it generally takes at least one poster from each "corner" to bring it down. Your list appears to be more of a case of not liking a range of opinions than of the quality of debate as it doesn't feature the usual suspects from the other half.

Dude, he cant see you, you are on his ignore list.
VIRII said:
If the debate degenerates it generally takes at least one poster from each "corner" to bring it down. Your list appears to be more of a case of not liking a range of opinions than of the quality of debate as it doesn't feature the usual suspects from the other half.
I find it amusing that people would enter a debate in SC and then add people to ignore because they don't like having their opinions challenged. I suppose you simply expect everyone to just agree with you instead?
I suspect that I am on there for pointing out the rather well known fact that a huge number of Socts are prejudiced against the English and bear big chips on their shoulders over events going back hundreds of years.
Your loss.

No-one on my list at all. If I think you're boring, stupid or talking rubbish I'll tell you - politely of course and offer some explanation as to why I think you're opinion is "wrong".
Trying to argue with someone who's got you in his ignore list won't get the discussion very far.:p
No person in my ignore list.
Next will be a poll: "who is the poster who is in more ignore lists"
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