Who here owns a Fiesta ST?

Thanks for the extra info guys, I ain't read much about the "2016" model, I'll have a quick scan on Ford's site now.

I drove a standard one Ad, which was quite pokey but perhaps I was expecting too much, it is only a 1.6 after all. Didn't feel massively powerful or anything but it did motor quite well watching the speedo. But the savings elsewhere and convenience of warranty would make up for it if it had MP215 on it. Looked at torque curve graphs and it's a much better spread of torque. I know you have a few more bits on yours now, I would like to add small extra's such as intercooler, exhaust (just cat back probably) until warranty runs out, did they let you add those bits and not have it affect your warranty?
Thanks for the extra info guys, I ain't read much about the "2016" model, I'll have a quick scan on Ford's site now.

I drove a standard one Ad, which was quite pokey but perhaps I was expecting too much, it is only a 1.6 after all. Didn't feel massively powerful or anything but it did motor quite well watching the speedo. But the savings elsewhere and convenience of warranty would make up for it if it had MP215 on it. Looked at torque curve graphs and it's a much better spread of torque. I know you have a few more bits on yours now, I would like to add small extra's such as intercooler, exhaust (just cat back probably) until warranty runs out, did they let you add those bits and not have it affect your warranty?

I hate to be "that" guy Stormster but. You want to buy a nearly new Fiesta ST (lets say for 14k before you have started spending money on mods) and your Focus is worth around 7K as its a PFL?

Block mod and uprated clutch lets say £1500. Even if you need a new ABS module I had mine fitted at Ford for £380. Driveshafts and fitting lets say another £1k for both (if both sides fail). So that's what potential for £3kish. Cannot really include Fluids/Tyres as that's a universal cost. You want to spend £4k more on a Fiesta ST to save money?

Just book it in for pre-emptive maintenance in these areas and be done with it rather than waiting for it to go wrong if it is that inconvenient for your work/social life.
Hassle free motoring and he wants to play around with a car that's under warranty. That's asking for trouble, isn't it?

My 11 year old 3 series has had two garage repairs in just under two years. I can't imagine a newer Focus ST going in for work any more than that, if you want a newer Fiesta then go for it, but your reasoning appears to be well off.
So MK7 ST experts. Are there any known issues which are common and expensive now the older cars are coming towards the end of their warranties?

Only thing wrong with my car is the rattles from the door cards. Never had any mechanical problem though but then I've had it from new and always kept good care of it. :)

Just get one ordered Stormster! You've been mulling this over since before i got my ST3. Get on Carwow and see what offers you get! :D
Thanks for the extra info guys, I ain't read much about the "2016" model, I'll have a quick scan on Ford's site now.

I drove a standard one Ad, which was quite pokey but perhaps I was expecting too much, it is only a 1.6 after all. Didn't feel massively powerful or anything but it did motor quite well watching the speedo. But the savings elsewhere and convenience of warranty would make up for it if it had MP215 on it. Looked at torque curve graphs and it's a much better spread of torque. I know you have a few more bits on yours now, I would like to add small extra's such as intercooler, exhaust (just cat back probably) until warranty runs out, did they let you add those bits and not have it affect your warranty?

You can add the Intercooler, Induction Hose, Boost pipes and cat back exhaust as well as the MP215 kit and you'd still have your warranty.

Mountune are offering the MR230 now I do believe :)

Unfortunately it's not warranty friendly, but that's not going to stop me. Getting it booked in soon.

Only thing wrong with my car is the rattles from the door cards. Never had any mechanical problem though but then I've had it from new and always kept good care of it. :)

Likewise, that's the worst bit. I could sort it, but on the other hand it could make things worse when I take the door cards off :p
So MK7 ST experts. Are there any known issues which are common and expensive now the older cars are coming towards the end of their warranties?

