Who here owns a Renaultsport?

well after my Bedford trackday (which was awesome!) one of my rear wheel bearings has given up the ghost on my Trophy.

I've got 2 x new rear brake discs on the way with the bearings & ABS rings already fitted for £90! not to bad.

Should be any easy enough job, anything I should know before starting work?
well after my Bedford trackday (which was awesome!) one of my rear wheel bearings has given up the ghost on my Trophy.

I've got 2 x new rear brake discs on the way with the bearings & ABS rings already fitted for £90! not to bad.

Should be any easy enough job, anything I should know before starting work?

They might need a bloody good whack to get them off the hub pin. Club hammer and a lot of force might be needed. Handbrake off too ;)

If the pin is rusted then give it a quick rup over with emery/sand paper and then a good grease/oiling.

If you've not taken the rear brake apart then find the guide on CS as it's very useful. The small bar your have to tap in you can file/sand down so it slips in easier with copper grease.
Ouch, car insurance renewals were coming in at £1000+ for the 200 for 10 months. Managed to get the price down to £800 for 12 which wasn't too bad, still a lot though :(
[TW]Fox;19661322 said:
That is mad, why so much?

Pass. I live in a relatively decent area with 2 years no claims although I do have a couple of fault claims over the past 3 years.

Hopefully once those 2 claims drop off it will come down to a more sensible level.
Anyone ever taken a Clio round Silverstone? Specifically the GP layout or new Arena layout? Really want to, although feel the Clio might feel a little lost on the long straights.
I'm going to Trax and tempted to go for one of their sessions during the day. I'd imagine you would get bored down the straights
£190, which for Silverstone GP is around half the normal price.

Um, if im honest, I am a little underwhelmed by the ARB at the moment. I haven't driven much and cant say its made a massive difference. It has definately stopped the 'float' I used to get on motorways, but it hasn't created the pin point sharp front end people claim.

However, first trackday is on Saturday, so I will give it a good thrashing then. I want to try it on both settings too (I have it on soft atm).
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