Who here owns a Fiesta ST?

People who've got/had a mk6 with 60mm TB, how long did it take your ECU to calm down and adjust to the new throttle body? Done about 40miles on mine since installing it and it's still idling rather high and not dropping revs correctly, the other day I pulled up at some lights for example and was at ~1800rpm for about 10 seconds before it settled..

It should settle in straight away, some of the copy versions arent set correctly, is it a genuine or copy?
Mine did this and I found the plug wasn't plugged in hard enough - so make sure its all plugged in and nice and tight!
They "work" straight away, however it will adjust as it's driven, usually a 20 min drive does it, not hundreds of miles, unless your car can do 600mph. You used to be able to cheat by removing fuses or disconnecting the battery, but the ecu will adjust quickly.
If it's a copy, your issue is more likely a more basic one of the butterfly not being positoned correctly by the stepper motor, there are copy TBs out there and the QC isn't the best, check the gap betwen the butterfly and body with the engine off and compare it to your old one, might be better to remove it to check it more accurately.

Good point about the plug above though, and check the rubber seal incase it's drawing in air.

BTW I have an 08 ST with a 60mm TB and I had exactly the same issue with a copy.
Mine idles quite high since I fitted a 60mm TB. Mine is an original 55 made into a 60 though.

After Ford Fair I'm looking to trade my mk6 in as saving up for house. Not sure what to get next.
Very nice. Humming and hawing at present. Drive the deal just phoned me. ST2 in spirit blue, style pack and spare wheel.

2k deposit
£225 pm over 3 years with guaranteed final value of £7663. Would most likely buy it.

Very tempted but never bought a car on finance like this before and its kind of scares me. I know I can easily afford it but all in with the final baloon payment works out at 17k for a Fiesta. Should I?
Brokers4Cars are doing the ST-3 for £210.07 with a £2000 deposit. £198 for the ST-2. I'm tempted myself at that price, would make a nice fun run around.
ST2 with the options I want comes in at £220 with final payment of £8834
ST3 comes in at £210 a month with final payment of £9319 on brokers.

I'd really be looking to buy the car after the 3 year period. Almost an extra 2k to buy the 3 at the end of the deal.

I don't know what the frik to do. The £7600 final payment on drive the deal appeals.
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ST2 with the options I want comes in at £220 with final payment of £8834
ST3 comes in at £210 a month with final payment of £9319 on brokers.

I'd really be looking to buy the car after the 3 year period. Almost an extra 2k to buy the 3 at the end of the deal.

Huh? From your figures, the difference of residual value is £485, not £2K

3 years on the ST3 saves you £10/month so the extra you pay for the ST3 is reduced to £125 over the 3 years.
Its drive the deal that is offering the final payment of £7600 compared to the £8834 (ST2) or £9319 (ST3) on brokers for cars.


ST2 with options- 2k deposit - £225 pm over 3 years. Final payment £7663


ST2 with options - 2k deposit - £220 pm over 3 years. Final payment £8834

ST3 - 2k deposit - £210 pm over 3 years. Final payment £9319.
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Very nice looking car that 'Imfy2k' never freally been a Ford man myself, but I've always had a soft spot for these Fiesta's and the previous shape to be honest :)
After a wipe down with the quick detailer.


Need to get it machined polished at some point tho
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