Who here owns a Renaultsport?

Ah yes, your the one with the fully stripped interior.

I think the difference in feel for the ARB is to do with the difference between the 172 and the 182 Cup suspension. From what I understand the 182 Cup suspension is stiffer than the 172 (as a passenger a Cup packed 182 certainly 'feels' stiffer). It therefore wouldn't surprise me to find that you had to set the ARB to hard on a 172 to get the same feeling as you would using the soft setting on a 182 Cup.

I'm taking my spanners to Bedford at the weekend, I will do a back to back test and see.
Can say i ever got bored at the straight on bedford, and thats pretty long.

The 182 is running lovely atm, hopefully stripping the rest of the car today and getting the sparco in. Car just pulls and pulls in any gear. Video from a sunday rag

I have Koni suspension on mine so no idea how that compares to the cup packed 182.

It all needs replacing on my car anyway, when I have some cash I will be going down the coilover / polybush route.
Your car is crazy loud alexisonfire :p awesome!

Indeed it is :D

Seat is in and rest of it stripped, just the dash left in. Gonna take the carpet and sound deadening out when the passenger bucket goes in. Difference the seat makes is insane, so much more feel with the steering as I'm no longer holding on to it to stay up right. No pic as I only have iPhone with me, unless someone posts it from my FB! :D
Here you go :)

Sounds awesome Alex, I bet the weight makes a massive difference. I have to stop being a pussy and do it myself.

Does it all go back together ok?
Sounds awesome Alex, I bet the weight makes a massive difference. I have to stop being a pussy and do it myself.

Does it all go back together ok?

Made a big difference, it's an equivalent to losing around a 15 stone person from the car. I can't believe the different a seat can make, and that's only after a brief drive.
On the subject of oil in the other thread, today when I turned the ignition on I was presented with 'oil ok' as a message and it didn't disappear until I pressed the trip button. Anyone else had this?
On the subject of oil in the other thread, today when I turned the ignition on I was presented with 'oil ok' as a message and it didn't disappear until I pressed the trip button. Anyone else had this?

no, mine goes off after a few seconds every time.
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