I am aiming to buy a 1 year old car (preferably MP215'd) after winter and want to prepare for the future, but the main aim of buying one is hassle free motoring with warranty and still having a lot of fun. I haven't got the time or patience to wait for something big to go wrong with my Focus, I work long hours and I've been without it one day so far this week and it affects my working day nevermind social life. I like the idea of return to dealer, courtesy car, collect when done.

For example with my car the oil filter housing diaphragm has just failed, one of the common issues... other potentials include driveshafts, clutch with it being mapped which means dual mass and RS clutch setup circa 1k fitted, the potential of cracked liners etc etc... it's at the age/time it needs all fluids changing... I may as well chuck this money I spend monthly at a new car with warranty, probably save money ultimately! :D And not have to worry so much.

Mine is a 2013 one and I've put 32k on mine so far with no issues at all.

Except for some annoying interior rattles, which are like a Ford trademark (I fixed the worst ones though) :P

Mountune are offering the MR230 now I do believe :)

Yea it's pretty expensive though. Since they replace the exhaust, cat and intercooler.
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Only thing to affect warranty is the sports cat. Priced up all the bits of MR230 kit and looks like I could get it for around £1400 if i grab the bits that i need when they discount them!

On another note, i've got some Osram Nightbreakers and Chrome indicators coming today! De-tango yo!
You can then get the extended 5 year 100,000 mile Ford Protect warranty and you'll be set for a good while - it's only £260 for the extended warranty so a no brainer really.

I did this. Bargain for 2 years extra peace of mind and i probably will keep it for that long as well ( 5 years) then flog when the warranty expires. As someone else said though, it has to be put on the car before/at registration.

I checked with Ford and i have it in writing that the extended warranty works with the MP215 kit as well.
Only thing to affect warranty is the sports cat. Priced up all the bits of MR230 kit and looks like I could get it for around £1400 if i grab the bits that i need when they discount them!

On another note, i've got some Osram Nightbreakers and Chrome indicators coming today! De-tango yo!

Yea but where do you get the map? Other maps just aren't as good as Mountune's :/
To put it into perspective.

I paid £5700 for my car.
I've spent £2600 on it since I've had it (March 1st)
Fuel wise it has a minimum of £70 a week.

Why not put 8k down, loan for the rest over a couple of years, let warranty fix the stuff I'd have to pay out for on my Focus, save on fuel, gain on actual driving fun (not necessarily outright speed) and just get a courtesy car instead of being days without it if something goes. I don't want to have a 10 grand 9 year old Focus ST within 12 months by spending on more preventative maintenance. What's your take on that? lol. At best the car is worth 6 grand.

Without being funny, I work 7am until 7pm Mon to Fri nowadays and I put a lot into work, I haven't got the time to go to a garage in the week with car problems or spend time phoning around fighting people off with quotes. With a Fiesta and warranty, I can drop it off at my local dealer by 7pm so leave work 6:30, get a courtesy car and be on my way until it's done.

Some of you lot have seen the cars I've had over the years and seen how I chase perfection and the amount of money I literally have thrown down the pan. Why not make life easy for one of my interests now and I can still enjoy it by it at least "feeling" hassle free.

Good to see info on the mods you can add without any issue too, that's quite handy. The idea of brand new and extended warranty for so little sounds appealing.
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You need to take into account deprecitation also. The focus won't drop much more while the fiesta will depreciate, effectively costing more.

It's fair enough wanting the warranty and courtesy vehicles but don't look on it as saving you huge amounts of cash.

Iirc you had a full respray which I'm sure was the lions share of the money spent this year, that wasn't the cars fault or a reflection on the reliability of it. Sometimes it's better the devil you know.

Just providing a voice of reason.
To put it into perspective.

I paid £5700 for my car.
I've spent £2600 on it since I've had it (March 1st)
Fuel wise it has a minimum of £70 a week.

Why not put 8k down, loan for the rest over a couple of years, let warranty fix the stuff I'd have to pay out for on my Focus, save on fuel, gain on actual driving fun (not necessarily outright speed) and just get a courtesy car instead of being days without it if something goes. I don't want to have a 10 grand 9 year old Focus ST within 12 months by spending on more preventative maintenance. What's your take on that? lol. At best the car is worth 6 grand.

