Who here owns a Fiesta ST?

I'm looking at getting a Fiesta ST next month is 5k a good budged to get nice one? Looking at 2006-2008 models all seem to have 50-80k miles.

The ones that have caught my eye are.


Is there anything that i need to look out for when test driving these?

Try and find one with a Mountune MP185 performance package, it won't cost you any more to insure the car if you go through Greenlight, and it transforms the power delivery. As stock...the engine is a bit dull. With the cams....much better.
:D (Excuse the picture: dirt + garage + spot light + camera flash = crap picture).

First impressions are very good. We have both noticed the increased pull in 3rd and upwards (especially 6th). This is coming from driving the stock car for over 14.5K miles thus the improvement is possibly more noticable to us than say getting the upgrade a few hundred miles in. Traction and overall stability seems completely unaffected.

Roll on the weekend where we can driver her some more (and clean her). :)

3rd gear is awesome! Just feels like second before the Kit was put on!
3rd gear is awesome! Just feels like second before the Kit was put on!

Third is quite nice - and over quicker than I instinctively remember as well!

Anyway I managed to give her a good clean today and take some proper pictures (need to learn how to use my DSLR properly mind.... :o)

I think she scrubs up quite nicely for a car used day in day out.







Drove her around 30 miles today and couldn't be happier. The Mountune is just the icing on a delicious cake as far as I'm concerned. Can't wait until September now, North Wales here we come! :eek::D
It should scrub up well, it's a bloody new car! :D

To the guy looking at MK6's, here's the checklist I knocked up when I bought one if it's any help to you:

Engine & Drivetrain:
Waterpump ever been changed?
Check Oil (& Cap), Coolant, other fluids, no leaks?
Which oil is in there & levels?
Blue Smoke at the back, any smoke up front?
Noises; tappets and lifters etc.
Gearbox, notchy/crunchy?
No jumping out of any gear? Clunk into third is dog bone mount
Clutch feels ok – no juddering? No slipping? No release bearing noise? Pedal recall?
Listen for whining or rattling from Gearbox
Engine and gearbox mounts, much rocking of engine?
Easy to start?
No issues with coilpack and leads?
Temp when idling, check fan kicks in
PAS fluid colour (needs be red), PAS pump whine, steering ok?

Steering rack noisy, notchy, sticky, dry spots, creaky/clicky
Tramlining? Any pulling left or right
Tracking – check tyre wear and how wheels sit
Wishbones, bushes, droplinks etc – does the car sit level?
Steering doesn’t feel loose indicating worn ball joints etc?
No excessive play in steering wheel/rack?
Wheel bearing noise?

Brakes, Wheels & Tyres:
Check condition and wear of brakes and tyres
What are wheels like, corrosion, kerbing etc
What brand of tyres, do they match?
No brake juddering or warping?

Exterior lights, heaters, anything worth trying etc, windows, interior lights, mirrors
Keyfobs to test locks, key in the door also
Check wiper linkage – check wipers and washers work fine.
Check windows solid when down and don’t rattle

Condition of wheel, plastics, seats and bolster wear, door cards
Carpet condition, check not wet, same for A/B/C pillars and boot
Check all electrics inside work – lights, windows, wipers, stalks, switches etc, heated screens!
Seats feel solid, not rocky etc, same for door cards if leant on hard
Check seats recline and open to rear etc.

Rust in general and on the arches, hinges, (boot hinges/door hinges/bonnet hinges)
Dents/Scratches/Stone chips
Paint issues – laquer, fading, swirls etc, headlight fading/blotchy, skirts loose
Check under the cills and jacking points for damage, under bumpers/skirts also for scuffs/cracks
Handbrake cables low? Rattling on exhaust heatshield (sounds like tapping behind seat)

Docs, History, Other:
All keys & fobs?
All history – manuals, service books (check stamps), receipts, MOT cert(s), tax discs, V5 docs, Original Folder
Check HPI clear
Locking wheel nut key
History on major services (especially last service)
Looks like I'll be making the move from my 2008 Fiesta ST to buying my Dads Focus ST, though it looks like a wait until Spetember until his one becomes available, I'll miss the Fiesta.
My SB ST2 was delivered yesterday, loving it at the moment! A lot friendlier to drive in traffic than my 182 was.

Some daft women managed to screw up her hill start this morning and rolled backwards 3 feet into my number plate, all seem OK though.

Autocar said:
Even so, upstaging a 296bhp VW Golf R should surely be too much to expect of a 212bhp Ford Fiesta. There are almost two clear seconds between their 0-62mph stats (4.9sec vs 6.6sec) and a world of difference between them on desirability.

They can speak for themselves. I have no desire at all for the Golf R. At this price range I wouldn't look past the M135i (well no I would get a Focus RS 500 and laugh as the others depreciate in value horrifically).

And on that note my dad has a M135i for comparison. I won't be changing my ST in for one any time soon. Great car but I find my ST more fun and engaging to drive. No question of course that the BMW is more refined, better built, better equipped (Xenons Ford, Xenons) and would make a much better long distance cruiser). Of course it should do all of these things better, it costs £14k more... (well technically anyway, my dad paid £25k for a pre-reg one with 6 miles on the clock but hey ho)/
People who've got/had a mk6 with 60mm TB, how long did it take your ECU to calm down and adjust to the new throttle body? Done about 40miles on mine since installing it and it's still idling rather high and not dropping revs correctly, the other day I pulled up at some lights for example and was at ~1800rpm for about 10 seconds before it settled..
Any idea what the 3 year old price is going to be for the new ST/ST-2? I imagine it'll only have around 24k on the clock by then. Does £7,500 seem about right?
They can speak for themselves. I have no desire at all for the Golf R. At this price range I wouldn't look past the M135i (well no I would get a Focus RS 500 and laugh as the others depreciate in value horrifically).

And on that note my dad has a M135i for comparison. I won't be changing my ST in for one any time soon. Great car but I find my ST more fun and engaging to drive. No question of course that the BMW is more refined, better built, better equipped (Xenons Ford, Xenons) and would make a much better long distance cruiser). Of course it should do all of these things better, it costs £14k more... (well technically anyway, my dad paid £25k for a pre-reg one with 6 miles on the clock but hey ho)/

nice write up mate, posts like this makes me glad ive ordered the ST, was close though, nearly cancelled ST order for the Golf R
Really thinking about selling my 07 ST and leasing one of the new ones! They look sooooo good!

Think I'd miss the LSD though.
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In that case.... Fiesta ST with style pack included for £13800 through drive the deal with Ford Finance. Their guaranteed final value (balloon payment) after 36 months is £7479.
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