Who here owns a Renaultsport?

Skeeter - were your tyre pressures high enough? The tyre looks like it's just about to dismount the rim!

They were deliberately high (36 hot) to try to reduce the sidewall compression. Its an issue with 195/45/16 tyres on 7" rims. They have what looks like a mild stretch and it means the side walls get mullered! Can see why they moved to 205 for the 182.

Picked up some 15" OZ F1s on the way home which will help solve the issue. Getting some camber on the front too.
Whilst low profile tyres look cool on the road, they're not all that great on the track!

Yep. Just need to decide whether to keep the 16s as road wheels, or just sell them and go with just the 15s. The car is not used daily, or really at all.

Oh, and just remembered, judging by the new 'kerb marks' on the rims, I did actually get the sidewalls to compress so much the rim hit the tarmac!
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Stick with the 15s.

Swapping wheels becomes a royal PITA after a while. If the car is used purely for fun, I'd be inclined to cough up for a halfway track tyre, something like R1Rs (do they make them in 15"?).
Yea, that was my thinking. Although the benefit of some road wheels is that you don't have to keep the track tyres at a legal level on a track day.

Tempted to just stick with the 15s and munch T1Rs. They are cheap, did OK today, and were on about half the cars there while also available in most sizes from the mobile tyre fitter.
Picked up my new 172 Cup last weekend, very impressed with how it drives lively nimble steering, just need to get the air con regassed and she's all good :)

Clio is doing an epic journey to Scotland on Friday, off to see the mrs' parents in Helensburgh. Any good driving roads about up there?!
If at all possible try to drive the A708 from Moffat to Selkirk. There are so many great roads up there but this is one of my personal favourites.
Are you saying that because you noticed the squirm under shift lock, or just because you didn't hear it?

I heard the driver was driving in flip-flops.
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Today was a good day :)

Bedford was epic! No issues (short of the airbag light coming on after moving the seat). No brake fade and some epic track sessions.

And then collected my 15s on the way home so now have to decide what to do about wheels.

Bedford is a great track! Perfect for first timers as there is nothing to hit, so plenty of space should you get it a bit wrong (which I did... a few times :))


It was an epic day. Hope my co-driver input helped & thanks for the drive - it seemed to drive just like the karts :p
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