Without being funny, I work 7am until 7pm Mon to Fri nowadays and I put a lot into work, I haven't got the time to go to a garage in the week with car problems or spend time phoning around fighting people off with quotes. With a Fiesta and warranty, I can drop it off at my local dealer by 7pm so leave work 6:30, get a courtesy car and be on my way until it's done.

Some of you lot have seen the cars I've had over the years and seen how I chase perfection and the amount of money I literally have thrown down the pan. Why not make life easy for one of my interests now and I can still enjoy it by it at least "feeling" hassle free.

Good to see info on the mods you can add without any issue too, that's quite handy. The idea of brand new and extended warranty for so little sounds appealing.

I did some quite extensive man maths (fuel, servicing, MOT's, tax, insurance, road side assistance, depreciation etc) before buying my ST and worked out that over a 5 year period, a new Fiesta ST would only cost around £3500 more than keeping my old Octy VRS and that is not taking into account any unforeseen repairs that my Octy would have thrown at me during those 5 years ( which at 90k miles and doing nearly 15k miles a year more for 5 more years, would have likely to have been extensive and expensive).

I am not going to say that buying the ST will definitely work cheaper over the 5 years as it probably won't, but it will be damn close.

So for what will likely be very little or even no more money over 5 years, I have gotten a brand new car with a full manufacturers warranty for 5 years and get to know pretty much exactly what my motoring outgoings will be with no nasty mechanical surprises.

I have always wanted a brand new car and who knows if circumstances will ever allow me to have one again, so I went for it.

As others have said, it shouldn't be seen as an effort in money saving but simply a different way to spend the money you would spend on repairs, worse fuel economy, higher tax, etc ( Ie you will spend it on depreciation instead!).
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Yeah that is how I'm looking at it, not gonna pretend I've thought it through extensively but just a different way of spending the money on a month by month average I guess... with less nasty surprises financially and an evenly distributed amount per month.

The money is always there for the car if needed, but sometimes I begrudge spending the money trying to keep an old car running like you'd expect a new car to.

Something to dwell on anyway :) As noted though a lot of the money has been on paint granted... but as I say I am forever chasing perfection with most used cars I buy. Perhaps as close as I am going to get is new/near new so maybe whilst my career move has seen me with a far better wage since leaving IT, a couple of hundred pounds a month every month is no meither at all and leaves me plenty for my house and other commitments.
Yeah that is how I'm looking at it, not gonna pretend I've thought it through extensively but just a different way of spending the money on a month by month average I guess... with less nasty surprises financially and an evenly distributed amount per month.

The money is always there for the car if needed, but sometimes I begrudge spending the money trying to keep an old car running like you'd expect a new car to.

Something to dwell on anyway :) As noted though a lot of the money has been on paint granted... but as I say I am forever chasing perfection with most used cars I buy. Perhaps as close as I am going to get is new/near new so maybe whilst my career move has seen me with a far better wage since leaving IT, a couple of hundred pounds a month every month is no meither at all and leaves me plenty for my house and other commitments.
I would just go for it then if I was you. As u say the Focus can throw up some big bills with common problems like Abs module etc. I want mine remapping but I know I will constantly be worrying about the split engine liners issue which can destroy the engine. And with mine being on 73k I know the clutch probably won't last another year especially if it's mapped.
If you can afford it, it's gonna be worth having a new car for an extra few grand. I considered the ST2 when they were on 2yr leases a while back for like 1.5k down and £160 p/m but with me getting my ST225 for 5k with 70k on from a 1 owner I knew I could drive it for 6 months and still get every penny back if I sold it.
It'll just be another Duratec lump, it's been made in 2.3 and 2.5 litre capacities. Interested to see what mods it has to get to 212bhp! My old MR200 fiesta was a hoot so imagine even more grunt is brilliant!
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