The guy works for Track Developments, and they seem to know their stuff, so no questions on quality as far as I'm concerned.
Custom made one:
Whiteline one:
Looks like I may have found a replacement D bush for my Whiteline one, but buying it has pushed the price up to almost that of the custom one! Swings and roundabouts...
This best be dam good!
I presume whiteline won't send one out?
That would require them answering the phone or emails...
Thats pretty shocking, I thought they were a bigger company than that. I would be fuming by now. Did you buy it brand new, direct from them?
Just let the horn dangle while you are working on the acoustic valve.
That made me giggle.
Looks good. Are you going to blank the other one or leave it one eyed?
what does the acoustic valve do when its at home? just regulate air flow I guess... I wonder if mine has it because people do tend to remove them(not sure why..yet!)
gonna pop outside and take a squiz also might clean the throttle body and see how dirty it is!